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OregonDigital's forms gem. Provides form-backing objects for metadata models.


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Provides form-backing objects for metadata models

An attempt to provide simpler access to complex back-end data by telling the form how to group similar fields into a multiple field entity. This only provides a model for doing this and a simple two-way attribute-delegation translator. No UI elements are provided, and complex translation is left as an exercise to the reader.


This project is a port from the old prototype code we built. It might not make sense outside the OregonDigital project.

The goal is to extract the old code to separate it from some of the hard-coded rules which were applied in the prototype and see what components can be put into libraries vs. having to live back in the application itself.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'metadata-ingest-form'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Metadata::Ingest::Form is the top-level FBO (Form-backing object) class. At its core, it's just a class that allows configurable attributes to be set, and happens to work with a Rails form builder. Its primary use case is for assets which are represented as linked data (RDF) where the predicate options may be too numerous to display nicely on a typical HTML form.

Basic API

The FBO is given a concept of "groups", and uses this to create dynamic association data methods:

test =
test.internal_groups = %w|title subject|
test.build_title(type: "main", value: "Test title")
test.build_title(type: "alt", value: "Test title, the")
test.subjects_attributes = {
  "0" => {
    "type" => "lcsh",
    "value" => "Food industry and trade",
    "internal" => ""

The associations store the following attributes:

  • group: Human interface element for grouping similar data - titles, subjects, etc
  • type: More specific data for what this data means within a group - main title, alternate title, etc
  • value: Human-friendly value
  • internal: Internal representation of the value, if applicable

Generally speaking, the group isn't set manually since it's determined by the attribute or builder method name.

What it means to set internal_groups

This tells objects the internal groups. Each group gets certain dynamic methods for getting and setting Metadata::Ingest::Association data. For the "title" group, for instance:

  • titles: Returns an array of association objects that are part of the "title" group
  • build_title: Creates a new association with the "title" group
  • titles_attributes=: Takes parameter-like attributes, creates new associations with the group set to "title", and replaces existing titles.

It is generally recommended that internal_groups be set only once for an instance, but this isn't enforced through code.

Within the Rails stack


In the controller, you'll set up an ingest form object in some way:

def setup_form
  @ingest_form =
  @ingest_form.internal_groups = [...]

Form HTML might look like this:

<%# You must set up the URL - for now, there is no magic to determine persisted vs. new object %>
<%= simple_form_for(ingest_form, {:url => ...}) do |f| %>
  <%= f.simple_fields_for :titles do |f| %>
    <%= f.input :type, :collection => [:main, :alt] %>
    <%= f.input :value %>
    <%= f.hidden_field :internal %>
  <% end %>

  <%= f.simple_fields_for :subjects do |f| %>
    <%= f.input :type, :collection => [:lcsh, :something, :else] %>
    <%= f.input :value %>
    <%= f.hidden_field :internal %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

This gives you a form which has two "entities", but can represent five fields (main title, alternate title, lcsh subjects, etc). With proper JavaScript, you can duplicate fields to allow for more than one within each group.

Posted data

The form data comes in looking something like this:

      "0"=>{"type"=>"title", "value"=>"test title"},
      "1"=>{"type"=>"alternate", "value"=>"test alternate title"}
      "0"=>{"type"=>"lcsh", "value"=>"Food industry and trade", "internal"=>""}

This should look fairly typical for a Rails form. Depending on how you set the form up, and what magic you do in the form, you may also see the "_destroy" attribute. If this is set to "1", it directs attribute reading in the ingest form to mark the entry as destroyed. Destroyed items are still retrievable, but the translator can use this information to properly store the object's new state (more on this below).

Translation into asset data

If you use the basic translator, it requires some setup - this could be in the controller or an initializer, pulled from a database or hard-coded, whatever. But however it's built, it needs to be set up prior to converting the data.

# Set up the map that tells us how forms turn into attributes
form_map = {
  group: {
    type: :attribute_to_delegate,
    type2: :another_attribute,
    deep_delegation: "some_object.attribute"
  title: {
    main: :main_title,
    alt: :alt_title
  subject: {
    lcsh: :lcsh_subject,
    something: :something_subject,
    else: :else_subject

# Create a translator for some asset, and set its map data
translator = Metadata::Ingest::Translators::FormToAttributes.from(some_asset).using_map(form_map)

# Internal groups can be built from the map as well
@form.internal_groups = form_map.keys.collect(&:to_s)

This sets up a translator for a given asset, and assigns the hash as its map. The map above tells the translator that any associated title data with a type of "main" will be delegated to the main_title field on the asset. So basically, with this map in place, the above command:

test.build_title(type: "main", value: "Test title")

is similar to this:

asset.main_title = "Test title"

(Note that I say "similar" to - the FormToAttributes translation by default allows any number of any attribute, so a call to build_title just adds a new association, it doesn't remove old data. For that kind of operation, titles_attributes= is a better, if more verbose, option)

If you need delegation through one or more objects. just specify this in the map much as you would in code. Using the deep_delegation map, this:

test.build_group(type: "deep_delegation", value: "testing")

is similar to this:

asset.some_object.attribute = "testing"

The _destroy flag

The built-in translator will handle destroyed "associations" in a fairly naive way, but it should suffice for most use cases.

