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Helm charts for GraphDB

You can download the GraphDB Helm chart, including all sub-charts managed by Ontotext, from the Ontotext Helm repository.



Getting Started

If this is your first time installing a Helm chart, you should read the following introductions before continuing:


Note: sudo may be required.

Kubernetes environment


Follow the install documentation for Minikube.


Carefully choose the suitable Minikube driver for your system.

Warning: Some of them are compatible but have know issues. For example, the docker driver does not support the ingress add-on which is required while the none driver goes into DNS resolve loop in some Linux distributions.


It's important to define resource limitations for the Minikube environment, otherwise it will default to limits that may not be sufficient to deploy the whole chart.

The default resource limitations require around 12GB of RAM. This is configurable per service in values.yaml and should be tuned for every deployment.

When starting Minikube, it's preferable to define a bit more than the required amount. For example, to create a Minikube environment in VirtualBox with 8 CPUs and 16GB of memory, use:

minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox --cpus=8 --memory=16000


Minikube has built in services as part of its add-on system. By default, some of the required plugins are disabled and have to be enabled.

To expose services, enable Minikube's ingress with:

minikube addons enable ingress

To collect metrics, enable Minikube's metrics server with:

minikube addons enable metrics-server

To enable Minikube's monitoring dashboard with:

minikube dashboard

DNS Resolving

The chart is deployed with a Kubernetes ingress service that is configured to listen for requests on a specific hostname. Any other requests are not handled.

This hostname is specified in values.yaml under By default, it's configured for localhost which is suitable for the none Minikube driver. In every other case you have to reconfigure it to a hostname that is DNS resolvable.

Some options are:

  • Configure or update an existing DNS server - recommended for production deployment
  • Update your hosts file - suitable for local development

To find out the IP address of the Minikube environment, use:

minikube ip

If you wish to access GraphDB locally on http://graphdb.local/ and the IP address of the Minikube environment is you should modify your hosts file with:  graphdb.local

See this how-to about modifying the hosts file in different OS.


If you have a GraphDB license, create a secret with a graphdb.license data entry:

kubectl create secret generic graphdb-license --from-file graphdb.license

then add the secret name to the values.yaml file as graphdb.node.license

Note: Secret names can differ from the given examples in the values.yaml, but their configurations should be updated to refer to the correct ones. Note that the licenses can be set for all node instances. Please setup correctly according to the licensing agreements.

Updating an expired GraphDB license

When the helm chart is installed the license will be provisioned through the secret set in the graphdb.node.license value. When a license expires you'll have to update the secret, so GraphDB instances don't get provisioned with the old license. In order NOT to restart your current GraphDB instances, you can copy your new license named graphdb.license in your GraphDB pods in folder /opt/graphdb/home/work. It's important to name your file exactly graphdb.license!

kubectl delete secret graphdb-license
kubectl create secret generic graphdb-license --from-file graphdb.license
kubectl cp graphdb.license graphdb-node-0:/opt/graphdb/home/work

Note: If you use a standalone GraphDB you can also change it through the workbench, but if you don't update the secret next restart will provision the old license.

Cluster migration from GraphDB 9.x to 10.0

Warning: Before starting the migration change your master into read only mode. The process is irreversible and full backup is HIGHLY advisable. At minimum backup the PV of the worker you are planing to use for migration.

The Helm chart is completely new and not backwards-compatible.

  1. Make all masters read only, you can use the workbench.
  2. Using the workbench disconnect all repositories of the worker which we are going to use to migrate to 10.0. If you've used the official GraphDB helm chart you can select any worker. In case of a custom implementation select one that can easily be scaled down.

Note: Only the repositories that are on the worker will be migrated into the new cluster! 3. Get the PV information of the worker, noting down the capacity and the access mode:

