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CRUD Editor

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Logical Key
Field(s) and their value(s) constituting visible unique identifier of an entity instance. It may or may not be DB Primary ID.
An actions to be perfomed on a button click (or menu item in Split button dropdown). There are three kinds of operations:
  • Standard - predefined operation performed on an instance and (optionally) changing view name/state. Its handler is defined inside CRUD Editor. Standard operations IDs:
    • "delete"
    • "edit"
    • "save"
    • "saveAndNext"
    • "saveAndNew"
    • "show"

  • Custom - an operation for navigation inside CRUD Editor. Its handler must be a pure function returning either nothing or new view name/state. Custom operations are defined in Model Definition's ui.operations property.

    Important: Before moving into a new view/state a user is warned about unsaved changes (if any) with confirmation dialog - so the transition may be cancelled.

  • External - an operation for navigating out of CRUD Editor. Its handler is not a pure function because it has side effects and returns nothing. The handler is defined by an application as a callback function passed to EditorComponent props.externalOperations.

    Important: All unsaved Editor data gets lost if the handler changes window.location or view name/state.
Persistent Field
Entity attribute stored on server and returned as instance property by api.get() and calls. CRUD Editor does not necessarily knows about and works with all persistent fields, but only those listed in Model Definition's model.fields.
Composite Field
In contrast to a Persistent field, composite field is not stored on server and represents some combination of Persistent fields. It is only used for displaying an entity instance in Search Result listing.
Store State
Redux store state of CRUD Editor. It must be serializable.
Editor State
CRUD Editor state which may be saved and later restored by e.g. an application. It is a subset of Store State and contains information about active View Name/State. See EditorComponent props.onTransition for Editor State structure.
Field Type
Field classification, "string" by default. There are standard types as well as custom. A custom type can be any string, ex. "collection", "com.jcatalog.core.DateRange", etc.

There are default React Components for displaying fields of standard types. Rendering of custom types fields requires specifying custom React Components (see FieldInputComponent and FieldRenderComponent) in Model Definition's, ui.create, ui.edit and

Field Type has nothing to do with JavaScript types and defines a structure of any serializable data. By convention, null is considered to be empty value for any Field Type.

Field Types are defined in Model Definition's model.fields.
UI Type
Value conversion is necessary for communication with a React Component rendering the field. Every field value is formated from its Field Type to appropriate UI Type before sending to a React Component, and parsed from the UI Type back to its Field Type after the React Component modifies the value and returns it in onChange event handler.

UI Type has nothing to do with JavaScript types and defines a structure of any serializable data. By convention, null is considered to be empty value for any UI Type. Thus any React Components displaying a field must have embedded empty value concept and be able to deal with null.

UI Types are defined in render.value.type of searchableFields and formLayout (see Model Definition's, ui.create, ui.edit and
An object CRUD operations are performed upon. Each instance has three different representations in CRUD Editor:
  • Persistent Instance - an instance as stored on server.
  • Form Instance - an instance as displayed in Search/Create/Show/Edit Form. It is distint from Persistent Instance when a user modified the instance but has not saved changes yet.
  • Formated Instance - Form Instance with field values formated to UI Type.


// 'contract-crudeditor' package.
import React from 'react';

import createEditor, {
} from '@opuscapita/react-crudeditor';

const ContractEditor = createEditor(<Model Definition>);
export default ContractEditor;
// application.
import React from 'react';
import ContractEditor from 'contract-crudeditor';

export default class extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        ?view={?name: <string>, ?state: <object>}
          ?headerLevel: <integer>

createEditor is a function which the only argument is Model Definition object. It returns EditorComponent.


React component with the following props:

Name Default Description
view {
  name: "search",
  state: {}
View Name and full/sliced View State
onTransition - Editor State transition handler
externalOperations - Function returning a set of External Operations handlers


Name of a custom/standard View. Custom Views are defined in Model Definition's ui.customViews. Standard View is one of:

View Name Description
search Search criteria and result
create New entity instance creation
edit Existing entity instance editing
show The same as edit but read-only
error Error page

EditorComponent props.view.state

Full/sliced State describing Its structure is determined by View it describes.

If View State is sliced, not given or {}, all not-mentioned properties have their default values.

View State must be serializable.

