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albert-de-montserrat committed May 16, 2024
1 parent 306477a commit fd65762
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Showing 2 changed files with 347 additions and 0 deletions.
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/man/subduction2d/
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@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
# Model setup
As described in the original [paper](, the domain consists of a Cartesian box of $\Omega \in [0, 3000] \times [0, -660]$ km, with two 80km thick oceanic plates over the asthenospheric mantle.

We will use GeophysicalModelGenerator.jl to generate the initial geometry, material phases, and thermal field of our models. We will start by defining the dimensions and resolution of our model, as well as initializing the `Grid2D` object and two arrays `Phases` and `Temp` that host the material phase (given by an integer) and the thermal field, respectively.

nx, nz = 512, 218
Tbot = 1474.0 # [Celsius]
model_depth = 660
air_thickness = 10
x = range(0, 3000, nx);
z = range(-model_depth, air_thickness, nz);
Grid2D = CartData(xyz_grid(x,0,z))
Phases = zeros(Int64, nx, 1, nz);
Temp = fill(Tbot, nx, 1, nz);

In this model we have four material phases given by:

| Material | Phase number |
| :---------------- | :----------: |
| asthenosphere | 0 |
| oceanic lithosphere | 1 |
| oceanic crust | 3 |
| air | 4 |

We will start by initializing the model as asthenospheric mantle, with a thermal profile given by the half-space cooling model with an age of 80 Myrs.

xlim =(0, 3000),
zlim =(-model_depth, 0.0),
phase = LithosphericPhases(Layers=[], Phases=[0]),
T = HalfspaceCoolingTemp(Tsurface=20, Tmantle=Tbot, Age=80,Adiabat=0.4)

Next we add a horizontal 80km thick oceanic lithosphere. Note that we leave a 100km buffer zone next to the vertical boundaries of the domain, to facilitate the sliding of the oceanic plates.
xlim =(100, 3000-100), # with 100 km buffer zones
zlim =(-model_depth, 0.0),
phase = LithosphericPhases(Layers=[80], Phases=[1 0]),
T = HalfspaceCoolingTemp(Tsurface=20, Tmantle=Tbot, Age=80, Adiabat=0.4)

As in the original paper, we add a 8km thick crust on top of the subducting oceanic plate.
# Add right oceanic plate crust
xlim =(3000-1430, 3000-200),
zlim =(-model_depth, 0.0),
Origin = nothing, StrikeAngle=0, DipAngle=0,
phase = LithosphericPhases(Layers=[8 72], Phases=[2 1 0]),
T = HalfspaceCoolingTemp(Tsurface=20, Tmantle=Tbot, Age=80, Adiabat=0.4)

And finally we add the subducting slab, whith the trench located at 1430km from the right-hand-side boundary.

xlim = (3000-1430, 3000-1430-250),
zlim = (-80, 0.0),
Origin = (nothing, StrikeAngle=0, DipAngle=-30),
phase = LithosphericPhases(Layers=[8 72], Phases=[2 1 0]),
T = HalfspaceCoolingTemp(Tsurface=20, Tmantle=Tbot, Age=80, Adiabat=0.4)


surf = Grid2D.z.val .> 0.0
Temp[surf] .= 20.0
Phases[surf] .= 3

Grid2D = addfield(Grid2D,(;Phases, Temp))

li = (abs(last(x)-first(x)), abs(last(z)-first(z))).* 1e3
origin = (x[1], z[1]) .* 1e3

ph = Phases[:,1,:] .+ 1

li, origin, ph, Temp[:,1,:].+273
248 changes: 248 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/man/subduction2d/
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@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
# 2D subduction

Model setups taken from [Hummel, et al 2024](

# Model setup
We will use GeophysicalModelGenerator.jl to generate the initial geometry, material phases, and thermal field of our models.

# Initialize packages

Load JustRelax necessary modules and define backend.
using CUDA
using JustRelax, JustRelax.JustRelax2D, JustRelax.DataIO
const backend_JR = CUDABackend

For this benchmark we will use particles to track the advection of the material phases and their information. For this, we will use [JustPIC.jl](
using JustPIC, JustPIC._2D
const backend = CPUBackend # Options: CPUBackend, CUDABackend, AMDGPUBackend

We will also use `ParallelStencil.jl` to write some device-agnostic helper functions:
using ParallelStencil
@init_parallel_stencil(Threads, Float64, 2) #or (CUDA, Float64, 2) or (AMDGPU, Float64, 2)
and will use [GeoParams.jl]( to define and compute physical properties of the materials:
using GeoParams

# Script

## Model domain
nx = ny = 64 # number of cells per dimension
igg = IGG(
init_global_grid(nx, ny, 1; init_MPI= true)...
) # initialize MPI grid
ly = 1.0 # domain length in y
lx = ly # domain length in x
ni = nx, ny # number of cells
li = lx, ly # domain length in x- and y-
di = @. li / ni # grid step in x- and -y
origin = 0.0, 0.0 # origin coordinates
grid = Geometry(ni, li; origin = origin)
(; xci, xvi) = grid # nodes at the center and vertices of the cells
dt = Inf