kubectl get pv
  1. Note down the resource limits of the worker node:
    kubectl get pod graphdb-worker-<selected-worker> -o yaml | grep -B 2 memory
  2. Make sure all the important settings saved in the settings.js of the master are present in the worker's. Their only difference should be the lack of locations in the worker's settings.
    kubectl cp graphdb-master-1-0:/opt/graphdb/home/work/workbench/settings.js settings_m.js
    kubectl cp graphdb-worker-<selected-worker>:/opt/graphdb/home/work/workbench/settings.js settings_w.js
    diff settings_m.js settings_w.js
    If anything other than the locations is different between the files assume that the master's file is correct and copy it to the worker:
    kubectl cp settings_m.js graphdb-worker-<selected-worker>:/opt/graphdb/home/work/workbench/settings.js
  3. During a replication of a node GraphDB 10 can take double the storage which 9.x takes, so you might need to increase your PV size! To do this we recommend checking the documentation of your cloud service provider but in general the procedure is:
    • Make sure allowVolumeExpansion: true is set in your used storageClass.
    • Request a change in volume capacity by editing your PVC's
    • Verify the change has taken effect with get pvc <pvc-name> -o yaml and checking the status.capacity field.
  4. Scale down the selected worker. In the official GraphDB every worker has it's' own statefulset. List all the statefulsets to find the name of the worker you want to scale down:
    kubectl get statefulsets
    Then change the number of replicas to 0:
    kubectl scale statefulsets <stateful-set-name> --replicas=0
  5. Once the worker is down patch the worker's PV with "persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Retain":
    kubectl patch pv <worker-pv-name> -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Retain"}}'
  6. Delete the worker's PVC.
    kubectl delete pvc <worker-pvc-name>
  7. Patch the PV with "claimRef":null so it can go from status Released to Available:
    kubectl patch pv <worker-pv-name> -p '{"spec":{"claimRef":null}}'
  8. Patch the PV with claimRef matching the PVC that will be generated by the volumeClaimTemplates:
    kubectl patch pv <worker-pv-name> -p '{"spec":{"claimRef":{"name":"graphdb-node-data-dynamic-pvc-graphdb-node-0"}}}'
  9. Create a namespace for the GraphDB 10 helm chart, so we can deploy it without having to delete our 9.x cluster:
    kubectl create namespace <new-namespace-name>
  10. Patch/Move the worker's PV to the new namespace:
    kubectl patch pv <worker-pv-name> -p '{"spec":{"claimRef":{"namespace":"<namespace-name>"}}}'
  11. Create a secret with your license in the new namespace:
    graphdb-license --from-file graphdb.license -n <new-namespace-name>
  12. Install the 10.0 Helm chart. Remember to edit:
  • graphdb.node.resources.limits.memory and graphdb.node.resources.requests.memory to the ones used by the old workers.
  • graphdb.nodesCount: The raft protocol recommends an odd amount of nodes. Set to the amount of workers you had in the old cluster.
  • graphdb.node.persistance.volumeClaimTemplateSpec.accessModes and to the ones used by the old PVs.
  • graphdb.clusetConfig.clusterCreationTimeout high enough so the data from the old worker has time to replicate to all the new nodes. This depends on network speed between the nodes and the read/write performance of the storage. If the replication is expected to take more than 5 minutes add an equivalent --timeout XXm to the helm install command.
  • to temporary address where you can test everything is working.
  1. Once you confirm everything has migrated and works as expected you can free up the old and upgrade the new cluster to it.

Note: If you decide to revert to 9.x and don't have a backup of the worker's PV, you won't be able to use the old PV as GraphDB 10's repositories and settings aren't backward compatible. Your best course of action would be to make sure it will provision a new clean PV, scale the replica back from 0, recreate the worker repositories and reconnect them to the old master repositories letting GraphDB replicate the data.

Quick Start

The Helm chart includes an example repository configuration TTLs.

To install the GraphDB on graphdb.local:

helm install --set graphdb .

After a few seconds, Helm will print out the result from installing GraphDB. You should see the following output:

        ____                 _     ____  ____
       / ___|_ __ __ _ _ __ | |__ |  _ \| __ )
      | |  _| '__/ _` | '_ \| '_ \| | | |  _ \
      | |_| | | | (_| | |_) | | | | |_| | |_) |
       \____|_|  \__,_| .__/|_| |_|____/|____/
version: 10.0.0
GDB cluster: true

** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed and services are available **
You can check their status with kubectl get pods

* GraphDB workbench: http://graphdb.local/graphdb


By default, the Helm chart is deploying persistent volumes that store data on the host path. This is useful for local Minikube deployments. However, in a cloud environment with multiple node cluster this would lead to rescheduling and data loss.


Local deployment

Local persistent volumes are configured with graphdb.node.persistence from values.yaml.

Cloud deployment

For cloud deployment, you have to prepare persistent disks, storage class (or classes) and finally persistent volumes manifests. Once this is done, every component must be reconfigured in values.yaml to point to the new persistent volume and not the default one. Each component has a section persistence that has to be updated.

API Gateway

The services are proxied using nginx Ingress gateway. By default, it is configured to route:

  • GraphDB Workbench
  • GraphDB cluster proxy if the cluster deployment is enabled


Every component in configured with sensible defaults. Some of them are applied from values.yaml. Make sure you read it thoroughly, understand each property and the impact of changing any one of them.