EditorComponent props.state for "search" View:

  ?filter: {
    <field name>: <serializable, filter value for the field>,
  ?sort: <string, sort field name>,
  ?order: <"asc"|"desc", sort order>,
  ?max: <natural number, search result limit>,
  ?offset: <whole number, search result offset>,
  ?hideSearchForm: <boolean, search form initial visibility>
Name Default
filter {}
sort Result field marked with sortByDefault (first sortable result field if no sortByDefault marker is set, or first result field if there are neither sortByDefault no sortable fields)
order "asc"
max 30
offset 0
hideSearchForm false

EditorComponent props.state for "create" View:

  ?predefinedFields: <object, an entity instance with predefined field values>
Name Default
predefinedFields {}

EditorComponent props.state for "edit" and "show" Views:

  instance: <object, an entity instance with Logical Key fields only>,
  ?tab: <string, active tab name>
Name Default
instance -
tab First tab name

EditorComponent props.state for "error" View:

  code: <natural number, error code>,
  ?payload: <any, structure is defined by error code>


  code: <natural number, error code>,
  ?payload: <any, structure is defined by error code>
}, ...]
Name Default
code -
payload -

EditorComponent props.onTransition

A transition handler to be called after Editor State changes to the one with "ready" status. Its only argument is Editor State object. Usually the function reflects Editor State to URL. It may also change Editor State by rendering EditorComponent with new props.

function ({
  name: <string, View name>,  // See EditorComponent
  state: <object, Full View State>  // See EditorComponent props.view.state
}) {
  return;  // Return value is ignored.

EditorComponent props.externalOperations

A function returning an array of External Operations. Each has a handler which is called when a corresponding External Operation is triggered by CRUD Editor.

No arguments are passed to the function in Create View since it does not have persistent instance.

In case of unsaved changes, Confirmation Dialog is called after dedicated button press and before handler() call => each external operation must have side effects, or set disabled to true, or set show to false - othersise calling Confirmation Dialog is in vain.

function(<object, entity persistent instance> ) {
  return [{
    handler() {
      return; // Return value is ignored.
      name: <string, View name>,  // See EditorComponent
      state: <object, Full View State>  // See EditorComponent props.view.state
    }) {
      return {
        title() {
          return <string, external operation translated title>,

        ?show: <boolean, true by default>,
        ?disabled: <boolean, false by default>,

         * whether the operation has own dedicated button (false)
         * or it is to be placed in a dropdown of a previous button (true).
         * A previous button is either previous external operation with "dropdown" set to false
         * OR previous custom operation with "dropdown" set to false if there is no such external operation
         * OR (for Search View) "Edit" button if there is no such external/custom operation.
        ?dropdown: <boolean, true by default>,

         * React Element or string name of an icon to be displayed inside a button, ex. "trash", "edit";
         * see full list at
        ?icon: <string|element>
  }, ...]

EditorComponent props.customBulkOperations

An array of objects defines bulk operations that could be done with selected instances.

An object consist of two parts: handler function, that accepts an array of selected instances, and UI configuration for dropdown element(title).

    handler(instances) {
      return ...; // Could return a Promise. Return nothing in case of synchronous function.
    ui({ instances }) {
      return {
        title: <string, Button title>,

EditorComponent props.uiConfig

An object with optional configurations for UI.

Name Type Default Description
headerLevel integer from 1 to 6 1 Header text size in all Views. Specially designed for sub-editors.

Model Definition

Definition Object Structure

Complete example of the model configuration file: contracts model.

Model Definition is an object describing an entity. It has the following structure:

  model: {
    name: <string, usually singular entity name>,
    translationsKeyPrefix: <string>,

     * Persistent fields CRUD Editor is interested in.
    fields: {
      <field name>: {

         * At least one field must have "unique" property set to true.
        ?unique: <boolean, whether the field is a part of Logical Key, false by default>,

        ?type: <string, field type (see corresponding "Terminology" section)>,

         * Constraints for field validation.
         * Their allowed set and tuning parameters of each constraint depend on field type.
         * Constraints are usually called after field input's "onBlur" event
         * and before saving instance modifications.
        ?constraints: {
          ?max: <number|date, max length for strings or max value for dates/numbers>,
          ?min: <number|date, min length for strings or min value for dates/numbers>,
          ?required: <boolean, whether the field value can be empty>,
          ?email: <boolean>,
          ?matches: <regexp>,
          ?url: <boolean>,

           * Custom field-validator returning boolean true in case of successful validation,
           * or throwing an array of errors (or single error object) if validation failed.
          ?validate(<serializable, field value>, <object, entity instance>) {
            throw [<Field Validation Error>, ...];
            return true;

     * Custom instance-validator, usually called after "Submit" button press
     * but before sending the instance to the server for save/modify.
     * Field-validation is done upon all fields just before calling the instance-validator.
     * The function returns boolean true in case of successful validation,
     * or throws an array of error (or single error object) if validation failed.
     * The function may also be asyncronous and return a promise.
      persistentInstnace: <object, entity instance as saved on server, null for Create View>,
      formInstnace: <object, entity instance as displayed in the View>,
      viewName: <string, View name>,  // See EditorComponent
    }) {
      throw [<Instance Validation Error>, ...];
      return true;

    translations: <object, i18n translations> // See "i18n tranlations" section.

