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[EN] How to build and setup on Linux

Xottab_DUTY edited this page May 9, 2020 · 28 revisions

How to build and setup OpenXRay on Linux

Make sure you are using S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call Of Pripyat 1.6.02, your system supports OpenGL 4.1 and has the following packages: git, cmake, GLEW, FreeImage, FreeImagePlus, Lockfile, OpenAL, TBB, Crypto++, Theora, Ogg, SDL2, LZO, Jpeg.

To install this software in Debian, Ubuntu, and their derivatives run the command:

sudo apt install git cmake libglew-dev libfreeimage-dev libfreeimageplus-dev liblockfile-dev libopenal-dev libtbb-dev libcrypto++-dev libogg-dev libtheora-dev libvorbis-dev libsdl2-dev liblzo2-dev libjpeg-dev libreadline-dev

In case you are Fedora user:

sudo dnf install git cmake glew-devel freeimage-devel freeimage-plus-devel liblockfile-devel openal-devel tbb-devel cryptopp-devel libogg-devel libtheora-devel libvorbis-devel SDL2-devel lzo-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel readline-devel

Then clone the repository with its submodules:

git clone --recursive

After this, the xray-16 directory should appear in the working directory. You need to create the build directory and go there:

cd xray-16 && mkdir bin && cd bin

Then configure the build directory by running this command. Please pay attention to its output. It will contain errors if some of the requirements were not properly installed.

cmake ..

You can customize the build by adding some options to configuration command.

To enable debugging:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo

Note that -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug used to be supported, but is no longer supported

To use clang:

CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake ..

To include all optimizations for your machine:

CFLAGS="-march=native" CXXFLAGS="-march=native" cmake ..

Then, to build the project, run this command.

make -jX

Replace X with the number of your processor's cores

To put the log and errors to different files:

make -jX >out.log 2>error.log

To install the binaries without making a package, run:

make install

Alternatively, a .deb package can be created to install via dpkg

make package
sudo dpkg -i openxray_1.6.02_amd64.deb

Before running, put game resources in ~/.local/share/GSC/SCOP/, e.g. via steamcmd:

steamcmd "+@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows" +login <your_steam_username> \
    +force_install_dir ~/.local/share/GSC/SCOP/ +app_update 41700 +quit

Start the game by running this command:


Or, if game resources are located in another place:

xr_3da -fsltx <path/to/>/fsgame.ltx

Or if you want to debug with gdb:

DEBUGGER="gdb --ex=r --args" xr_3da


If you have a S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call Pripyat windows installer, e.g. if you have a CD or the GOG version, you can run wine setup.exe to start the installation. You may have issues if you're installing to a path that has spaces, so we recommend you to install it to c:\cop (it's usually ~/.wine/drive_c/cop in linux).

If you are using Russian version, you need to install patch 1.6.02. You can download it from the official page.

If you're using Steam, you can find the resources in {STEAM_DIR}/steamapps/common/STALKER Call of Pripyat (if you did not manually install it in different directory).

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