Note: If you are familiar with Kubernetes, you could modify the component's configuration templates directly.

Ontop repositories

Ontop repositories require a jdbc driver. To use this type of repository, you have to provide a jdbc driver named jdbc-driver.jar. It must be located in each GraphDB instance in which you wish to use with Ontop repository, in the folder /opt/graphdb/home/jdbc-driver. The directory is part of the GraphDB home directory which is persistent, so the driver will persist after a restart or reschedule of a GraphDB pod.

Customizing GraphDB cluster and GraphDB specific properties

GraphDB's Helm chart is made to be highly customizable regarding GraphDB's specific options and properties. There are 3 important configuration sections:

  • GraphDB cluster configuration
  • GraphDB node configuration
  • GraphDB cluster proxy configuration

GraphDB cluster configuration

With the release of GraphDB 10, master nodes are no longer needed for a cluster, so the size of the cluster is controlled by just one property: graphdb.clusterConfig.nodesCount. You will need at least three GraphDB installations to create a fully functional cluster. Remember that the Raft algorithm recommends an odd number of nodes, so a cluster of five nodes is a good choice.

Note: If "1" is selected as node count, the launched node will be standalone and no instances of the cluster proxy will be deployed!

  • The section graphdb.clusterConfig can be used to configure a GraphDB cluster.

See more about the cluster here:

Deploying GraphDB with security

GraphDB's Helm chart supports deploying GraphDB with or without security. This can be toggled through If it is deployed with security enabled, a special provisioning user is used for repository provisioning, cluster linking, health checks and so on. Additional users can be added through the users file: files/config/users.js. The users are described with their roles, username and a bcrypt64 password.

The file can be provisioned before GraphDB's startup with the usersConfigMap configmap or left to default. It can be overridden with other configmap containing the users.js file. Note that the provisioning user is required when security is turned on!

By default, if the security is turned on, GraphDB's basic security method is used. More complicated security configurations can be configured using additional configurations in


Prior to GraphDB 10.0.0 the users and their settings were saved in the settings.js file.

Provisioning additional properties and settings

Most of GraphDB's properties can be passed through java_args. Another option is to supply a file. This file can be provisioned on during GraphDB's startup using propertiesConfigMapconfigmap or left to default. It can be overridden with other configmap containing the file.

The file is also used for more complex security configurations such as LDAP, Oauth, Kerberos.

Some additional settings are kept in the settings.js file. Most of those settings are internal for GraphDB and better left managed by the client. The file can be provisioned before GraphDB's startup with the settingsConfigMap configmap or left to default. It can be overridden with other configmap containing the settings.js file. Note the settings.js must contain security.enabled" : true property when security is turned on!

GraphDB uses logback to configure logging using the logback.xml file. The file can be provisioned before GraphDB's startup with the logbackConfigMap configmap or left to default. It can be overridden with other configmap containing the logback.xml file.

See See

Importing data from existing persistent volume

GraphDB supports attaching a folder as an import directory. The directory's content s visible in the Workbench and can be imported. In the Helm chart you can use existing PV as an import directory. This is done through graphdb.import_directory_mount using a volumeClaimTemplateSpec. This way a dynamic PV/PVC can be provisioned, or you can use an existing PV. If an existing PV is used, have in mind that the dynamically provisioned PVC name is graphdb-server-import-dir-graphdb-master-1-0, so an appropriate claimRef must be added to the existing PV.


By default, GraphDB's Helm chart comes with a default Ingress. The Ingress =can be disabled by switching ingress.enabled to false.

Cloud deployments specifics

Some cloud kubernetes clusters have some specifics that should be noted. Here are some useful tips on some cloud K8s clusters:

Google cloud

In Google's k8s cluster services, the root directory is not writable. By default, GraphDB's chart uses /data directory to store instances data. If you're using Google cloud, please change this path to something else, not located on the root level.

By default, the ingress used in the helm chart utilizes NGINX as ingress.class. The easiest way to make it work inside the GKE is by deploying a NGINX ingress controller. Information on how that can be achieved can be found here:

Microsoft Azure

We recommend not to use the Microsoft Azure storage of type azurefile. The write speeds of this storage type when used in a Kubernetes cluster is not good enough for GraphDB, and we recommend against using it in production environments.