  permissions: {
    crudOperations: {
       * At least one field must be set to 'true' or defined as a function.
       * Each permission can be defined as either a boolean or a function.
       * If defined as a boolean, a permission sets editor-wise user permission
       * for a specific operation.
       * An example for booleans:
       * {
       *   create: true,
       *   delete: false,
       *   ...
       * }
       * If defined as a function, a permission operates in two modes,
       * depending on a number of function arguments:
       *   - "global" mode - (no arguments) function's return value
       *     sets editor-wise user permission for a specific operation.
       *   - "per-instance" mode - (<object, entity instance> as the only argument)
       *     function's return value sets instance-wise user permission for
       *     a specific operation.
       * Editor-wise permission is checked before instance-wise one, therefore if
       * "global" premission is 'false' then "per-instance" permission is ignored.
       * If specified, 'edit' and 'delete' permission defined as a function
       * _must_ operate in both "global" and "per-instance" mode.
       * If specified, 'create' and 'view' permission defined as a function
       * _must_ operate in "global" only mode.
       * An example for functions:
       * {
       *   create: () => {
       *     ...
       *     return <boolean>; // editor-wise permission.
       *   },
       *   delete: ({ instance } = {}) => {
       *     if (instance) {
       *       // The function is called in "per-instance" mode.
       *       ...
       *       return <boolean>; // instance-wise permission.
       *     } else {
       *       // The function is called in "global" mode.
       *       ...
       *       return <boolean>; // editor-wise permission.
       *     }
       *  },
       *  ...
       * }
      ?create: <boolean|function>, // false by default
      ?edit: <boolean|function>, // false by default
      ?delete: <boolean|function>, // false by default
      ?view: <boolean|function>, // false by default

   * Methods for async operations.
   * Each method returns a promise.  In case of failure it rejects to
   * {
   *   code: <whole number, error code>,
   *   ?payload: <any, structure is defined by error code>
   * }
  api: {
     * get single entity instance by its Logical Key.
    async get: function({
      instance: <object, an entity instance with at least Logical Key fields>
    }) {
      return {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,

     * search for entity instances by a criteria.
    async search: function({
      ?filter: {
        <field name>: <serializable, filter value for the field>,
      ?sort: <string, sort field name>,
      ?order: <"asc"|"desc", sort order>,
      ?max: <natural number, search result limit>,
      ?offset: <whole number, search result offset>
    }) {
      return {
        instances: [{
          <field name>: <serializable, field value>,
        }, ...],
        totalCount: <whole number, total number of filtered entity instances>

     * Delete entity instances by their Logical Keys.
     * In case of a failure deleting one or more instances,
     * an optional "errors" property may be specified with an array of error objects.
     * If error object format corresponds to Instance Validation Error, appropriately
     * translated messages are displayed as Notifications.
     * Errors array length may be different from the number of instances failed to be deleted.
    async delete: function({
      instances: <array[object], entity instances with at least Logical Key fields>
    }) {
      return {
        count: <whole number, how many entity instances where actually deleted>,
        ?errors: [<object>, ...]

     * create new entity instance and return its actial server copy.
    async create: function({
      instance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,
    }) {
      return {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,

     * update existing entity instance and return its actial server copy.
    async update: function({
      instance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,
    }) {
      return {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,

  ?ui: {
    ?Spinner: <function, React component to be displayed instead of built-in spinner>,

    ?search: function() {
      return {
         * Only Persistent fields from model.fields are allowed.
         * By default, all Persistent fields from model.fields
         * are used for building search criteria.
        ?searchableFields: [{
          name: <string, persistent field name>,

           * There is no default "render" property for a field of custom Field Type
           * => "render" property must be explicitly defined in such a case.
           * Default "render" property for a field of standard Field Type:
           * {
           *   component: <string, id of default FieldInputComponent for displaying the Field Type>,
           *   value: {
           *     propName: "value",
           *     type: <string, UI Type peculiar to the default FieldInputComponent>
           *   }
           * }
          ?render: {

             * Either custom FieldInputComponent (see corresponding subheading)
             * or id of embedded FieldInputComponent.
            component: <FieldInputComponent|string>,

            ?props: <object, the component props to overwrite defaults>,
            ?value: {
              ?propName: <string, a name of component prop with field value>,

               * Redundant for an embedded FieldInputComponent,
               * because UI Type it works with is already known to CRUD Editor.
               * When omitted for custom FieldInputComponent, UI Type is considered to be unknown.
               * In such a case:
               * 1. either define converter,
               * 2. or unconverted (i.e. of Field Type) field value is sent to FieldInputComponent and
               *    FieldInputComponent is presupposed to return a value of Field Type.
               * Ignored when custom "converter" is defined.
              ?type: <string, embedded UI Type (see corresponding "Terminology" section)>,

