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QueryDSL-PostgRest is a PostgRest implementation of QueryDSL library and provides class and annotation to improve your developer experience using PostgRest.

PostgREST is an open source project that provides a fully RESTful API from any existing PostgreSQL database

Getting Started

Maven integration

Add the following dependency to your Maven project:


Gradle integration

Add the following dependency to your gradle project:

implementation 'fr.ouestfrance.querydsl:querydsl-postgrest:${querydsl-postgrest.version}'

Configure Postgrest

QueryDsl postgrest provides class to simplify querying postgrest api using PostgrestClient, It actually provides by default WebClient adapter PostgrestWebClient adapter.

It's really easy to create your own HttpClientAdapter (RestTemplate, OkHttpClient, HttpConnexion, ...) by implementing PostgrestClient interface.

You can also specify authenticators, interceptors (retry, transform) and every configuration (timeout, default headers, cookies, ...) you need to deploy.

WebClient configuration example

Add the dependency :

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import fr.ouestfrance.querydsl.postgrest.PostgrestClient;
import fr.ouestfrance.querydsl.postgrest.PostgrestWebClient;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient;

public class PostgrestConfiguration {

    public PostgrestClient podstgrestClient() {
        String serviceUrl = "http://localhost:9000";
        WebClient webclient = WebClient.builder()
                // Here you can add any filters or default configuration you want

        return PostgrestWebClient.of(webclient);

RestTemplate configuration example

Add the dependency :

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import fr.ouestfrance.querydsl.postgrest.PostgrestClient;
import fr.ouestfrance.querydsl.postgrest.PostgrestRestTemplate;
import org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.classic.HttpClients;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.http.client.HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
import org.springframework.web.util.DefaultUriBuilderFactory;

public class PostgrestConfiguration {

    public PostgrestClient podstgrestClient() {
        String serviceUrl = "http://localhost:9000";
        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        restTemplate.setUriTemplateHandler(new DefaultUriBuilderFactory(serviceUrl));
        restTemplate.setRequestFactory(new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(HttpClients.createDefault()));
        return PostgrestRestTemplate.of(webclient);

Create your first repository

Specify your first search criteria

You can start by writing the first search object using @FilterField annotations. This example allow you to search user with :

  • equals filter on id key
  • like filter on name key
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;

public class UserSearch {
    String id;
    @FilterField(operation = FilterOperation.LIKE.class)
    String name;

@Since 1.1.0 - Record Support

public record UserSearch(
        @FilterField String id,
        @FilterField(operation = FilterOperation.LIKE.class) String name
) {

Create your repository

To access data, you have to create Repository for your type and put @PostgrestConfiguration to specify extra data

Property Required Format Description Example
resource O String Resource name in the postgrest api "users"
countStrategy X String Count strategy (exact, planned, estimated) default is exact CountType.EXACT
import fr.ouestfrance.querydsl.postgrest.PostgrestClient;

@PostgrestConfiguration(resource = "users")
public class UserRepository extends PostgrestRepository<User> {

    public UserRepository(PostgrestClient client) {

PostgrestRepository functions
Method Return Parameters Description
search Page<T> criteria : Object
pageRequest : Pageable (optional)
Search request based on criteria and pagination
findOne Optional<T> criteria : Object find one entity based on criteria
Raise PostgrestRequestException if criteria return more than one item
getOne T criteria : Object get one entity based on criteria
Raise PostgrestRequestException if criteria returned no entity
post T value : Object post data
post List<T> value : List<Object> post list of datas
upsert T value : Object Insert or Update data. You can specify which properties form the unique constraint by adding @OnConflict annotation on your implementation of PostgrestRepository
upsert List<T> value : List<Object> Insert or Update datas. You can specify which properties form the unique constraint by adding @OnConflict annotation on your implementation of PostgrestRepository
update List<T> criteria : Object
value: Object
Update entities found by criterias
delete List<T> criteria : Object Delete entities found by the criteria

Using the repository

You can then create your functions :

  • getUserById : Will return user with a specific id or raise a NotFoundException
  • findUsersByName : Will return list of users which name contains part of search content
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

public class UserService {

    private final UserRepository userRepository;

     * Return a specific
     * @param id id of the user
     * @return user found
    public User getById(String id) {
        UserSearch criteria = new UserSearch();
        return userRepository.getOne(criteria);

     * Return all users matching part of the name
     * @param name name to search
     * @return list of users
    public List<User> findByName(String name) {
        UserSearch search = new UserSearch();

Advanced features

Vertical filtering

When certain columns are wide (such as those holding binary data), it is more efficient for the server to withhold them in a response. The client can specify which columns are required using the select parameter. This can be defined by annotation @Select

Select annotation can be added on the Repository but also to the criteria object that allow you to add specific selection for filtering

Property Required Format Description Example
value O String select value tu add "firstname"
alias X String renaming column or alias "fullName"

You can add extra selection by adding @Select annotation. In this example there is an inner join on and selecting only firstName and lastName

@PostgrestConfiguration(resource = "posts")
@Select(alias = "author", value = "author!inner(firstName, lastName)")
public class PostRepository extends PostgrestRepository<Post> {


Will return json like this :

    "id": 1,
    "title": "Post 1",
    "author": {
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe"
    "id": 2,
    "title": "Post 2",
    "author": {
      "firstName": "Jane",
      "lastName": "Doe"