See Azure/AKS#223


Helm allows you to override values from values.yaml in several ways. See

  • Preparing another values.yaml:
helm install graphdb . -f overrides.yaml
  • Overriding specific values:
helm install graphdb . --set --set security.enabled=true


Some important properties to update according to your deployment are:

  • deployment.protocol and - configure the ingress controller and some components on which they are accessible. The must be a resolvable hostname and not an IP address.
  • configures components where to store their persistent data on the host system running the Kubernetes environment.


Each component is defined with default resource limits that are sufficient to deploy the chart and use it with small sets of data. However, for production deployments it is obligatory to revise these resource limits and tune them for your environment. You should consider common requirements like amount of data, users, expected traffic.

Look for <component>.resources blocks in values.yaml. During Helm's template rendering, these YAML blocks are inserted in the Kubernetes pod configurations as pod resource limits. Most resource configuration blocks are referring to official documentations.

See the Kubernetes documentation about defining resource limits.


Key Type Default Description
global.imagePullSecrets list [] List of additional image pull secrets. This will be concatenated with anything at a lower level
global.imageRegistry string This is used as a global override for the image registry. If defined it takes precedence over images.XYZ.registry
global.storageClass string standard Used as a default storage class when one is not provided explicitly at a lower level
Key Type Default Description string "localhost" Overrides the hostname at which graphdb will be exposed.
deployment.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Defines the policy with which components will request their image.
deployment.ingress object {"enabled":"true","class":"nginx","maxRequestSize":"512M","timeout":{"connect":5,"read":600,"send":600}} Ingress related configurations.
deployment.ingress.annotations object {} Sets extra ingress annotations.
deployment.ingress.class string nginx
deployment.ingress.enabled bool true Toggle to enable or disable the external access to the kubernetes cluster.
deployment.ingress.maxRequestSize string "512M" Sets the maximum size for all requests to the underlying Nginx.
deployment.ingress.timeout object {"connect":5,"read":600,"send":600} Default timeouts in seconds for the underlying Nginx.
deployment.protocol string "http" The hostname and protocol at which the graphdb will be accessible. Needed to configure ingress as well as some components require it to properly render their UIs. string "/data" The storage place where components will read/write their persistent data in case the default persistent volumes are used. They use the node's file system.
deployment.tls.enabled bool false Feature toggle for SSL termination. Disabled by default.
deployment.tls.secretName string nil Name of a Kubernetes secret object with the key and certificate. If TLS is enabled, it's required to be provided, depending on the deployment.
graphdb.clusterConfig.clusterCreationTimeout int 60 Timeout for the cluster creation CURL query. # Note: By default helm waits for Kubernetes commands to complete for 5 minutes. You can increase that by adding "--timeout 10m" to the helm command.
graphdb.clusterConfig.clusterSecret string "s3cr37" A secret used for secure communication amongst the nodes in the cluster.
graphdb.clusterConfig.electionMinTimeout int 7000 The minimum wait time in milliseconds for a heartbeat from a leader.
graphdb.clusterConfig.electionRangeTimeout int 5000 The variable portion of each waiting period in milliseconds for a heartbeat.
graphdb.clusterConfig.heartbeatInterval int 2000 The interval in milliseconds between each heartbeat that is sent to follower nodes by the leader.
graphdb.clusterConfig.messageSize int 64 The size of the data blocks transferred during data replication streaming through the RPC protocol.
graphdb.clusterConfig.nodesCount int 1 Number of GraphDB nodes to be used in the cluster. Set value to 1 to run a standalone GraphDB instance.
graphdb.clusterConfig.verificationTimeout int 1500 The amount of time in milliseconds a follower node would wait before attempting to verify the last committed entry when the first verification is unsuccessful.
graphdb.clusterProxy.livenessProbe object {"httpGet":{"path":{"/proxy/health","port":"gdb-proxy-port"},"initialDelaySeconds":60,"timeoutSeconds":5,"periodSeconds":10} Configurations for the GraphDB cluster proxy liveness probe. Misconfigured probe can lead to a failing cluster.
graphdb.clusterProxy.readinessProbe object {"httpGet":{"path":{"/proxy/ready","port":"gdb-proxy-port"},"initialDelaySeconds":20,"timeoutSeconds":5,"periodSeconds":10} Configurations for the GraphDB cluster proxy readiness probe. Misconfigured probe can lead to a failing cluster.
graphdb.clusterProxy.replicas int 1 Number of cluster proxies used to access the GraphDB cluster
