Show how to use LarkXR SDK with arcore and hw arengine build cloudrendering AR app.
Client demo: android app with arcore and hw arengine buildin show cloudrendering AR.
Cloud 3D app demo: Unity3D with steamvr plugin, Unreal4.27 with steamvr plugin.
------------------- ---------- ----------
| | | | | |
| arsdk(arcore...) | streaimg | LarkXR | manange | XR App |
| larkxrsdk | <=============>| Server |<=========>| OpenVR |
| | tracked pose | | | |
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Client send tracked pose to cloud app.
LarkXR Render Server steaming video to client.
LarkXR Server select apptype AR
when upload.
- With google arcore support.
- With huawei arengine sdk support.
- LarkXR SDK
- Option CloudXR, ee CloudXR
- LarkSR webclient with webview.
More ./client_android_native/
- Enable OpenVR plguin.
- Auto start play animation
- Play animation control by client.
More ./cloudapp_unity/
- Enable OpenVR