Simple webpage/webapp to display the courses offered by Georgia Tech's OMSCS program and maybe a useful tool for OMSCS students when looking for classes to take or checking the requirements of a specialization. Also, a playground for me to practice TypeScript/JavaScript and AngularJS.
A live version can be found at Latest code is on master
, live code is on gh-pages
- JSON databases
- Course/specialization/course.vs.specialization.maxtrix view
- Menu/color codes/info page
- page
- Cookie handling so one can select which courses he/she completed so far
- More links (grades, student review site, etc.)
Would-be-nice-to-have features for the future/2.0:
- Cleanup of TS code and HTML
- Instructor view
- API to query and/or edit the databases
- Nicer look&feel
- Option to select in which specialization is one interested in + class suggestions based on this info