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Grzegorz Gajoch edited this page Jun 19, 2017 · 20 revisions

1. One-liner installation

Do you trust me? wget -O - | sh

2. Compile examples

  • cd to AVR-HAL location
  • make examples

3. Run unit tests

  • cd to AVR-HAL location
  • make unit_tests_run

4. Create project using included boards

This example assumes you have AVR-HAL placed in current directory:

|-- CMakeLists.txt      # <======= Create this file
|-- main.cpp            # <======= Project code
|-- AVR-HAL             # <======= AVR-HAL repository
    |-- toolchain.cmake # <======= toolchain definition
    |-- CMakeLists.txt  # <======= AVR-HAL build definitions

In your project create CMakeLists.txt file containing

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)

set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "./AVR-HAL/toolchain.cmake")




Code explained

set(BOARD EASYAVR128) This line sets necessary build variable BOARD. Available boards are listed as a directories here.

set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "./AVR-HAL/toolchain.cmake") include AVR toolchain file. If AVR-HAL is placed in different place change this properly.

project(test) Project definition. Change name as you wish.

add_subdirectory(./AVR-HAL) Compile AVR-HAL. If AVR-HAL is places in different place change this properly.

add_hal_executable(test main.cpp) Define executable named test, with main.cpp as a source file.


  • cd to your project,
  • create build folder: mkdir build,
  • create cmake file structure: cmake ..,
  • compile: make

Run your app

For every defined board there is a default programmer. They are defined in board.cmake in proper folder in AVR-HAL. For example, EASYAVR128 uses usbasp programmer:

If necessary, change AVRDUDE_OPTIONS in CMake cache (for example, to set proper serial port for programming):

  • make edit_cache

To flash device:

  • make test.flash

5. More advanced topics

Own Board Support Package (BSP)

To create your own BSP you need two things:

  • CMakeLists.txt file containing necessary definitions for building, for example:
set(HAL_MCU ATMEGA164P_44 CACHE STRING "")      # type of MCU, defined in
set(F_CPU 1000000 CACHE STRING "")              # CPU frequency, in Hz

set(AVRDUDE_TOOL arduino CACHE STRING "")       # Programming tool
set(AVRDUDE_OPTIONS -P -b9600 CACHE STRING "")  # Options passed to avrdude
  • (If needed) .h, .cpp files defining board peripherals


To generate Eclipse project invoke CMake with proper generator:

  • cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"

Or, open your project CMakeLists.txt with CLion.