This library allow strategy based on Prefer header see official PostgREST Documentation by adding @Header annotation over your Repository

// Return representation object for all functions
@Header(key = Prefer.HEADER, value = Prefer.Return.REPRESENTATION)
// Make Upsert using POST with Merge_Duplicated value
@Header(key = Prefer.HEADER, value = Prefer.Resolution.MERGE_DUPLICATES, methods = UPSERT)
public class PostRepository extends PostgrestRepository<Post> {
// If you want to specify which properties form your unique constraint, you don't need to write this header anymore :
@Header(key = Prefer.HEADER, value = Prefer.Resolution.MERGE_DUPLICATES, methods = UPSERT)
public class PostRepository extends PostgrestRepository<Post> {
//just annotate your implem of Repository with @OnConflict and specify wich fields form your unique constraint :
@OnConflict(columnNames = {"codeOrigine", "referencePersonne", "uuidAdresse"})
public class PostRepository extends PostgrestRepository<Post> {

Logical condition

Any chance you want to have a more complex condition, it's possible to make mixin or / and condition by using groupName

@Select(alias = "filterFormats", value = "formats!inner(minSize, maxSize)")
public class PostRequestWithSize {

    // size = $size OR (filterFormats.minSize < size AND filterFormats.maxSize > size)
    @FilterField(key = "size", groupName = "sizeOrGroup")
    @FilterFields(groupName = "sizeOrGroup", value = {
            @FilterField(key = "filterFormats.minSize", operation = FilterOperation.GTE.class),
            @FilterField(key = "filterFormats.maxSize", operation = FilterOperation.LTE.class, orNull = true)
    private String size;

or on multiple fields

public class PostRequestWithAuthorOrSubject {

    // subject = $subject OR name= $name
    @FilterField(groupName = "subjectOrAuthorName")
    private String subject;

    @FilterField(groupName = "subjectOrAuthorName")
    private String name;



extends FilterOperation with

Operator Description
ILIKE Case-insensitive LIKE
CS Contains for JSON/Range datatype
CD Contained for JSON/Range datatype

Bulk Operations

PostgREST allow to execute operations over a wide range items. QueryDSL-Postgrest allow to handle pagination fixed by user or fixed by the postgREST max page

import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

public class UserService {

    private final UserRepository userRepository;

    public void invalidatePassword() {
        UserSearch criteria = new UserSearch();
        // Will invalidate all passwords with chunk of 1000 users
        userRepository.patch(criteria, new UserPatchPassword(false), BulkOptions.builder()
        // Generate n calls of 
        // PATCH /users {"password_validation": false }  -H Range 0-999
        // PATCH /users {"password_validation": false }  -H Range 1000-1999
        // PATCH /users {"password_validation": false }  -H Range 2000-2999
        // etc since the users are all updated
Option Default Value Description
countsOnly false Place return=headers-only if true, otherwise keep default return
pageSize -1 Specify the size of the chunk, otherwise let postgrest activate its limit

Bulk Operations are allowed on Post ,Patch, Delete and Upsert

Rpc Calls

Supports of rpc function calls

Configuration Its use a PostgrestRpcClient which use the PostgrestClient

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import fr.ouestfrance.querydsl.postgrest.PostgrestClient;
import fr.ouestfrance.querydsl.postgrest.PostgrestWebClient;
import fr.ouestfrance.querydsl.postgrest.PostgrestRpcClient;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient;

public class PostgrestConfiguration {

    public PostgrestRpcClient rpcClient() {
        String serviceUrl = "http://localhost:9000";
        WebClient webclient = WebClient.builder()
                // Here you can add any filters or default configuration you want

        return new PostgrestRpcClient(PostgrestWebClient.of(webclient));

then you can call your rpc method using this call

public class Example{
    private PostgrestRpcClient rpcClient;
    public List<Coordinate> getCoordinates(){
        // call getCoordinates_v1 and expect to return a list of Coordinates
        return rpcClient.exectureRpc("getCoordinates_v1", TypeUtils.parameterize(List.class, Coordinate.class));
        // CALL => ${base_url}/rpc/getCoordinates_v1
    public Coordinate getCoordinate(Point point){
        // call findClosestCoordinate_v1 with body {x:?, y:?} 
        // expect to return a single coordinate
        return rpcClient.executeRpc("findClosestCoordinate_v1", point, Coordinate.class);
        // CALL => ${base_url}/rpc/findClosestCoordinate_v1
        // => with body {x: point.x, y: point.y}
    public SimpleCoordinate getCoordinateX(Point point){
        // call findClosestCoordinate_v1 with body {x:?, y:?}
        // add Criteria that add select=x,y and z=gte.0.0
        // and return the result as a SimpleCoordinate class
        return rpcClient.executeRpc("findClosestCoordinate_v1", new CoordinateCriteria(0.0), point, SimpleCoordinate.class);
        // CALL => ${base_url}/rpc/findClosestCoordinate_v1?z=gte.0.0&select=x,y
        // => with body {x: point.x, y: point.y}
    @Select({"x", "y"})
    record CoordinateCriteria(
            @FilterField(key = "z", operation = FilterOperation.GTE.class)
            private Float z
    record SimpleCoordinate(Float x, Float y){}

Need Help ?

If you need help with the library please start a new thread QA / Issue on github


If you want to request a feature or report a bug, please create a GitHub Issue

If you want to make a contribution to the project, please create a PR


The QueryDSL is licensed under MIT License