released this
22 Jun 19:14
751 commits
to master
since this release
Change Log:
- player owned NPCs owned by other teams will now render their team-color if assigned to a team. non-teamed * player-owned NPCs which you may not command (not their owner) will now have their names dimmed out / render in dark gray. Closes #13
- clean up npc alert AI -- appears to be functioning as intended
- some cleanup of crashy things in npc-rendering
- also fix civilian -> custom name in custom-faction civilian male registry
- fix crash related to RC hidden tiles
- clean up some issues with auto-crafting station. It will no longer craft items if its output slots are full. Also, it will no longer decrease resources based on the stack-sizes in the input grid (always decreases by 1, like it should). Closes #30
- fix town hall block will now drop inventory when broken
- throw a more precise error message when a client-side faction-lookup error occurs -- should help track down problems related to the faction lookups.
- a few updates to rendering in an attempt to fix others' issues of black-backgrounds.