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SIPA/Ouest-France - Continuous Delivery Pipeline (CDP) for Gitlab CI

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Universal Command Line Environment for Continuous Delivery Pipeline on Gitlab-CI.
    cdp maven [(-v | --verbose | -q | --quiet)] [(-d | --dry-run)] [--sleep=<seconds>]
        (--goals=<goals-opts>|--deploy=<type>) [--simulate-merge-on=<branch_name>]
        [--use-gitlab-registry | --use-aws-ecr | --use-custom-registry | --use-registry=<registry_name>]
        [--docker-image-maven=<image_name_maven>|--docker-version=<version>] [--docker-image-git=<image_name_git>] [--volume-from=<host_type>]
    cdp docker [(-v | --verbose | -q | --quiet)] [(-d | --dry-run)] [--sleep=<seconds>]
        [--use-gitlab-registry] [--use-aws-ecr] [--use-custom-registry] [--use-registry=<registry_name>]
        [--use-docker | --use-docker-compose]
        [--image-name=<image_name>] [--image-repository=<repository>]
        [--image-tag-branch-name] [--image-tag-latest] [--image-tag-sha1] [--image-tag=<tag>]
        [--build-arg=<arg> ...]
        [--docker-build-target=<target_name>] [--docker-image-aws=<image_name_aws>]
    cdp artifactory [(-v | --verbose | -q | --quiet)] [(-d | --dry-run)] [--sleep=<seconds>]
        (--put=<file> | --delete=<file>)
        [--image-tag-branch-name] [--image-tag-latest] [--image-tag-sha1] [--image-tag=<tag>]
    cdp k8s [(-v | --verbose | -q | --quiet)] [(-d | --dry-run)] [--sleep=<seconds>] [--check-only]
        [--use-gitlab-registry] [--use-aws-ecr] [--use-custom-registry] [--use-registry=<registry_name>] 
        [--image-name=<image_name>] [--image-repository=<repository>] [--image-fullname=<registry/repository/image:tag>]
        [--image-tag-branch-name] [--image-tag-latest] [--image-tag-sha1] [--image-tag=<tag>] 
        [--values=<files>] [--custom-values=<values>]
        [--namespace-project-name | --namespace-name=<namespace_name> ] [--namespace-project-branch-name]
        [--create-default-helm] [--internal-port=<port>] [--deploy-spec-dir=<dir>]
        [--chart-repo=<repo>] [--use-chart=<chart:branch>] [--chart-subtype=<subtype>]
        [--additional-chart-repo=<repo>] [--use-additional-chart=<chart:branch>] 
        [--release-project-branch-name] [--release-project-env-name] [--release-project-name] [--release-shortproject-name] [--release-namespace-name] [--release-custom-name=<release_name>] [--release-name=<release_name>]
        [--image-pull-secret] [--ingress-tlsSecretName=<secretName>] [--ingress-tlsSecretNamespace=<secretNamespace>]
        [--ingress-className=<className>] [--ingress-className-alternate=<className>]
        [--conftest-repo=<repo:dir:branch>] [--no-conftest] [--conftest-namespaces=<namespaces>]
        [--docker-image-kubectl=<image_name_kubectl>] [--docker-image-helm=<image_name_helm>] [--docker-image-aws=<image_name_aws>] [--docker-image-conftest=<image_name_conftest>]
    cdp conftest [(-v | --verbose | -q | --quiet)] (--deploy-spec-dir=<dir>) 
        [--conftest-repo=<gitlab repo>] [--no-conftest] [--volume-from=<host_type>] [--conftest-namespaces=<namespaces>] [--docker-image-conftest=<image_name_conftest>] 
    cdp validator-server [(-v | --verbose | -q | --quiet)] [(-d | --dry-run)] [--sleep=<seconds>]
        [--namespace-project-branch-name ][ --namespace-project-name]
    cdp (-h | --help | --version)
    -h, --help                                                 Show this screen and exit.
    -v, --verbose                                              Make more noise.
    -q, --quiet                                                Make less noise.
    -d, --dry-run                                              Simulate execution.
    --altDeploymentRepository=<repository_name>                Use custom Maven Dpeloyement repository
    --build-arg=<arg>                                          Build args for docker
    --build-context=<path>                                     Specify the docker building context [default: .].
    --build-file=<buildFile>                                   Specify the file to build multiples images [default: cdp-build-file.yml].
    --chart-repo=<repo>                                        Path of the repository of default charts
    --check-only                                               Simulate deployment with templates generation but without deployment in the cluster
    --use-chart=<chart:branch>                                 Name of the pre-defined chart to use. Format : name or name:branch
    --chart-subtype=<subtype>                                  Subtype of chart if needed. Allowed values : php
    --additional-chart-repo=<repo>                             Path of additional repository of default charts
    --use-additional-chart=<chart:branch>                      Name of the pre-defined chart for the additional repository to use. Format : name or name:branch
    --conftest-repo=<repo:dir:branch>                          Gitlab project with generic policies for conftest [default: ]. CDP_CONFTEST_REPO is used if empty. none value overrides env var. See notes.
    --conftest-namespaces=<namespaces>                         Namespaces (comma separated) for conftest [default: ]. CDP_CONFTEST_NAMESPACES is used if empty.
    --create-default-helm                                      Create default helm for simple project (One docker image).
    --create-gitlab-secret                                     Create a secret from gitlab env starting with CDP_SECRET_<Environnement>_ where <Environnement> is the gitlab env from the job ( or CI_ENVIRONNEMENT_NAME )
    --create-gitlab-secret-hook                                Create gitlab secret with hook
    --custom-values=<values>                                   Additional custom values to pass to Helm templates. Delimited comma key=value values. (Ex : replicaCount=2,service.enabled=false)
    --delete=<file>                                            Delete file in artifactory.
    --deploy-spec-dir=<dir>                                    k8s deployment files [default: charts].
    --deploy=<type>                                            'release' or 'snapshot' - Maven command to deploy artifact.
    --docker-image-maven=<image_name_maven>                    Docker image which execute mvn command [default: maven:3.5.3-jdk-8].
    --docker-build-target=<target_name>                        Specify target in multi stage build
    --goals=<goals-opts>                                       Goals and args to pass maven command.
    --helm-version=<version>                                   Major version of Helm. [default: 3]
    --helm-migration=<true|false>                              Do helm 2 to Helm 3 migration
    --image-repository=<repository>                            Force the name of the repository of the image. Default is Gitlab project path (or namespace for Harbor).
