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Ethan Gruber edited this page Jul 13, 2017 · 25 revisions

This is the documentation wiki for the Orbis Cascade Harvester application. The Harvester is designed to read OAI-PMH feeds and extract metadata associated with ARKs in the NWDA Researcher finding aid collection, transform the OAI Dublin Core into RDF conforming to the DPLA data model, and post the data into an RDF triplestore for access.


The application can be deployed on any platform, but a stable Linux server distribution with a well-maintained package manager is recommended. Since the Harvester test server is Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, the following instructions are specific to deploying in Ubuntu, but the steps apply generally to any platform capable of running the Apache Tomcat servlet container.

  1. Installing Tomcat
  2. Deploying Orbeon
  3. Deploying Fuseki
  4. Cloning and Activating the Harvester Application
  5. Cloning the Repository Records
  6. Installing Apache2 and Enabling mod_proxy
  7. Tomcat Authentication


  1. To-do: Adding new repositories to the harvester


The Harvester application includes a public user interface for viewing CHOs associated with a finding aid, a listing of data dumps, and a SPARQL endpoint. The backend includes administrative workflows for initiating ingestion processes and creating data dumps.


Ingestion Web Services

Data Model

Public User Interface

Web Services
