Provide rich user experience for Yeoman generators using VSCode extension or the browser. The repository contains three main packages:
- Frontend - The Yeoman UI as a standalone vue.js application.
- Backend - The backend part which communicate with Yeoman and the system. Runs as a VSCode extension or node.js application.
- Yeoman example generator - Example generator to show usages and test the platform.
To test run the framework you only need to build & install the backend package, which will automatically build & run the UI.
- Clone this repository
- cd into the backend folder
cd backend
- To install, compile and prepare the static resources run the following commands:
npm run backend npm run frontend
Dev mode allows you to run the framework in the browser, using vue cli for fast development cycles, and easy debug tools. To run it do the following:
- In the backend folder run webpack or webpack-dev, then run the server.
npm run webpack-dev npm run ws:run
- In the frontend folder run serve
npm run serve
- Open the broswer on localhost:8080 to access the framework.
- Start VSCode on your local machine, and click on open workspace. Select this repo folder.
- On the debug panel choose "Run Extension", and click on the "Run" button.
To develop and contribute you can build & install each package seperatly. Instruction on each package in the dedicated file.
- inquirer.js plugins not supported.
- transformer function not supported.
To get more help, support and information please open a github issue.
Contributing information can be found in the file.
provide yeoman generator best practice guide (also provide example)
use debounce when watching changes to input fields
implement ability for yeoman-ui to call methods in vscode extensions
- support hook for executing commands after finish
- support open file by default (with turn off setting)
support back
enable configuring destination root
support custom question rendering: generator set the ui renderer, example: tiles instead of dropdown, radio buttons instead of
support extensible question type custom user interfaces for complex operations (e.g. choose odata source)
support inquirer plugins (e.g. date/time)
Copyright (c) 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.