    --image-name=<image_name>                                  Force the name of the image. Default is project name.
    --image-fullname=<registry/repository/image:tag>           Use full image name overriding path calculated by CDP
    --image-tag-branch-name                                    Tag docker image with branch name or use it [default].
    --image-tag-latest                                         Tag docker image with 'latest'  or use it.
    --image-tag-sha1                                           Tag docker image with commit sha1  or use it.
    --image-tag=<tag>                                          Tag name
    --image-prefix-tag=<tag>                                   Tag prefix for docker image.
    --ingress-className=<className>                            Name of the ingress class. Use CDP_INGRESS_CLASSNAME if empty
    --ingress-className-alternate=<className>                  Name of the alternate ingress class. Use CDP_INGRESS_CLASSNAME_ALTERNATE if empty
    --ingress-tlsSecretName=<secretName>                       Name of the tls secret for ingress. Use CDP_INGRESS_TLSSECRETNAME if empty 
    --ingress-tlsSecretNamespace=<secretNamespace>             Namespace of the tls secret. . Use CDP_INGRESS_TLSSECRETNAMESPACE if empty     
    --internal-port=<port>                                     Internal port used if --create-default-helm is activate [default: 8080]
    --login-registry=<registry_name>                           Login on specific registry for build image [default: none].
    --logindex=<logindex>                                      Name of the ES indice to store pod logs. $CDP_LOGINDEX is used if empty.
    --maven-release-plugin=<version>                           Specify maven-release-plugin version [default: 2.5.3].
    --namespace-project-name                                   Use project name to create k8s namespace or choice environment host.
    --namespace-name=<namespace_name>                          Use namespace_name to create k8s namespace.
    --no-conftest                                              Do not run conftest validation tests.
    --path=<path>                                              Path to validate [default: configurations].
    --put=<file>                                               Put file to artifactory.
    --release-ttl=<minutes>                                    Set ttl (Time to live) time for the release. Will be removed after the time.
    --release-custom-name=<release_name>                       Customize release name with namespace-name-<release_name>
    --release-name=<release_name>                              Customize release name
    --release-namespace-name                                   Force the release to be created with the namespace name. Same as --release-project-name if namespace-name option is not set. [default]
    --release-project-branch-name                              Force the release to be created with the project branch name.
    --release-project-env-name                                 Force the release to be created with the job env name.define in gitlab
    --release-shortproject-name                                Force the release to be created with the shortname (first letters of word + id) of the Gitlab project
    --release-project-name                                     Force the release to be created with the name of the Gitlab project
    --simulate-merge-on=<branch_name>                          Build docker image with the merge current branch on specify branch (no commit).
    --sleep=<seconds>                                          Time to sleep int the end (for debbuging) in seconds [default: 0].
    --team=<team>                                              Name of the team. $CDP_TEAM is used if empty.
    --timeout=<timeout>                                        Time in seconds to wait for any individual kubernetes operation [default: 600].
    --use-docker                                               Use docker to build / push image [default].
    --use-registry=<registry_name>                             Use registry for pull/push docker image (none, aws-ecr, gitlab, harbor or custom name for load specifics environments variables) [default: none].
    --validate-configurations                                  Validate configurations schema of BlockProvider.
    --values=<files>                                           Specify values in a YAML file (can specify multiple separate by comma). The priority will be given to the last (right-most) file specified.
Deprecated options:
    --docker-image-aws=<image_name_aws>                        Docker image which execute git command [DEPRECATED].
    --docker-image-git=<image_name_git>                        Docker image which execute git command [DEPRECATED].
    --docker-image-helm=<image_name_helm>                      Docker image which execute helm command [DEPRECATED].
    --docker-image-kubectl=<image_name_kubectl>                Docker image which execute kubectl command [DEPRECATED].
    --docker-image-conftest=<image_name_conftest>              Docker image which execute conftest command [DEPRECATED].
    --docker-image=<image_name>                                Specify docker image name for build project [DEPRECATED].
    --docker-version=<version>                                 Specify maven docker version. [DEPRECATED].
    --image-pull-secret                                        Add the imagePullSecret value to use the helm --wait option instead of patch and rollout [DEPRECATED]
    --namespace-project-branch-name                            Use project and branch name to create k8s namespace or choice environment host [DEPRECATED].
    --tiller-namespace                                         Force the tiller namespace to be the same as the pod namespace [DEPRECATED]
    --use-aws-ecr                                              Use AWS ECR from k8s configuration for pull/push docker image. [DEPRECATED]
    --use-custom-registry                                      Use custom registry for pull/push docker image. [DEPRECATED]. Replaced by use-registry=artifactory
    --use-docker-compose                                       Use docker-compose to build / push image / retag container [DEPRECATED]
    --use-gitlab-registry                                      Use gitlab registry for pull/push docker image [default]. [DEPRECATED]
    --volume-from=<host_type>                                  Volume type of sources - docker, k8s, local or docker volume description (dir:mount) [DEPRECATED] 
    --delete-labels=<minutes>                                  Add namespace labels (deletable=true deletionTimestamp=now + minutes) for external cleanup. use release-ttl instead [DEPRECATED] 