If an item is marked for destruction (you can do this via "_destroy" => "1" in the form), one of two things will happen when the translator converts the data from the form to an object:

  • If no other items exist for the same attribute, the attribute is set to nil
  • If other items exist (and aren't destroyed themselves), the destroyed data is simply ignored

For example:

# Set up initial state
test.build_title(type: "main", value: "title")
test.build_title(type: "alt", value: "alt title")
test.build_subject(type: "something", value: "subject")

# ... form-to-attributes is run, storing titles and subject on the asset
# ... time passes
# ... A fortnight later, a user decides to edit the asset
# ... attributes-to-form is run, the user makes changes and submits

# Form data comes in to delete the alternate title and change the main
test.attributes = {
    "0"=>{"type"=>"title", "value"=>"Only One!"},
    "1"=>{"type"=>"alt", "value"=>"alt title", "_destroy" => "1"}

# ... form-to-attributes translator runs again

Upon translation, the state of the object will have changed in exactly two ways, equivalent to having run the following code:

asset.main_title = "Only One!"
asset.alt_title = nil

Since subjects weren't in the attributes hash, nothing is changed even though the original form object had that data. This approach ensures unmapped data isn't touched, while allowing for the removal of items which a user marks for deletion.

Translator in the controller

To make all this magic this work in your controller, you'll have something like this:

def create
  # I can't recall why, but to_hash must be called here.  I might fix it when I have time.
  @form =[:metadata_ingest_form].to_hash)
  @form.internal_groups = form_map.keys.collect(&:to_s)
  @asset =

  redirect_to :index

Translating from an object to a form

The reverse of the above process is necessary for editing or updating an existing object. As is the case above, a basic translator is provided, Metadata::Ingest::Translators::AttributesToForm, and should work for many cases that just need an object's attributes converted into raw form data.

The map used is the same format as the form-to-attribute converter's, allowing easier reuse of configuration. In a controller, you might have something like this:

@asset = YourClass.load_from_some_datasource(params[...])
@form =
@form.internal_groups = form_map.keys.collect(&:to_s)

This is enough for an edit action, but update would require storing new attributes, translating back to the asset, and saving the asset.

# Assign web-form attributes to the ingest form instance which is now loaded
# with asset data
@form.attributes = params[:metadata_ingest_form].to_hash

# Translate form data back into the asset again

# Save the asset

Complex translations

The translation from asset to ingest form can be more complicated than the reverse due to a web form potentially needing to have human-friendly data for display, but internal data for the system. For instance, if using Library of Congress Subject Headings, you might prefer to store a URI to the data, but display the text. Your UI should set the internal field to said URI when a user chooses a subject heading. If you do this, the built-in translator works as-is for this flow: web form -> ingest form instance -> asset data. But to go from attributes back to a form requires some way to detect when an attribute has an internal value, and then to convert that value. As this can vary wildly from situation to situation, we tried to provide an easy-to-customize system based on subclassing.

Let's assume the above case where subjects are LCSH URIs and need to load into a form properly. The following steps would need to be taken:

  • Subclass Metadata::Ingest::Translators::SingleAttributeTranslator
  • In the subclass, override build_association(value)
  • Use the passed-in value and instance variables to determine how to modify the Metadata::Ingest::Association instance. The variables are relevant to the context of the current attribute definition, so you can determine which group/type/attribute definition you're working with:
    • @group: The group as defined in the translation map, e.g., "subject"
    • @type: The type as defined in the translation map, e.g., "lcsh"
    • @attribute_definition: The attribute defintion as defined in the translation map, e.g., "descMetadata.lcsh_subject"
    • @object: The actual object which will be used in the case of deep delegation.
    • @attribute: The attribute which will be looked up on @object, again for supporting deep delegation.
  • Update your translation call to something like this:

(Note the addition of using_translator to the chain)

@object and @attribute can be used in cases where the final object may be a delegated object which differs from the source object, as might be the case when an attribute definition is set to something like "descMetadata.lcsh_subject". In that case, @object would be the value of asset.descMetadata, and @attribute would be "lcsh_subject". build_association's passed-in value object would be the result of asset.descMetadata.lcsh_subject.

There's a very simplistic example of this in the tests. There is a SingleAttributeTranslator subclass which is used in the attributes-to-form spec.

tl;dr: This setup allows us to have a single object which houses all necessary state for a single attribute's conversion.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


OregonDigital's forms gem. Provides form-backing objects for metadata models.







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