Magento2 + Sample Data - Docker container
Environment: Ubuntu 15.10, Nginx1.9, Php7.0.3, MySQL5.6
build up with # docker build -t m2 . run with # docker run -d -p 80:80 -v /etc/hosts:/hosts -t m2
to make available from docker-host via http:, please run something like:
HOSTS='m2.demo m2demo.local' IPS="$(docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $(docker ps -q))"; echo "$HOSTS" "$IPS" >> /etc/hosts
hostnames in Nginx's configuration are: m2.demo & m2demo.local (in Chrome m2.demo makes to search "m2.demo" instead of resolving IP of container).
( included in this reposytory)