The server is an AWS lambda function. The package and infrastructure is deployed by a framework called serverless.
The main file here is ./server/
This server has two endpoints:
- Feed - accepts a post request with a users github handle and a boolean for if they want to see read later. Returns a list of feed entries.
- Read_later - accepts a post request with a users github handle and a feed entry id. Adds that id the a list of entries that a user wants to read later and returns the id on success.
To deploy the function run pip install -r requirements.txt && serverless deploy
inside the server directory
The client was built using a vue.js on top of a framework called Nuxt. Nuxt provides some additional help to speed up development.
The apps routes are created according to the directory structure in ./client/pages.
The code for calling the api is in ./client/plugins/api.js
There is an implementation of vuex in ./client/store/index.js
The components are found in the ./client/components` directory.
To run this app locally npm run dev
inside the client directory
- The read later list is not tied to a specific session. If a user sets that entry to read later that entry will be read later for all users