Saves you the hassle of writing your own location queries and uses pre-built and reusable methods.
The current version only supports Rails 4.2+. Request other versions by opening an issue.
##Install These instructions already assume you have postgis enabled on your database, please follow the instructions here to enabled it
Include gem
gem 'geo_query'
Generate the migration
Will add a geography field to your model (Skip if already exists)
# Where user is your model name
rails g geo_query:resource User
Attach the helper to your model
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# location column defaults to :coordinates
geo_queryable column: :coordinates
##Usage The helper gives your model the following methods
Instance Methods
# Returns nearest objects
Class Methods
# Returns all objects within the specified radius ordered by nearest
Class.near_lat_lon(lat, lon, radius) #radius defaults to 500metres
# Returns all objects within a rectangle
Class.within_bounding_box(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon)
Attribute setters
User.create(lat: -38, lon: 144)
More coming soon...