               * Custom converter which overwrites default converter, if any.
               * There is a default converter when Field Type is known to CRUID Editor and
               * 1. component is embedded FieldInputComponent, or
               * 2. component is custom FieldInputComponent and "type" with UI Type is specified.
              ?converter: {

                 * Field Type to UI Typer converter.
                format(value) {
                  return <serializable>;

                 * UI Type to Field Type converter.
                 * An error must be thrown if a value is invalid, i.e. cannot be converted to the Field Type.
                parse(value) {
                  return <serializable>;
        }, ...],

         * Both persistent and composite fields are allowed.
         * By default, all Persistent fields from model.fields are used in result listing.
         * Only one field may have "sortByDefault" set to true.
        ?resultFields: [{
          name: <string, persistent or composite field name>,
          ?sortable: <boolean, false by default>,
          ?sortByDefault: <boolean, false by default>,
          ?textAlignment: <"left"|"center"|"right">,
          ?component: <FieldRenderComponent>  // see "FieldRenderComponent" subheading.
        }, ...]

     * Generate label for entity instance description.
     * Default is instance._objectLabel
    ?instanceLabel(<object, entity instance>) {
      return <string, entity instance description>;

    ?create: {

       * Generate and return an entity instance with predefined field values.
       * The instance is not persistent.
      ?defaultNewInstance: function(<object, "search" View State>) {
        return <object, entity instance>;

       * tab(), section() and field() may be replaced with false/undefined/null which are ignored.
       * See "TabFormComponent" and "FieldInputComponent" subheading for React components props.
       * If formLayout is not specified, create/edit/show View does not have any tabs/sections
       * and displays all fields from the model. The following fields are read-only in such case:
       * -- all fields in Show view,
       * -- Logical Key fields in Edit view.
      ?formLayout: ({ tab, section, field }) => instance => {
        return [
              name: <string, tab name>,
              ?disabled: <boolean, false by default>,
              ?component: <function, TabFormComponent>,
              ?columns: <number, 1 by default>
              { name: <string, section name>, ?columns: <number, columns in parent tab by default> },
                name: <string, field name>,
                ?readOnly: <boolean, false by default>,
                ?render: { // see "searchableFields" above for detailed explanation.
                  component: <FieldInputComponent|string>,
                  ?props: <object, the component props to overwrite defaults>,
                  ?value: {
                    ?propName: <string, a name of component prop with field value, "value" by default>,
                    ?type: <string, embedded UI Type (see corresponding "Terminology" section)>,
                    ?converter: { format, parse }
                ?validate(<serializable, field value>, <object, entity instance>) { // Field-validator.
                  throw [<Instance Validation Error>, ...];
                  return true;
                name: <string, field name>,
                ?readOnly: <boolean, false by default>,
                ?render: { // see "searchableFields" above for detailed explanation.
                  component: <FieldInputComponent|string>,
                  ?props: <object, the component props to overwrite defaults>,
                  ?value: {
                    ?propName: <string, a name of Component prop with field value, "value" by default>,
                    ?type: <string, embedded UI Type (see corresponding "Terminology" section)>,
                    ?converter: { format, parse }
                  ?validate(<serializable, field value>, <object, entity instance>) { // Field-validator.
                    throw [<Instance Validation Error>, ...];
                    return true;
              name: <string, field name>,
              ?readOnly: <boolean, false by default>,
              ?render: { // see "searchableFields" above for detailed explanation.
                component: <FieldInputComponent|string>,
                ?props: <object, the component props to overwrite defaults>,
                ?value: {
                  ?propName: <string, a name of Component prop with field value, "value" by default>,
                  ?type: <string, embedded UI Type (see corresponding "Terminology" section)>,
                  ?converter: { format, parse }
              ?validate(<serializable, field value>, <object, entity instance>) { // Field-validator.
                throw [<Instance Validation Error>, ...];
                return true;
          ?section({ name: <string, section name> },
              name: <string, field name>,
              ?readOnly: <boolean, false by default>,
              ?render: { // see "searchableFields" above for detailed explanation.
                component: <FieldInputComponent|string>,
                ?props: <object, the component props to overwrite defaults>,
                ?value: {
                  ?propName: <string, a name of Component prop with field value, "value" by default>,
                  ?type: <string, embedded UI Type (see corresponding "Terminology" section)>,
                  ?converter: { format, parse }
              ?validate(<serializable, field value>, <object, entity instance>) { // Field-validator.
                throw [<Instance Validation Error>, ...];
                return true;
            name: <string, field name>,
            ?readOnly: <boolean, false by default>,
            ?render: { // see "searchableFields" above for detailed explanation.
              component: <FieldInputComponent|string>,
              ?props: <object, the component props to overwrite defaults>,
              ?value: {
                ?propName: <string, a name of Component prop with field value, "value" by default>,
                ?type: <string, embedded UI Type (see corresponding "Terminology" section)>,
                ?converter: { format, parse }
            ?validate(<serializable, field value>, <object, entity instance>) { // Field-validator.
              throw [<Instance Validation Error>, ...];
              return true;

