v4.2.1 released
v4.2.1 (patch release) covers more than 10 languages with 50+ PRs. For a full list of changes, please refer to the list below:
Here are the highlights:
- [core] Fix system properties being immutable #4447
- [ci] Setting ensure-up-to-date to use batch option in CircleCI #4445
- [cli][script] Fix misspelling in cli bootstrapping script #4356
- Remove deprecated API use of ObjectFactory.property() (#2613) #4352
- [core] consider polymorphism when computing unused schemas #4335
- [asciidoc] fix names of parameters #4440
- [C] Minor enhancement to C client generator #4457
- [csharp-netcore] Propagate raw content to the ApiException error content #4381
- [Feature] emit default values for optional properties #4347
- csharp-netcore: Replace null literals with default #4345
- Simpler timeout with QTimer::singleShot #4430
- cpp qt5 client: fix prefix bug #4432
- cpp-qt5-client: remove host since it is not well handled #4429
- [C++][Pistache] update cpp flag for pistache #4386
- [C++] [Qt5]Update isSet when the object is received from callback #4385
- Fix cpp-restbed-server json field serialization #4323
- [Dart] generate keywords as a resource #4449
- [go-server] Add featureCORS option #4400
- [Kotlin][Client] Add option to make all api method return a nullable model #4422
- [kotlin][bugfix] [maven-plugin]: prevent ClassCastException with boolean config options #4361
- [kotlin][client] annotate API exceptions #4339
- [kotlin][client] gson complete integration #4332
- [meta] Support Kotlin meta generator #4156
- [Java] Recursive equal on reflection #4475
- Replace the old ResourceSupport #4426
- [Java][native] Re-interrupt the thread in the generated code #4382
- [Java][resttemplate][webclient] fix array parameters of type integer in path #4379
- Fix Jackson databind security issue #4370
- [jaxrs-spec][quarkus] update to 0.27.0 #4360
- Bugfix and Refactor on Java-Vertx-Web parameters #4353
- [Java] Fix security alerts due to com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind #4344
- [Java][Spring] forward throws for delegate to main method #4327
- [Java] Refactor webClient generator to use URI templates to capture correct metrics #4314
- [Javascript][Flowtyped] Adding parent flow type to child type using "& ParentType" to allow flow JS access parent fields from child types #4263
- [Python-Experimental]: Remove redundant else statement #4324
- [python][metadata] Adding license and author fields #4318
- [Python] Avoid pep8 violation #4316
- [Python] [Performance] Avoid unnecessary checks inside the loop #4305
- [Ruby][client] better nullable support #4391
- feature: Typescript-angular support single request param #4479
- typescript-fetch: Only generate npm package if npmName specified #4472
- [typescript-rxjs]: Add support for nullable #4438
- [typescript-fetch] Add (de)serializers for oneOfs #4387
- typescript-angular: fix oneOf and anyOf generates incorrect model for primitive types #4341
- [typescript-fetch] Fix discriminator mapping name #4340
- [typescript-angular] do not call .toISOString() on a string #4337
- [typescript-fetch] Fix for nullable enums + separate treatment of null and undefined #4315