280 commits
to develop
since this release
Release Highlights
- Time-Of-Use-Tariff: implement rabot.charge in #2656
- Improvements to Modbus-SunSpec compatibility in #2656
- Generate jacoco xml report by @parapluplu in #2652
- FEMS Backports 2023-05 in #2656
- Adding fix messages for retrofit bnd
- Update Debian settings
- Do not install man-pages, locales, docs
- CI: Improve gradle scripts
- fix: ./gradlew buildEdge error by @katsuya in #2651
- Gradle: update to version 8.8 by @sfeilmeier in #2657
OpenEMS Backend
- FEMS Backports 2023-05 in #2656
- Send ON_SET_SUM_STATE Event only on change (#1195)
- b2bwebsocket: fix tests
- Gradle builds end with a warning:
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
- This is due to this error
- Gradle builds end with a warning:
> Task :io.openems.backend.b2bwebsocket:test No test executed. This behavior has been deprecated. This will fail with an error in Gradle 9.0. There are test sources present but no test was executed. Please check your test configuration. Consult the upgrading giude for further information: https://docs.gradle.org/8.7/userguide/upgrading_version_8.html#test_task_fail_on_no_test_executed
- Alerting: fix NPE, general improvements
- make local variables final
- remove
from interface methods - add null check to
OpenEMS Edge
- FEMS Backports 2023-05 in #2656
- TimeOfUseTariff rabot.charge implementation
- Battery improvements
- Adds
to BatteryInverter; implemented in KACO. - Adds ESS-Protection on Generic-ESS
- Adds Voltage Regulation in ESS
- Adds
- Modbus/SunSpec: implement BitWords
- Refactor SunSpecCodeGenerator
- Handle
properly - Allow overriding BITFIELD mapping, e.g. for "Vendor defined events"
- ESS Power Solver: improve KEEPING_ALL_EQUAL strategy
- Add
strategy; automatically applied as fallback toOPTIMIZE_BY_KEEPING_ALL_EQUAL
- Add
- Systemd-Networkd: parse [Gateway] in [Route] block
- GoodWe: fix sorting of diagnostic bit registers
- GoodWe: fix impossible high Battery Power values
- FENECON Home Battery add stop functionality
- STOP Home battery on very low cell voltage. Adds Channels:
- LOW_MIN_VOLTAGE_WARNING: Low min voltage warning | Niedriger Ladezustand der Batterie, da die Batterie nicht durch den Wechselrichter beladen werden kann. Ohne Beladung schaltet sich die Batterie demnächst ab, um sich selbst zu schützen
- LOW_MIN_VOLTAGE_FAULT: Low min voltage fault | Niedriger Ladezustand. Die Batterie schaltet sich demnächst ab, um sich selbst zu schützen
- LOW_MIN_VOLTAGE_FAULT_BATTERY_STOPPED: Low min voltage fault - Battery stopped | Batterie wurde wegen zu niedrigem Ladezustand abgeschaltet. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Installateur
- STOP Home battery on very low cell voltage. Adds Channels:
- Weidmüller IO: fix reading of CurrentModuleList
- Fixed hidden ClassCastException in
- Fixed hidden ClassCastException in
- Refactored Shelly 2.5 to use HttpBridge by @Sn0w3y in #2573
- FEMS Backports 2023-05 in #2656
- add notification infrastructure
- add warning for systemupdate
- Confirmation alert for systemupdate
- Standardizing alert for update and EMS restart
- adjust translations of alert
- Adjust translations of confirmation alert of system update
- improve systemLog
- Adding searchbar to be able to filter systemlog (case-insensitive)
- Adding debug level filter
- Enable Copying of systemlog
- Improved filter for Non condensed output -> splitting debugLog string if line-breaks provided
- add toggle to reconfigure condensedOutput
- fix duplicate legend item generation for same aliases
- Extend Eslint
- Extend EsLint to make implementing lifecycle interfaces mandatory
- Hide Menu in login page
Version Upgrades
- Bump com.google.guava:guava from 33.1.0-jre to 33.2.0-jre in /cnf by @dependabot in #2632
- Bump org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.http.jetty from 5.1.10 to 5.1.12 in /cnf by @dependabot in #2631
- Bump @ngx-translate/core from 14.0.0 to 15.0.0 in /ui by @dependabot in #2626
- Bump typescript-strict-plugin from 2.4.1 to 2.4.3 in /ui by @dependabot in #2634
- Bump ejs from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10 in /ui by @dependabot in #2629
- Bump vite and @angular-devkit/build-angular in /ui by @dependabot in #2624
- Bump eslint-plugin-unused-imports from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 in /ui by @dependabot in #2633
- Update dependencies: influx, kotlin, gson by @dependabot in #2647
- Bump org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.http.jetty from 5.1.12 to 5.1.14 in /cnf by @dependabot in #2654
- Bump org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-osgi-bundle from 1.9.24 to 2.0.0 in /cnf by @dependabot in #2653
New Contributors
- @Bishalghimire1997 made their first contribution in #2656
- @manojniit made their first contribution in #2656
- @saeedniko made their first contribution in #2656
- @parapluplu made their first contribution in #2652
- @katsuya made their first contribution in #2651
Full Changelog: 2024.5.0...2024.6.0