    ?edit: {
      ?formLayout: <function>  // see ui.create.formLayout for details

    ?show: {
      ?formLayout: <function>  // see ui.create.formLayout for details

     * Views in addition to standard ones.
     * TODO
    ?customViews: {
      <view name>: <ViewComponent>,  // see "ViewComponent" subheading.

     * Custom operations available in CRUD Editor.
     * No arguments are passed to the method in Create View
     * since it does not have persistent instance.
    ?customOperations: function(<object, entity persistent instance> ) {
      return [{

         * handler() is called at operation button render, not after button press
         * => handler() must be a pure function.
         * If handler() returns undefined, the button is displayed as disabled;
         * otherwise view's name/state are saved and get redirected to only after the button press.
         * When the button gets pressed and there are unsaved changes, Confirmation Dialog is called.
         * Disabling the button by appropriate ui() return value
         * prevents handler from been called at operation button render.
        handler() {
          // return value is either undefined or view name/state.
          return {
            name: <string, View Name>,
            ?state: <object, View State, empty object by default>
          name: <string, View name>,  // See EditorComponent
          state: <object, Full View State>  // See EditorComponent props.view.state
        }) {
          return {
            title() {
              return <string, custom operation translated title>,

            ?show: <boolean, true by default>,
            ?disabled: <boolean, false by default>,

             * whether the operation has own dedicated button (false)
             * or it is to be placed in a dropdown of a previous button (true).
             * A previous button is either previous custom operation with "dropdown" set to false
             * OR (for Search View) "Edit" button if there is no such custom operation.
            ?dropdown: <boolean, true by default>,

             * React Element or string name of an icon to be displayed inside a button, ex. "trash", "edit";
             * see full list at
            ?icon: <string|element>
      }, ...]


Custom React Component for rendering Formatted Instance's field in Search Form or Create/Edit/Show Form.


Name Type Necessity Default Description
readOnly boolean optional false Whether field value can be changed
value serializable mandatory - Persistent field value formated to appropriate UI Type
onChange function mandatory - Handler called when component's value changes.
function(<serializable, new field value>) {
  return; // return value is ignored
onBlur function optional - Handler called when component loses focus.
function() {
  return; // return value is ignored

Embedded FieldInputComponents

In CRUD Editor here are two embedded FieldInputComponents:

FieldInputComponent id

For being treated as embedded, string id must be used. Additionally, the embedded FieldInputComponents can be imported from CRUD Editor package:

import { BUILTIN_INPUT, BUILTIN_RANGE_INPUT } from '@opuscapita/react-crudeditor';

Embedded FieldInputComponents also accept all props defined for FieldInputComponent.


Singular input field.

props.type Description UI Type Auto-convertable field types
integer Input which accepts only numbers and - sign and formats using i18n.formatNumber UI_TYPE_INTEGER FIELD_TYPE_STRING_INTEGER, FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER, FIELD_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FIELD_TYPE_STRING
decimal Input which accepts only numbers and - sign and formats using i18n.formatDecimalNumber UI_TYPE_DECIMAL FIELD_TYPE_STRING_DECIMAL, FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL, FIELD_TYPE_BOOLEAN, FIELD_TYPE_STRING


Range input field.

props.type Description UI Type Auto-convertable field types
integer Range input which accepts only numbers and - sign and formats using i18n.formatNumber UI_TYPE_INTEGER_RANGE_OBJECT FIELD_TYPE_STRING_INTEGER_RANGE, FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER_RANGE
decimal Range input which accepts only numbers and - sign and formats using i18n.formatDecimalNumber UI_TYPE_DECIMAL_RANGE_OBJECT FIELD_TYPE_STRING_DECIMAL_RANGE, FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL_RANGE

Default FieldInputComponents

If you define just a Field Type in Model Definition's model.fields.<field name>.type (and omit any custom render in searchableFields and formLayout), the following components will be default for the fields:

Common mappings for all Views

Field Type Component props.type

Mappings specific to Create/Edit/Show View

Field Type Component props.type

Mappings specific to Search View (searchable fields)

Field Type Component props.type


Custom React component for rendering Formated Instance's persistent/composite field value in Search Result listing.


