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OC SSO Notification

This Spring Boot Application is created to implement a SSO Notification service for OpenConext. With a SSO Notification an Identity Provider can be defined which informs Engineblock at which Identity Provider a user should log in. This is accomplished by setting a cookie with the entity ID of the Identity Provider. The Engineblock application retrieves the cookie and initiates an authentication with the set entity ID.

For a more in depth functional description, please refer to the functional description.

The following urls are exposed with this service:

  • / - The SSO Notification service
  • /actuator/health
  • /actuator/info

Getting started

The OC SSO Notification Service utilises:

  • Java 17
  • Maven 3+


For development you can start the Spring Boot application with embedded Tomcat from the root of the project using:

mvn clean install && java -jar oc-sso-notificatie/target/oc-sso-notificatie-*.jar --spring.config.location=release/src/main/resources/sample/config/

Security checks

Run OWASP security checks by running

mvn clean install -P security-updates -DskipTests=true -B

Configuration of SSO Notification service

The application uses key value pairs set in the file.

Settings for exposing inner workings of the application can be configured with the parameters below. Note that for Production use, either access to /actuator should be restricted or this configuration should be altered:

# The admin user who can access the management information.
# Actuator expose settings

With the default configuration, the /actuator/info endpoint can be requested with the following command:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8083/actuator/info -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46c2VjcmV0'

Note that the key "YWRtaW46c2VjcmV0" is a Base64 encoded String with format "[username]:[password]", in this case: "admin:secret". This value can be generated using of the Linux command line ("echo -n 'admin:secret' | base64").

If "" is not set, the actuator endpoint will not be secured.

Settings for the SSO Notification cookie can be configured with the following parameters.

# The domain to set for the notification cookie
# The path to set for the notification cookie
# The secure flag to set for the notification cookie

Settings for the encryption can be configured with the following parameters.

# The encryption method used
# The secure password used to generate the encryption key - used for generating notification cookie value<xxx>
# The salt value used to generate the encryption key<xxx>

Since AES-256 is used as the default encryption method, note to set a value of 32 characters for and a value of 16 characters for These settings should also be used in the configuration of Engineblock for the decryption process. Please see section below for more details.

For retrieving SSO Notifications there is the option of requesting data from an external REST API which is configured with:

# Url of the API which returns the SSO notification information by id.
# The name of the API key header
# The api-key header value - used in security purposes, is added to idp rest request
# The URL-suffix to fetch all SSO Notification data from the Data Service endpoint
# The amount of seconds before a timeout

Alternatively, a data file in JSON format (example found here) can be configured with:


If this configuration is present, the API will be used to fetch the data. The static file will be used as a fallback if the API configuration is not present. In the case the API is not working (either due to wrong configuration or outage), the static file will NOT be used as a fallback.

For a full example of the configurations, please refer to Installation Manual.

It is possible to configure SSO-Notification such that it runs more in sync with the data-source. If this is done, SSO-Notification periodically polls a check-sum endpoint exposed on the original data-source. The cache is then evicted if the check-sum has changed since the last time. To do this, the following configurations must be configured:


Where api.endpoint.url.cacheHash is the url (including endpoint) where the check-sum is exposed, and dataservices.fetchCacheHash.cronSchedule is the cron-schedule at which the above endpoint will be polled. This schedule is set to - by default, which disables this polling feature.

Configuration of Engineblock

Reading and processing SSO Notification cookies should be enabled in Engineblock. Furthermore, the encryption key and salt configured for the SSO Notification service should be configured for Engineblock as well for the decryption process. Below are the configurations needed in Engineblock.

feature_enable_sso_notification: true
sso_notification_encryption_algorithm: AES-256-CBC
sso_notification_encryption_key: <xxx>
sso_notification_encryption_key_salt: <xxx>

Other features

Realm scoping

It is possible to enrich the SAML authentication scoping elements with realms. Realms provide a unique identifier which can be used to scope further in the authentication process. For the SSO Notification, a realm can be added to the cookie by adding an optional request parameter to the request to the SSO Notification service as follows:


See section Testing the service for a full example of a request.

Testing the service

Note that you'll need to have a valid Referer HTTP header, so it is necessary to set up a web server running on the same domain as the Engineblock application which points to this service. This is needed to be able to place the SSO Notification cookie. Also do note that cookies will be placed as secure. The Service therefor needs to be accessed through HTTPS.

Then a request can be sent to the service, for example:

A description for a quick test with a simple HTML page can be found in


OC SSO Notification - Apache License, Version 2.0


For more information, contact Stichting Kennisnet.

Copyright(c) 2023 Stichting Kennisnet