## Physical properties using GeoParams
τ_y = 1.6 # yield stress. If do_DP=true, τ_y stand for the cohesion: c*cos(ϕ)
ϕ = 30 # friction angle
C = τ_y # Cohesion
η0 = 1.0 # viscosity
G0 = 1.0 # elastic shear modulus
Gi = G0/(6.0-4.0) # elastic shear modulus perturbation
εbg = 1.0 # background strain-rate
η_reg = 8e-3 # regularisation "viscosity"
dt = η0/G0/4.0 # assumes Maxwell time of 4
el_bg = ConstantElasticity(; G=G0, Kb=4)
el_inc = ConstantElasticity(; G=Gi, Kb=4)
visc = LinearViscous(; η=η0)
pl = DruckerPrager_regularised(; # non-regularized plasticity
C = C,
ϕ = ϕ,
η_vp = η_reg,
Ψ = 0
## Rheology
rheology = (
# Low density phase
Phase = 1,
Density = ConstantDensity(; ρ = 0.0),
Gravity = ConstantGravity(; g = 0.0),
CompositeRheology = CompositeRheology((visc, el_bg, pl)),
Elasticity = el_bg,

# High density phase
Density = ConstantDensity(; ρ = 0.0),
Gravity = ConstantGravity(; g = 0.0),
CompositeRheology = CompositeRheology((visc, el_inc, pl)),
Elasticity = el_inc,

# Phase anomaly

Helper function to initialize material phases with `ParallelStencil.jl`
function init_phases!(phase_ratios, xci, radius)
ni = size(
origin = 0.5, 0.5

@parallel_indices (i, j) function init_phases!(phases, xc, yc, o_x, o_y, radius)
x, y = xc[i], yc[j]
if ((x-o_x)^2 + (y-o_y)^2) > radius^2
JustRelax.@cell phases[1, i, j] = 1.0
JustRelax.@cell phases[2, i, j] = 0.0

JustRelax.@cell phases[1, i, j] = 0.0
JustRelax.@cell phases[2, i, j] = 1.0
return nothing

@parallel (@idx ni) init_phases!(, xci..., origin..., radius)


and finally we need the phase ratios at the cell centers:
phase_ratios = PhaseRatio(backend_JR, ni, length(rheology))
init_phases!(phase_ratios, xci, radius)

## Stokes arrays

Stokes arrays object
stokes = StokesArrays(backend_JR, ni)

## Initialize viscosity fields

We initialize the buoyancy forces and viscosity
ρg = @zeros(ni...), @zeros(ni...)
η = @ones(ni...)
args = (; T = thermal.Tc, P = stokes.P, dt = Inf)
compute_ρg!(ρg[2], phase_ratios, rheology, args)
compute_viscosity!(stokes, 1.0, phase_ratios, args, rheology, (-Inf, Inf))
where `(-Inf, Inf)` is the viscosity cutoff.

## Boundary conditions
flow_bcs = FlowBoundaryConditions(;
free_slip = (left = true, right = true, top = true, bot = true),
no_slip = (left = false, right = false, top = false, bot=false),
stokes.V.Vx .= PTArray([ x*εbg for x in xvi[1], _ in 1:ny+2])
stokes.V.Vy .= PTArray([-y*εbg for _ in 1:nx+2, y in xvi[2]])
flow_bcs!(stokes, flow_bcs) # apply boundary conditions
update_halo!(stokes.V.Vx, stokes.V.Vy)


## Pseuo-transient coefficients
pt_stokes = PTStokesCoeffs(li, di; ϵ=1e-4, CFL = 1 / 2.1)

## Just before solving the problem...
In this benchmark we want to keep track of τII, the total time `ttot`, and the analytical elastic solution `sol`
solution(ε, t, G, η) = 2 * ε * η * (1 - exp(-G * t / η))
and store their time history in the vectors:
τII = Float64[]
sol = Float64[]
ttot = Float64[]

## Advancing one time step

1. Solve stokes
kwargs = (;
iterMax = 150e3,
nout = 200,
viscosity_cutoff = (-Inf, Inf),
verbose = true
2. calculate the second invariant and push to history vectors
push!(τII, maximum(stokes.τ.xx))

@parallel (@idx ni .+ 1) multi_copy!(@tensor(stokes.τ_o), @tensor(stokes.τ))
@parallel (@idx ni) multi_copy!(
@tensor_center(stokes.τ_o), @tensor_center(stokes.τ)

it += 1
t += dt

push!(sol, solution(εbg, t, G0, η0))
push!(ttot, t)
# Visualization
We will use `Makie.jl` to visualize the results
using GLMakie

## Fields
# visualisation of high density inclusion
th = 0:pi/50:3*pi;
xunit = @. radius * cos(th) + 0.5;
yunit = @. radius * sin(th) + 0.5;

fig = Figure(size = (1600, 1600), title = "t = $t")
ax1 = Axis(fig[1,1], aspect = 1, title = L"\tau_{II}", titlesize=35)
ax2 = Axis(fig[2,1], aspect = 1, title = L"E_{II}", titlesize=35)
ax3 = Axis(fig[1,2], aspect = 1, title = L"\log_{10}(\varepsilon_{II})", titlesize=35)
ax4 = Axis(fig[2,2], aspect = 1)
heatmap!(ax1, xci..., Array(stokes.τ.II) , colormap=:batlow)
heatmap!(ax2, xci..., Array(log10.(stokes.EII_pl)) , colormap=:batlow)
heatmap!(ax3, xci..., Array(log10.(stokes.ε.II)) , colormap=:batlow)
lines!(ax2, xunit, yunit, color = :black, linewidth = 5)
lines!(ax4, ttot, τII, color = :black)
lines!(ax4, ttot, sol, color = :red)
save(joinpath(figdir, "$(it).png"), fig)

### Final model
Shear Bands evolution in a 2D visco-elasto-plastic rheology model

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