Gitlab >= 10.8

 - CDP_SONAR_LOGIN – Sonar access token (scope Administer Quality Profiles / Administer Quality Gates).
 - CDP_SONAR_URL – Sonar url access.
 - GITLAB_USER_TOKEN – Gitlab access token (scope api).
 - - Add this file to the root of the project. If not present, -Dsonar.projectKey=$CI_PROJECT_PATH and -Dsonar.sources=.

    - File Dockerfile required at the root of the project.
    - CDP_<REGISTRY_NAME>_REGISTRY (Gitlab-runner env var) – docker registry (host:port).
    - CDP_<REGISTRY_NAME>_REGISTRY_TOKEN (Gitlab-runner env var) – Access token used for authentication on docker registry.
    - CDP_<REGISTRY_NAME>_REGISTRY_TOKEN_READ_ONLY (Gitlab-runner env var) – Read only access token used for authentication on docker registry.
    - CDP_<REGISTRY_NAME>_REGISTRY_USER (Gitlab-runner env var) – User used for authentication on docker registry.

    - Helm and k8s files to configure the deployment. Must be present in the directory configured by the --deploy-spec-dir=<dir> option.
    -- repo-chart : Path of the charts repository in Gitlab
    --use-chart: Name of chart in the repo to use. Can be written as chart:version where version is the tag or branch in the repository

  - CDP_DNS_SUBDOMAIN – Specify the subdomain of k8s cluster (set by environment variable in runner).
  - CDP_IMAGE_PULL_SECRET – Add the imagePullSecret value to use the helm --wait option instead of patch and rollout.
  - CDP_NAMESPACE – if value = 'project-name', force usage of project name to create k8s namespace.
  - CDP_IMAGE_PREFIX_TAG - Prefix of the tag when pushing to registry (for --image-tag-sha1 only)
    - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID (Gitlab-runner env var) – AWS access key.
    - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (Gitlab-runner env var) – AWS secret key. Access and secret key variables override credentials stored in credential and config files.
    - AWS_DEFAULT_REGION – The region to use. Overrides config/env settings.
    - Deploy token with the name gitlab-deploy-token and the scope read_registry must be created for each project.
    - CDP_<REGISTRY_NAME>_REGISTRY (Gitlab-runner env var) – Custom docker registry (host:port).
    - CDP_<REGISTRY_NAME>_REGISTRY_TOKEN (Gitlab-runner env var) – Access token used for authentication on custom docker registry.
    - CDP_<REGISTRY_NAME>_REGISTRY_TOKEN_READ_ONLY (Gitlab-runner env var) – Read only access token used for authentication on custom docker registry.
    - CDP_<REGISTRY_NAME>_REGISTRY_USER (Gitlab-runner env var) – User used for authentication on custom docker registry.
    - CDP_ARTIFACTORY_TAG_RETENTION - Used to define label maxCount for artifactory tag retention