Name Type Necessity Default Description
name string mandatory - Field name from Model Definition's
instance object mandatory - Entity instance


React component for a custom rendering of Tab form in create/edit/show Views.


Name Type Necessity Default Description
viewName string mandatory - View Name
instance object mandatory - persistent instance
doTransition function optional - Editor State change handler


React component for a custom View.


Name Type Necessity Default Description
viewState object mandatory - Custom View State
doTransition function optional - Editor State change handler


This handler is called when

  • active View changes its State, name argument is optional in such case;
  • another View must be displayed, state argument is optional in such case.
function ({
  ?name: <string, View Name>,
  ?state: <object, View State>
}) {
  return;  // return value is ignored.


Name Default Description
name active View Name To-be-displayed View Name
state {} Full/sliced to-be-displayed View State

If View State is sliced, not given or {}, all not-mentioned properties retain their current values (or default values in case of initial View rendering).

i18n Translations

Model Definition's model.translations object has translations for labels/messages defined in the model. Its shape should correspond to preferred format for @opuscapita/i18n library.

Translation keys convention:

Translation Target Translation Key Default translation
Model name (shown in the header) "" ""
Model tab label "<tab name>.label" titleCase("<tab name>")
Model section label "model.section.<section name>.label" titleCase("<section name>")
Model field label "model.field.<field name>.label" titleCase("<field name>")
Model field hint "model.field.<field name>.hint" -
Model field tooltip "model.field.<field name>.tooltip" -
Custom Field Validation Error "model.field.<field name>.error.<error id>" error.message ||
Instance Validation Error "model.error.<error id>" error.message || <built-in error message>

titleCase() converts its arugment from camelcase to titlecase, ex. titleCase("maxOrderValue") === "Max Order Value".

React context must have i18n property with I18nManager as its value.

Redux Store

State Structure

Every view must have "ready" status defined in its constants.js file for onTransition call to work properly.

  common: {
    activeViewName: <"search"|"create"|"edit"|"show"|"error">,
  views: {
    search: {

       * filter used in Search Result
      resultFilter: {
        <field name>: <serializable, filter value for the field>,

       * raw filter as displayed in Search Form
       * (may be equal to or different from "resultFilter")
      formFilter: {
        <field name>: <serializable, filter value for the field>,

       * raw filter as communicated to React Components rendering Search fields
      formatedFilter: {
        <field name>: <serializable, filter value for the field formated to corresponding UI Type>,

      sortParams: {
        field: <string, sort field name>,
        order: <"asc"|"desc", sort order>,
      pageParams: {
        max: <natural number, search result limit>,
        offset: <whole number, search result offset>,
      resultInstances: [{
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,
      }, ...],
      selectedInstances: [
        <ref, reference to an object from "instances" array>,
      totalCount: <whole number, total number of filtered entity instances>,
      status: <"uninitialized"|"initializing"|"ready"|"searching"|"deleting"|"redirecting", search view status>,

       * Parsing and Internal Errors -- see relevant subheadings
       * (all other errors are displayed on "error" view)
      errors: {
        fields: {
          <field name>: [<Parsing Error>, ...],
        general: [<Internal Error>, ...]
    create: {
      formInstance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,
      formatedInstance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value formated to corresponding UI Type>,
      status: <"ready"|"saving", create view status>

       * Parsing, Field/Instance Validation and Internal Errors -- see relevant subheadings
       * (all other errors are displayed on "error" view)
      errors: {
        fields: {
          <field name>: [<Parsing Error or Field Validation Error>, ...],
        general: [<Instance Validation Error or Internal Error>, ...]
    edit: {

       * instance in its "canonical state", i.e. as present on the server
      persistentInstance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,

       * row instance as displayed in Edit Form
      formInstance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,

       * raw instance as communicated to React Components rendering Edit Form fields
      formatedInstance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value formated to corresponding UI Type>,

       * Either an array of arrays (representing tabs) -- for tabbed layout,
       * or an array of arrays (representing sections) and objects (representing fields) -- otherwise.
      formLayout: [

           * array representing a tab. Its elements are sections/fields. The array also has props:
           * -- "tab", string with tab name,
           * -- "disabled", boolean.
           * -- "component", optional custom React Component, see TabFormComponent subheading.

             * array representing a section. Its elements are fields. The array also has props:
             * -- "section", string with section name.