graphdb.clusterProxy.resources object {"limits":{"memory":"1Gi","cpu":"500m"},"requests":{"memory":"1Gi","cpu":"500m"}} Minimum requirements for a successfully running GraphDB cluster proxy
graphdb.clusterProxy.startupProbe object {"httpGet":{"path":{"/protocol","port":"gdb-proxy-port"},"initialDelaySeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":5,"periodSeconds":10} Configurations for the GraphDB cluster proxy startup probe. Misconfigured probe can lead to a failing cluster.
graphdb.clusterProxy.java_args string "-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=70 -Ddefault.min.distinct.threshold=100m -XX:+UseContainerSupport" Java arguments with which cluster proxy instances will be launched. Configuration properties can also be passed here in the format -Dprop=value
graphdb.configs.logbackConfigMap string "graphdb-logback-configmap" Reference to a configmap used to overwrite the default GraphDB logback.xml, with an externally provided logback.xml. For reference see
graphdb.configs.propertiesConfigMap string "graphdb-properties-configmap" Reference to a configmap used to overwrite the default, with an externally provided For reference see
graphdb.configs.settingsConfigMap string "graphdb-settings-configmap" Reference to a configmap used to overwrite the default GraphDB settings.js, with an externally provided settings.js. Even if left to default if security is enabled the configmap will be used to enable GraphDB's security. For reference see
graphdb.configs.usersConfigMap string "graphdb-users-configmap" Reference to a configmap used to overwrite the default GraphDB users.js, with an externally provided users.js. Even if left to default if security is enabled the configmap will be used to add a provisioning user. For reference see
graphdb.node.java_args string "-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=70 -Ddefault.min.distinct.threshold=100m -XX:+UseContainerSupport" Java arguments with which node instances will be launched. GraphDB configuration properties can also be passed here in the format -Dprop=value
graphdb.node.license string `` Reference to a secret containing 'graphdb.license' file to be used by the cluster nodes. This is a required secret without which GraphDB won't operate in a cluster. Important: Must be created beforehand
graphdb.node.livenessProbe object {"httpGet":{"path":{"/protocol","port":"graphdb"},"initialDelaySeconds":60,"timeoutSeconds":5,"periodSeconds":10} Configurations for the GraphDB node liveness probe. Misconfigured probe can lead to a failing cluster.
graphdb.node.persistence.volumeClaimTemplateSpec object {"accessModes":"- ReadWriteOnce","resources":{"requests":{"storage":"5Gi"}} VolumeClaimTemplateSpec
graphdb.node.readinessProbe object {"httpGet":{"path":{"/protocol","port":"graphdb"},"initialDelaySeconds":5,"timeoutSeconds":5,"periodSeconds":10} Configurations for the GraphDB node readiness probe. Misconfigured probe can lead to a failing cluster.
graphdb.node.resources object {"limits":{"memory":"2Gi","cpu":"2000m"},"requests":{"memory":"2Gi","cpu":"2000m"}} Minimum requirements for data sets of up to 50 million RDF triples. For resizing, refer according to the GraphDB documentation. See
graphdb.node.startupProbe object {"httpGet":{"path":{"/protocol","port":"graphdb"},"initialDelaySeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":5,"periodSeconds":10} Configurations for the GraphDB node startup probe. Misconfigured probe can lead to a failing cluster. bool false string "iHaveSuperpowers" string "provisioner"
graphdb.workbench.subpath string "/graphdb" This is the sub path at which GraphDB workbench can be opened. Should be configured in the API gateway (or any other proxy in front)
images.busybox map {repository: busybox, tag: "1.31"}
images.graphdb map {repository: ontotext/graphdb, tag: "10.0.1"}
versions.api string "apps/v1"
versions.configmap string "v1"
versions.daemon string "apps/v1"
versions.deployment string "apps/v1"
versions.ingress string ""
versions.job string "batch/v1"
versions.pv string "v1"
versions.pvc string "v1"
versions.secret string "v1"
versions.service string "v1"
versions.statefulset string "apps/v1"
versions.volume string "v1"

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.5.0


To remove the deployed GraphDB, use:

helm uninstall graphdb

Note: It is important to note that this will not remove any data, so the next time it is installed, the data will be loaded by its components.

Provisioning will be skipped also.


Helm install hangs

If there is no output after helm install, it is likely that a hook cannot execute. Check the logs with kubectl logs.

Connection issues

If connections time out or the pods cannot resolve each other, it is likely that the Kubernetes DNS is broken. This is a common issue with Minikube between system restarts or when inappropriate Minikube driver is used. Please refer to


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Ontotext GraphDB team [email protected]


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