This repository is a school project leaded at Ensta Bretagne about the building of a car and his automating. The car is a one-tenth scale replica and was built with 3d printing, turning and milling. Here is a picture of the final result of his building.
Insert the picture here
This car was designed using Autodesk Inventor and the files are available in the cao folder.
Insert the picture of the cao here
After the building of this car, we need to robotize it. In order to do that, we decided to use a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and some sensors.
Sensors | Used | Dope-Level |
GNSS | ❌ | 🐢💥💨💩 |
Inertial Unit | ❌ | 🌈 |
Pi camera | ✔️ | 🦄 |
We decided to use ROS (Robot Operating System), the well-known Middleware for mobile robotics. We created our own nodes to control this robot.
Insert the node graph here
Here is a tracker for each task we have to do.
Task | Responsible | Progression | Note |
PWM driver | Quentin | ✔️ | |
Image Processing | Paul-Antoine | ✔️ | |
Launch on Boot | Quentin | ✔️ | |
PWM driver | Quentin | ✔️ | |
CAO | Jules | ✔️ | |
Electronic board | Quentin | ❌ | Lack of electronic items |
V-REP Simulator | Gwendal | ❌ | |
Report | All | ♻️ |
A simulator is implemented in V-REP in order to check system behavior in simulation. This simulation is base interfaced with ROS via a LUA script which control the simulated car in the V-REP environment. It let us cerify our node without any changes because the low level nodes are replaced by the ROS-V-REP linker.
Insert the picture of the Simulation
- Jules Berhault -
- Quentin Brateau - Teusner 😎
- Paul-Antoine Le Tolguennec -
- Gwendal Priser - gwendalp 🌊
- Mamadou Dembele -
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the file for details