This project demonstrates a lightweight integration between Nostr and HTMX, enabling real-time Nostr event subscriptions with minimal JavaScript.
The project creates a custom HTMX extension called 'nostr-sub' that bridges Nostr and HTMX. This is used in the HTML with:
hx-ext="nostr-sub, client-side-templates"
When you submit the form, HTMX triggers the Nostr subscription through:
When you input a pubkey and click "ok":
- The form triggers the HTMX extension
- The extension creates a Nostr subscription with the filter
plus the author from the form - When events come in from Nostr, they're transformed into HTML using the Mustache template
The Mustache template defines how each Nostr event is displayed:
<template id="event">
<div id="main" hx-swap-oob="afterbegin">
at <em>{{created_at}}</em> <b>{{pubkey}}</b> said:
- The Nostr subscription stays active (
closeOnEose: false
) - New events are automatically rendered and inserted into the page using HTMX's out-of-band swaps (
) - Events are processed every 5000ms (5 seconds)
- HTMX handles the UI interactions and DOM updates
- Nostr handles the real-time data subscription
- The custom extension ('nostr-sub') bridges between them
- Mustache templates handle the rendering of Nostr events into HTML
This creates a reactive UI where Nostr events are automatically rendered into the page without needing to write complex JavaScript event handlers or DOM manipulation code.
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Install just command runner:
# On macOS:
brew install just
# On Linux:
# Check your package manager or visit
# On Windows:
choco install just
# or
scoop install just
- Install esbuild:
npm install -g esbuild
- Build the project:
just build
- Serve the project (using Python's built-in server):
python3 -m http.server
Then visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser.
You can test the application by entering a Nostr public key. Here's a sample pubkey to try:
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