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PaulBautin edited this page May 16, 2022 · 7 revisions

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Compute Canada

First you must connect to compute canada with command ssh [email protected]

Loading a Python module

the first step is to make sure you have the right python version installed

module avail python

for example you can choose (python>3.6) ex: module load python/3.7.4

Virtual environment

With each version of python CC provides the virtualenv, Tit allows users to create virtual environments within which you can easily install Python packages.

To create a virtual environment, make sure you have selected a Python version with module load python as shown above in section Loading a Python module. If you expect to use any of the packages listed in section SciPy stack above, also run module load scipy-stack. Then enter the following command, where ENV is the name of the directory for your new environment:

virtualenv --no-download ENV

Once the virtual environment has been created, it must be activated:

source ENV/bin/activate

You should also upgrade pip in the environment:

pip install --no-index --upgrade pip

To exit the virtual environment, simply enter the command deactivate:


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