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MRI processing

PaulBautin edited this page Nov 2, 2022 · 4 revisions


MRI processing was done using TractoFlow, which is a fully automated and reproducible diffusion MRI processing pipeline used to reconstruct the whole brain white matter architecture.


TractoFlow first outputs diffusion metrics.

  1. DTI metrics were computed from the b=1000 mm2/s shell using which is based on dipy.reconst.dti (tutorial). The tensor fit method: weighted least squares (WLS)
  2. fODF were computed from b=2000 mm2/s (>50 direction -> HARDI) shell using which is based on dipy.reconst.csdeconv(tutorial). The FRF were by default. fODF metrics were then computed using see [Raffelt et al. NeuroImage 2012] and [Dell'Acqua et al. HBM 2013] for the definitions. Tractoflow then outputs tractograms
  3. PFT tractogram are computed from fODF maps using based on dipy.tracking.local_tracking.ParticleFilteringTracking (tutorial). We use a probabilistic tracking algorithm, the stopping criterion is based on partial volume estimation (PVE) maps outputed by FSL-FAST and the continuous map criterion (CMC).
  4. Local tracking tractogram are computed from fODF maps using based on dipy.tracking.local_tracking.LocalTracking (tutorial). We use a probabilistic tracking algorithm, the stopping criterion is based on a FA map treshold mask
  5. Free Water maps were computed from b=300 mm2/s and b=1000 mm2/s shells using which is based on Accelerated microstructure imaging via convex optimization (AMICO). Instructions can be found here

Robustness and reproducibility

leveraging Nextflow and Singularity for robustness and reproducibility. takes raw Diffusion-weighted and T1-weighted images as input and outputs diffusion metrics and a whole brain tractogram.

To pay attention

  • The singularity.conf file is not necessary for newer versions of singularity: nextflow -c singularity.conf run <COMMAND>

  • When using tractoflow use --input <DATASET_ROOT_FOLDER> instead of --root <DATASET_ROOT_FOLDER>

ROI segmentation

Establishing correspondences across brains for the purposes of comparison and group analysis is almost universally done by registering images to one another either directly or via a template.

  1. De-skulling aids volume registration methods.
  2. Custom-made optimal average templates improve registration over direct pairwise registration.


Automatic bundle segmentation was done using rbx_flow, which is a fully automated and reproducible pipeline based on the dipy tool Recobundle.

To pay attention

  • If you download Ants it can be helpful to change the command make -j 4 to make -j 1 to not overflow RAM. Install with the following instructions on GitHub or on NeuroDebian (this did not work for me because the package is not available for my distribution -- Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa)
  • use --outdir and not --output


RecobundleX can be run using a nextflow pipeline called rbx_flow that can be found here. It is important to note that it must be run with singularity DSL1 because Operator `into` has been deprecated -- it's not available in DSL2 syntax. To use DSL1 run command export NXF_DEFAULT_DSL=1

Our pipeline (bundle_segmentation original)

Nextflow pipeline:

  1. Register Atlas to reference image: brainnetome atlas is sent to subject space. To compute transformation from atlas space to subject space we register 'FSL_HCP1065_FA_1mm' to the subject's native map. We then apply transformation (affine + warp) on Brainnetome atlas with generic_label interpolation.
  2. Create masks of mPFC and NA: these are the ROIs for filtering the tractogram based on the atlas
  3. Filter tractogram: remove fibers that do not join both ROIs and remaining outliers
  4. Compute centroid: important step for tractometry