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chore: upgrade postgresql image 17 #237

chore: upgrade postgresql image 17

chore: upgrade postgresql image 17 #237

Workflow file for this run

name: Pull Request Linter
types: ['opened', 'edited', 'synchronize', 'reopened']
if: ${{ (github.event.pull_request.user.login != 'dependabot[bot]') && (github.event.pull_request.user.login != 'github-actions[bot]') }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Sleep for 5 seconds
run: sleep 5s
shell: bash
- name: Get PR JSON information
uses: 8BitJonny/[email protected]
id: PR
# Authetication token to access GitHub APIs. (Can be omitted by default.)
github-token: ${{ github.token }}
# Verbose setting SHA when using Pull_Request event trigger to fix #16. (For push even trigger this is not necessary.)
sha: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
# Only return if PR is still open. (By default it returns PRs in any state.)
filterOutClosed: true
# Only return if PR is not in draft state. (By default it returns PRs in any state.)
filterOutDraft: true
- name: Parse out JSON to check prTitle and prBody
id: parse-json
if: steps.PR.outcome == 'success' &&
run: |
echo "Here is all the PR JSON information ${prNumber} ${prTitle} at ${prUrl} is ${prJSON}"
title_regex='^(build|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|revert|style|test){1}(\([a-zA-Z\_\-\.\0-9]+\))?(!)?: .*'
release_please_title_regex='^chore\(main\): release \d+\.\d+\.\d+'
if [[ ${prTitle} =~ $release_please_title_regex ]]; then echo 'Release PR! title formatting nto needed' && exit 0; else echo 'Not a release PR; checking title format!!!' ; fi
if [[ ${prTitle} =~ $title_regex ]]; then echo 'prTitle matched regex!'; else echo 'prTitle does not match conventional commit regex, please reformat. NOTE: chore is not allowed!!!' && exit 1; fi
# JSON object with the full PR object
# toJSON(fromJSON( parses it into memory and then format is with pretty-print.
prJSON: ${{ toJSON(fromJSON( }}
# Direct access to common PR properties
prNumber: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.number }}
prUrl: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.pr_url }}
prTitle: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.pr_title }}
prBody: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.pr_body }}
prCreatedAt: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.pr_created_at }}
prMergedAt: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.pr_merged_at }}
prClosedAt: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.pr_closed_at }}
prLabel: ${{ steps.PR.outputs.pr_labels }}