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Xavier Julián edited this page Dec 17, 2015 · 2 revisions


The polymux-input is used to create interactive controls for forms in order to accept data from the user.

<polymux-input type="text" name="input" placeholder="Placeholder text" required disabled></polymux-input>

How a polymux-input works varies considerably depending on the value of its type attribute.


  • Type: optional The type of control to display. The default type is text, if this attribute is not specified. Possible values are:

    • Text: A single-line text field. default
    • Color: A color picker for specifying a color.
    • Email: A field for editing an e-mail address. The input value is validated to contain either the empty string or a single valid e-mail address before submitting.
    • Number: A control for entering a number.
    • Password: A single-line text field whose value is obscured.
    • Date: A datepicker for entering a date.
    • Range: A control for entering a number whose exact value is not important
    • Submit: A button that submits the form.
  • Name optional Will set label over the field and the field name.

  • placeholder optional A hint to the user of what can be entered in the control.

  • required optional This attribute specifies that the user must fill in a value before submitting a form.

  • disabled optional Indicates that the form control is not available for interaction

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