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OpsLevel Maturity Backend Plugin

This plugin, in combination with the frontend plugin, provides automatic, scheduled export functionality of users, groups, and components from Backstage into OpsLevel.


Step 1

In the root directory of your Backstage installation, run the following command:

yarn add --cwd packages/backend @opslevel/backstage-maturity-backend

Step 2

Create a file called opslevel.ts in the packages/backend/src/plugins subdirectory of your Backstage installation and insert the following contents:

import { Router } from 'express';
import { PluginEnvironment } from '../types';
import { OpsLevelBuilder } from '@opslevel/backstage-maturity-backend';

export default async function createPlugin(
  env: PluginEnvironment,
): Promise<Router> {
  const builder = await OpsLevelBuilder.create(env);
  const router = await;

  return router;

Step 3

Open the index.ts file in the packages/backend/src subdirectory of your Backstage installation with the code editor of your choice.

Step 3.1

Add the following line after the end of the existing import statements:

import opslevel from './plugins/opslevel';

Step 3.2

Add the following statement to the cluster of similar statements near the top of the main() function:

const opslevelEnv = useHotMemoize(module, () => createEnv('opslevel'));

Step 3.3

Add the following statement to the cluster of similar statements a bit further down in the main() function:

apiRouter.use('/opslevel', await opslevel(opslevelEnv));

Step 4

Set up the necessary configuration in your Backstage instance's app-config.yaml. Note: that this configuration is the same as for installing the installing the frontend plugin, if you've already done the changes in app-config.yaml for the frontend plugin, you don't need to do this again.

Set Up the Proxy Configuration

Add a proxy configuration for OpsLevel. Replace <your_OpsLevel_API_token> with a token from (or, if you're running a self-hosted OpsLevel instance, the /api_tokens page on your OpsLevel instance).

      target: ''
      credentials: 'dangerously-allow-unauthenticated'
        X-Custom-Source: backstage
        Authorization: Bearer <your_OpsLevel_API_token>
      allowedHeaders: ['GraphQL-Visibility']

If you're running Self-Hosted OpsLevel, replace target with your URL.

Set Up the Base OpsLevel URL

  baseUrl: ''

If you're running Self-Hosted OpsLevel, replace baseUrl with your URL.