A credit card UI module made with VUE.js Check out the Demo
Base on Bootstrap and Vue.js 2.0.
To change or customize the card type you want, you can just change the class name on the section tag with the class "credit-card".
There are 5 default color theme is available:
- primary
- oliver
- champagne
- silver
- black
Remember to add your new theme class name inside this the array variable when cutomized new theme.
var cardTypes = ["primary", "oliver", "champagne", "silver", "black"];
Auto card type detaction with Vue.js condition statements.
Pure CSS auto flip UI when input the data of CVV.
The input text area below the credit card, each of them has a v-model attributes inside the tag, which are using to binding the data via VUE.js.
Made by Andy Huang in Kyosei.ai@ 2016 ⛵