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Generic season index - no season is length 0 (#1845)
<!--Please ensure the PR fulfills the following requirements! --> <!-- If this is your first PR, make sure to add your details to the AUTHORS.rst! --> ### Pull Request Checklist: - [ ] This PR addresses an already opened issue (for bug fixes / features) - This PR fixes #xyz - [x] Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features) - [x] (If applicable) Documentation has been added / updated (for bug fixes / features) - [x] CHANGELOG.rst has been updated (with summary of main changes) - [x] Link to issue (:issue:`number`) and pull request (:pull:`number`) has been added ### What kind of change does this PR introduce? * Implements `generic.season`, a generic index function for computing the start/end/length of seasons. Based on `run_length.season` but with units management and the comparison. * Divide `run_length.season` into `season_start`, `season_end`, plus the existing `season_length`. The idea of grouping code together was good, but it added a lot of unnecessary computations when only one facet is needed (i.e. most cases). I think I was able to divide it elegantly, using only one magic fast path. * Rewrite `frost_free_season_start` and `frost_free_season_end`. Those were not respecting the "season" definition. Now they do. ### Does this PR introduce a breaking change? `frost_free_season_start` and `frost_free_season_end` have changed. Their notion of "season" is not more strict. I think the difference not significative for most cases. No tests needed a change, but again our tests are very simple. All season length indicators will now return 0 when no season is found (no start). Previously, when no start was found we returned 0 when an end was found and `nan` otherwise. I think the idea was to assume that neither end nor start meant the data was probably wrong. But that's the job of the missing checks, not the `run_length` helper. Thus I applied the more logical rule : no season == 0 length. I have reverted some changes of #1796, I'm sorry. I'm trying to generalize the indicators and it made more sense that all aspects of the same "growing season" were using the same exact arguments. ### Other information: This allows indices to use run length function that return a DataArray after being called with a DataArray. This "type preservation" will be quite handy in my next PR, stay tuned! Sadly, this branch is based off #1838 because I need both for PC. ### Ugh The amount of copied docstring text and signatures is ridiculous. I really want to remove all those one-liner indices and only keep the indicators. But I fear this would be too breaking of a change as it would remove elements from the API. Right now, we have inconsistent indicators with inconsistent documentation because everything was copy-pasted by hand with incremental changes that were not always ported back to the other indices.
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