LearningStudio's Eventing capabilities reduce the need to “poll” for status changes by pushing them directly to your application. This library handles the details of subscribing to messages, managing subscriptions, and verifying authenticity of received messages. This user guide describes the various functionality and use cases, but you can also skip straight to the auto-generated documentation if you prefer.
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You should be sure to read the API documentation and background information for LearningStudio Eventing while using this library. Here are some key places to start:
import com.pearson.pdn.learningstudio.eventing.*;
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.setPrincipalId("{principalId}"); // application id
config.setPrincipalSecret("{principalSecret}"); // application secret
config.setEventingServer("{eventingServer}"); // url of eventing server
// client to use in following examples
EventingClient eventing = new EventingClient(config);
Subscription sub = new Subscription();
sub.setCallbackUrl("{callbackUrl}"); // url to receive message
// each of these filters are optional, but one of them must exist
sub.setMessageType("{messageType}"); // message type (most useful)
sub.setSystem("{system}"); // publishing system id (rarely used)
sub.setSubSystem("{subSystem}"); // publishing subsystem id (rarely used)
sub.setClient("{client}"); // campus id (useful for vendors)
sub.setClientString("{clientString}"); // campus string (useful for vendors)
// Include additional filters (optional)
Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<String, String>();
tags.put("{key}","{value}"); // Applicable {key} values: UserId, CourseId
try {
// these properties were populated
sub.getId(); // unique identifier for subscription
sub.getCreateDate(); // creation date of subscription
sub.getPrincipalId(); // principal that created subscription
catch(EventingException e) {
// subscribe failed
try {
catch(EventingException e) {
// unsubscribe failed
try {
List<Subscription> subs = eventing.getSubscriptions();
// might be empty
catch(EventingException e) {
// subscriptions lookup failed
try {
Subscription sub = eventing.getSubscription("{subscriptionId}");
// subscription found
catch(EventingException e) {
// subscription lookup failed
Delivery delivery = new Delivery();
// populate the following with received parameters of same name
delivery.setAttemptId("{attemptId}"); // unique delivery id (optional)
delivery.setAuthorization("{authorization}"); // auth signature
delivery.setMessageId("{messageId}"); // message id
delivery.setMessageType("{messageType}"); // event type
delivery.setPayloadContentType("{payloadContentType}"); // application/json
delivery.setPayload("{payload}"); // json payload
try {
// authorized
catch(EventingException e) {
// not authorized
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