               * object representing a field.
                field: <string, field name>,
                readOnly: <boolean>,
                component: <function, FieldInputComponent or default React Component for displaying the field>

       * a ref to array representing active tab - for tabbed form layout,
       * undefined - otherwise.
      activeTab: <array|undefined>,

      instanceLabel: <string, entity instance description>,
      status: <"uninitialized"|"initializing"|"ready"|"extracting"|"updating"|"deleting"|"redirecting", edit view status>,

       * Parsing, Field/Instance Validation and Internal Errors -- see relevant subheadings
       * (all other errors are displayed on "error" view)
      errors: {
        fields: {
          <field name>: [<Parsing Error or Field Validation Error>, ...],
        general: [<Instance Validation Error or Internal Error>, ...]
    show: {
      instance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,
      tab: <string, active tab name>,
      status: <"uninitialized"|"initializing"|"ready"|"redirecting", show view status>,
    error: {
      errors: [{
        code: <natural number, error code>,
        ?payload: <any, structure is defined by error code>
      status: <"uninitialized"|"ready"|"redirecting", error view status>

Parsing Error and Field/Instance Validation Error

  code: 400,
  id: <string, error id used by translation service>,
  ?message: <string, default error message, usually in English - in case a translation is not provided>,
  ?args: <object, optional parameters for i18n service>

Both plain objects and instances of Error may be used. The error must not be an instance of system error constructor, like RangeError, SyntaxError, TypeError, etc.

Internal Error

  code: 500,
  id: <string, error id used by translation service>,
  message: <string, default error message in English - in case a translation is not provided>,
  ?args: <object, optional parameters for i18n service>

All internal errors are plain objects, not instances of Error, InternalError, TypeError, etc.

model Property

Every view passes model property to external React Components it uses. The property is designed for communication with CRUD Editor and is distinct for different views. It's important to explicitly forward the property to children if they are designed to communicate with the editor. model property must never be modified by React Components.

model property general structure:

   * Dynamic collection of data from Redux store
   * linked with selectors
   * and updated every time the store state changes.
  data: {...},

   * Static collection of event handlers
   * triggering async actions and Redux store state changes.
  actions: {...}

Search View model Property

model property structure set by Search View:

  data: {
    entityName: <Model Definition>,
    formFilter: state.formFilter,
    formatedFilter: state.formatedFilter,
    isLoading: <boolean, whether API async operation is in progress>,
    pageParams: {
      max: state.pageParams.max,
      offset: state.pageParams.offset
    resultFields: <Model Definition> || <array, default Result Fields>,
    resultFilter: state.resultFilter,
    resultInstances: state.resultInstances,
    searchableFields: [{
      name: <string, persistent field name>,
      component: <function, React Component for rendering Formated Instance's field>,
      valuePropName: <string, a name of component's prop with field value>,

       * Boolean, whether two react components for from-to ranging must be rendered.
       * if true, filter field value consists of two keys, "from" and "to",
       * and two distinct components are rendered for each of them.
       * NOTE: always false for custom component.
      isRange: <boolean>

    selectedInstances: state.selectedInstances,
    sortParams: {
      field: state.sortParams.field,
      order: state.sortParams.order
    status: state.status,
    totalCount: state.totalCount
  actions: {

     * Switch to Create View
     * and populate its form fields with <Model Definition>.ui.create.defaultNewInstance if exists.

     * Delete instances by asynchronously calling the server with
     * <Model Definition>.api.delete()
     * and <Model Definition> to refresh Result Listing.
     * Only Logical Key fields are required, all others are ignored.
      <field name>: <serializable, field value>,
    }, ...]),

     * Load an instance in Edit View.
     * Only Logical Key fields of the instance are required, all others are ignored.
      instance: {
        <field name>: <serializable, field value>,
      ?tab: <string, active tab name>

     * Clear all filter fields without Result Listing change.

     * Make <Model Definition> call to the server and display response in Result Listing.
      ?filter: {
        <field name>: <serializable, filter value for the field>,
      ?sort: <string, sort field name>,
      ?order: <"asc"|"desc", sort order>,
      ?max: <natural number, search result limit>,
      ?offset: <whole number, search result offset>

      instance: <object, ref to an element of resultInstances array>
      selected: <boolean, new selection state of the instance>,
    toggleSelectedAll(<boolean, new selection state of all instances from resultInstances array>),

     * Usually called with form field's onChange event. Result Listing is not automatically changed.
      name: <string, field name>,
      value: <serializable, filter value for the field>

, where state is <Redux store state>.views.edit.

Create View model Property

model property structure set by Create View:

  data: {...},
  actions: {...}

, where state is <Redux store state>.views.create.