    - CDP_ARTIFACTORY_PATH (Gitlab-runner env var) – Repository path used for put or delete file.
    - CDP_ARTIFACTORY_TOKEN (Gitlab-runner env var) – Access token used by X-JFrog-Art-Api header for autentication on artifactory.

  - CDP_BP_VALIDATOR_HOST – Validator server access (example -

Example .gitlab-ci.yml file

  - build
  - quality
  - package
  - deploy

  image: ouestfrance/cdp:latest
  stage: quality
    - cdp sonar --preview --codeclimate --simulate-merge-on=develop
    - codeclimate.json

  image: ouestfrance/cdp:latest
  stage: quality
    - cdp sonar --preview --sast --simulate-merge-on=develop
    - gl-sast-report.json

  image: ouestfrance/cdp:latest
  stage: package
    - cdp docker --image-tag-branch-name --use-registry=gitlab
    - cdp artifactory --image-tag-branch-name --put=conf/example.yaml

  image: ouestfrance/cdp:latest
  stage: deploy
    - cdp k8s --use-registry=gitlab --namespace-project-branch-name --image-tag-branch-name
    name: review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME

  image: ouestfrance/cdp:latest
  stage: deploy
    - cdp k8s --use-registry=gitlab --namespace-project-name --image-tag-sha1 --values=values.staging.yaml
    name: staging

cdp-build-file.yml sample

You can build multiple images in one command by creating a cdp-build-file.yml file in the root of your project. This file follows the same description as the docker-compose.yml files

CDP_REGISTRY_PATH,CDP_REGISTRY, CDP_BASE_REPOSITORY, CDP_REPOSITORY, CDP_IMAGE, CDP_IMAGE_PATH and CDP_TAG environment variables are automatically set by CDP and refer to the registry, the path of repository (idem as CDP_REPOSITORY), the base repository, the current built image and the tag issued from --image-tagx options.

version: '3'
    image: ${CDP_REGISTRY_PATH:-local}/${CDP_BASE_REPOSITORY:-local}/my-nginx-project-name:${CDP_TAG:-latest}
      context: ./distribution/nginx
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    image: ${CDP_REGISTRY_PATH:-local}/${CDP_BASE_REPOSITORY:-local}/php/my-php-project-name:${CDP_TAG:-latest}
      context: ./distribution/php7-fpm
      dockerfile: Dockerfile

Helm charts

When you use the docker k8s command, you may need information from the CDP context. Below, the variables made available by the CDP for use in the helm context.

namespace:               Name of kubernetes namespace, based on the following options: [ --namespace-project-branch-name | --namespace-project-name ]            Ingress, based on the following options : [ --namespace-project-branch-name | --namespace-project-name ]
ingress.subdomain:       Only DNS subdomain, based on this environment variable CDP_DNS_SUBDOMAIN
image.commit.sha:        First 8 characters of sha1 corresponding to the current commit.
image.registry:          Docker image registry, based on the following options: [ --use-registry=gitlab | --use-registry=aws-ecr | --use-registry=<registry_name> ]
image.repository:        Name of the repository corresponding to the CI_PROJECT_PATH environment variable in lowercase.
image.repository_path:   Name of the repository.              Name of the image to use.
image.fullname:          Full name of the image to use (registry/repository_path/image).
image.tag:               Docker image tag, based on the following options: [ --image-tag-branch | --image-tag-latest | --image-tag-sha1 ]
image.pullPolicy:        Docker pull policy, based on the following options: [ --image-tag-branch | --image-tag-latest | --image-tag-sha1 ]
image.imagePullSecrets:  If --image-pull-secret option is set, we add this value to be used in the chart to avoid patch + rollout.

charts/deployment.yaml sample

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
        - name: {{ template "" . }}-{{ .Values.image.commit.sha }}
          image: "{{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository_path }}/my-nginx-project-name:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"
        - name: {{ template "" . }}-{{ .Values.image.commit.sha }}
          image: "{{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository_path }}/my-php-project-name:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"

Helm2 to Helm3 automatic migration

If helm-migration option or correlated environment variable is set to true, helm2 charts are automatically migrated to helm3 and used for deployment.

