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This project attempts to leverage Leptonica for segmenting multicolumn scans for use with Tesseract from a Python environment. The calls to Leptonica have been done with ctypes, with the results passed back in JSON format. There are some examples in this Google Drive folder, it is hard to generalize when this approach might be useful but a possible workflow would be to select some representative images and use the "-i" parameter to get a sense of the segmentation layout. Pages with less than 3 columns probably will not benefit much, this work is far more geared to the multicolumn wonders that are historic newspapers.

The Leptonica code in leptseg.c can be compiled with gcc:


For the most part it simply brings together samples from the Leptonica distribution, particularly:


For, there are several options:

usage: [-h] [-f FILE] [-sd] [-ft] [-l LANG] [-n] [-i] [-t] [-d]
                  [-e EDGE] [-r ERODE] [-s] [-m] [-mw MINWIDTH]
                  [-mh MINHEIGHT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required named arguments:
  -f FILE, --file FILE  input image, for example: imgs/my_image.tif
  -sd, --skipdefault    do not use default Tesseract for regions left after
  -ft, --finishtext     use text detection for regions left after columns
  -l LANG, --lang LANG  language for Tesseract (defaults to "eng")
  -n, --nobinarize      skip binarization step for image
  -i, --image           image only, no ocr (useful for planning)
  -t, --text            use text detection instead of column detection
  -d, --debug           create images for each step of Leptonica segmenting
  -e EDGE, --edge EDGE  edge/margin to add to crop
  -r ERODE, --erode ERODE
                        erode black text on image
  -s, --save            save binarization image from Leptonica step
  -m, --missing         fill in missing block(s)
  -mw MINWIDTH, --minwidth MINWIDTH
                        minimum width for region
  -mh MINHEIGHT, --minheight MINHEIGHT
                        minimum height for region

With the caveat that there is probably much more that is possible with Leptonica than what is described here, an often useful strategy for newspaper digitization is to use Leptonica to identify possible columns and text lines in a scanned image. Using a newspaper page that was highlighted in a great post from Brewster Kahle of the amazing Internet Archive, the front page of the December 15, 1848 edition of The North Star is shown below. North Start front page You can see right away that there are several columns on the page, and that the page itself is very text-rich. To get a sense of what can be detected with the Leptonica code here, the following syntax could be used: -f north_star.tif -ft -i

Depending on the image format, you might see a few warning errors, for example, Error in numaGetIValue: index not valid, but the command will hopefully complete and give some indication of the number of segments or regions detected. The use of the "-i" or "--image" flag is key, it ensures that the command does not invoke Tesseract (or, more specifically, pytesseract), but produces two new images. One has a _regions suffix and one has a _final suffix. The regions file is usually of more interest, but the "final" file, in this case, north_star_final.jpg, will show the original page with the identified regions removed. Unless the "-sd" or "--skip-default" flag is used, this page will get a final pass through Tesseract to catch any text missed by the regions.

It is well worth determining ahead of time if there is any advantage in using additional segmentation. The regions image, in this case, north_star_regions.jpg, will show the original image with boxes drawn around the identified segments, as shown below.

North Start front page with segments

The green boxes will be potential columns and the red boxes will be individual text lines or bigger groupings of text in regions where columns are not detected. There is a "-m" or "--missing' flag to simply define leftover boxes based on what is not detected but the text line approach is usually preferable since the margins and other spurious non-text areas of the page will get included otherwise.

Although Leptonica can do a remarkable job of detecting individual lines, it is usually preferable to use the closest approximation to a column as possible. Tesseract has built-in segmentation on its own, it is really only the extremes found in newspapers and other column-centric publications where these steps are sometimes worthwhile. As well, breaking down a page into lines will often mean much slower throughput, as can be seen in the results described in the Google Drive folder. If the segmentation looks promising, re-issue the command without the "-i" parameter to include Tesseract processing. The results should end up in one file in [hOCR] ( format, in this case, north_star.hocr.

An advantage of Tesseract's hOCR implementation is that it includes coordinate information for each word. This is useful for many purposes, including highlighting terms on an image for discovery purposes, but it also allows collecting words based on the geometry of the image. This is utilized in comparing the OCR of the image in the shared Google Drive folder and the associated XSLT file, hocr_text.xsl is included here. For example, extracting the words in the second of the North Star page column could be done as follows.

saxonb-xslt -o second_column.txt north_star.hocr hocr_text.xsl x0=1550 y0=1500 x1=2500 y1=9475

Comparing OCR results can be a painful process, especially with newspapers, but using coordinates can break the task up into more manageable subsets. The workbooks in the shared folder illustrate this approach in more detail.

My thanks to the Internet Archive for all of the great work they do, and to my colleagues at OurDigitalWorld and the Centre for Digital Scholarship for supporting and encouraging these kinds of projects to help digitize newspaper collections.

art rhyno ourdigitalworld/cdigs


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