Edit View model Property

model property structure set by Edit View:

  data: {
    activeEntries: state.activeTab || state.formLayout,
    activeTab: state.activeTab,
    entityName: <Model Definition>,
    formatedInstance: state.formatedInstance,
    fieldsErrors: state.errors.fields,
    fieldsMeta: <Model Definition>.model.fields,
    generalErrors: storeState.errors.general,
    instanceLabel: state.instanceLabel,
    isLoading: <boolean, whether API async operation is in progress>,
    persistentInstance: state.persistentInstance,

     * Elements from state.formLayout representing tabs.
     * Empy array in case of tabless form layout.
    tabs: state.formLayout.filter(({ tab }) => tab),

    status: state.status,
    viewName: 'edit'
  actions: {

     * Usually called with field's onChange event.
      name: <string, field name>,
      value: <serializable, new field value>

     * Delete an instance by asynchronously calling the server with
     * <Model Definition>.api.delete()
     * and <Model Definition> to exit to Search View and refresh its Result Listing.
     * Only Logical Key fields are required, all others are ignored =>
     * the action can be called either on formInstance or persistentInstance with the same effect.
      <field name>: <serializable, field value>,

     * Exit to Search View.

    selectTab(<string, name of tab to activate>),

     * Usually called with field's onBlur event.
    validateInstanceField(<string, field name>)

, where state is <Redux store state>.views.edit.

Show View model Property

model property structure set by Show View:

  data: {...},
  actions: {...}

, where state is <Redux store state>

Error View model Property

model property structure set by Error View:

  data: {
    errors: state.errors,
    isLoading: <boolean, whether API async operation is in progress>,
  actions: {

     * Navigate to CRUD Editor home page, which is Search View with default View State.

, where state is <Redux store state>


Transitions of views and their states

Views States Transitions

Data Flow

Data Flow

Code Conventions

Redux Actions

An action symbolizes not a command but an effect, i.e. a change already happened in the application.

All actions are FSA-compliant.

Action types are in CONSTANT_CASE and follow <NOUN>_<VERB> pattern, e.g. ``INSTANCE_ADD. VERB` is in the present tense. Putting `NOUN` first makes sorting actions more efficient.

An action creator name follows <verb><Noun> pattern, e.g. createInstance().

Async actions are suffixed with

  • _REQUEST - for when you first send the api call,
  • _SUCCESS - for when the api call is done and successfully returned data,
  • _FAIL - for when the api call failed and responded with an error,
  • _COMPLETE - sometimes used at the end of the call regardless of status.

!!!TBD: "_SUCCESS" and "_FAIL" are not needed when FSA convention is followed.

Action types are saved in a separate file as sorted constants (e.g. var INSTANCE_ADD = 'INSTANCE_ADD';) and used them from there. This avoids spelling errors, since if the variable doesn't exist, you'll get an error immediately, especially if you're linting.

Inner-view actions are scoped to their view, e.g. 'search/MY_ACTION_TYPE'.

Code Structure

NOTE: It's entirely possible for a reducer defined in one folder to respond to an action defined in another folder[1].

├── common/
│   └── ...  # "common" namespace dir content.
├── components/  # Editor-wide React Components.
│   └── ....
├── views/
│   ├── create/
│   │   └── ...  # "create" view namespace dir content.
│   ├── edit/
│   │   └── ...  # "edit" view namespace dir content.
│   ├── error/
│   │   └── ...  # "error" view namespace dir content.
│   ├── search/
│   │   └── ...  # "search" view namespace dir content.
│   └── show/
│       ├── components/  # View-specific Presentational Components not aware of Redux.
│       │   └── ....
│       ├── actions.js  # action creators (always encapsulated inside a duck).
│       ├── constants.js  # actions' types and other constants.
│       ├── index.js  # View main Container Component aware of Redux and subscribing to Redux state.
│       ├── reducer.js
│       ├── sagas.js
│       ├── selectors.js
│       └── tests.js
├── index.js  # Editor main React Component.
├── rootReducer.js
└── rootSaga.js

Every view dir and common dir represents a ducks-complient namespace. All namespaces have similar dir structure (see show view for an example).


Not implemented:

  • isCreateSupported,
  • duplicationConfiguration,
  • cmlExportConfiguration.
  • Allow custom operations to overwrite standard operations.


  1. "There's no such thing as reducer / action creator pairing in Redux. That's purely a Ducks thing. Some people like it but it obscures the fundamental strengths of Redux/Flux model: state mutations are decoupled from each other and from the code causing them. Actions are global in the app, and I think that's fine. One part of the app might want to react to another part's actions because of complex product requirements, and we think this is fine. The coupling is minimal: all you depend on is a string and the action object shape. The benefit is it's easy to introduce new derivations of the actions in different parts of the app without creating tons of wiring with action creators. Your components stay ignorant of what exactly happens when an action is dispatched—this is decided on the reducer end. So our official recommendation is that you should first try to have different reducers respond to the same actions. If it gets awkward, then sure, make separate action creators. But don't start with this approach." (source)