Team label

If your gitlab project contains a tag formed as "team=my _team_name", the CDP will automatically report this tag in the Kubernetes object labels. This is designed to work with Kube-resource-report tool.

Monitoring Label

CDP allows you to add labels on the pods(from deployement and statefulset) to identify which pods should be monitored or not and wich which ones should trigger alerting.

monitoring: [true|false]
owner-escalation: [true|false]

To do this it uses two envrionnement variable "CDP_MONITORING" and "CDP_ALERTING"
CDP_MONITORING: [TRUE|FALSE] : Enable or disable monitoring (Use to set "monitoring")
CDP_ALERTING: [TRUE|FALSE] : Enable or disable alerting (Use to set "owner-scalation")

conftest charts validation

Policies repository

Charts can be validated by conftest ( Conftest is based upon policies in rego format. To define policies to apply, create a gitlab repo with your policies in a policy folder. Datas must be defined in a data folder You can pass this repo to the cdp with --conftest-repo (or CDP_CONFTEST_REPO var). Value of this parameter is like reponame:repodir:branch.

Examples ;

  • monrepo-conftest
  • monrepo-conftest:policies/k8s
  • monrepo-conftest:policies/k8s:staging
  • monrepo-conftest::staging


Policies are grouped by namespace (package in rego definition). By default, main package is used.

You can use multiple packages in cdp by using --conftest-namespaces (or CDP_CONFTEST_NAMESPACES) with namespaces separated by comma or all for all packages.

Custom project policies

A projet can define their own policies. To do that, policies must be created in charts/policy folder of the projet as the same level as templates. Datas must be defined in charts/data folder Project struct

   |   |-templates
   |   |-policy
   |   |-data

Gitlab secret usage sample

1 - Create a job with environnement using the --create-gitlab-secret option

  image: $CDP_IMAGE
  stage: deploy
    - cdp k8s --use-aws-ecr --namespace-project-name --image-tag-sha1 --create-gitlab-secret
    name: staging
    - develop
    - staging

cdp will search every variable with the pattern CDP_SECRET_STAGING_* and put them in a secret.

2 - Create secret as project variable

Adding CDP_SECRET_STAGING_MY_SECRET_KEY as a project variable in gitlab

3 - Updating the chart

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
        - name: {{ template "" . }}-{{ .Values.image.commit.sha }}
          image: "{{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository_path }}/my-nginx-project-name:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"
        -name: "MY_GITLAB_SECRET"
             name: cdp-gitlab-secret-{{ .Release.Name |trunc 35 | trimAll "-" }}
             key: MY_SECRET_KEY

Gitlab file secret usage sample_

1 - Create a job with environnement using the --create-gitlab-secret option

  image: $CDP_IMAGE
  stage: deploy
    - cdp k8s --use-aws-ecr --namespace-project-name --image-tag-sha1 --create-gitlab-secret
    name: staging
    - develop
    - staging

cdp will search every variable with the pattern CDP_FILESECRET_STAGING_* and put them in a secret.

2 - Create file secret as project variable

Adding CDP_FILESECRET_STAGING_MY_SECRET_KEY as a project variable in gitlab

3 - Updating the chart

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
        - name: {{ template "" . }}-{{ .Values.image.commit.sha }}
          image: "{{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository_path }}/my-nginx-project-name:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"
           - name: foo
             mountPath: "/etc/foo"
             readOnly: true
      - name: foo
         secretName: cdp-gitlab-file-secret-{{ .Release.Name |trunc 35 | trimAll "-" }}

cdp will search every variable with the pattern CDP_FILESECRET_STAGING_* and put them in a secret.

Gitlab secret hook usage sample_

It's possible to deploy secret and filesecret before others ressources with option --create-gitlab-secret-hook. This option duplicate gitlab secret and file secret. Secret will be named :

  • cdp-gitlab-secret-hook-{{ .Release.Name |trunc 35 | trimAll "-" }} for cdp-gitlab-secret
  • cdp-gitlab-file-secret-hook-{{ .Release.Name |trunc 35 | trimAll "-" }} for cdp-gitlab-file-secret



  • python 3.6
  • python3-setuptools
  • python3-pip
  • python3-mock


python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 test

# Single test
python3 test --addopts tests/unit/


python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo python3 install

cdp --help