Script for automatic configuring your environment to use letsencrypt certificates without any 3rd party configuration changes
Configure environment to use letsencrypt certificates by using certbot and by providing command, that can be used for applying new certificates in case when new certificate will be retrieved.
$ ./ --help
Usage: ./ [OPTION]
Script for installing and configuring letsencrypt certificates usage.
Maintainer: [email protected]
-m, --mode <mode> Set script's mode
* standalone - run certbot in standalone mode.
* webroot - use prepared webroot for verification specified DN.
-r, --root <folder> Set webroot folder to use for DN verification. Should be prepared manually.
-d, --domain-name [dn] Comma-separated domain names for retrieving certificate for them.
--email Set email for letsencrypt notifications.
-h, --help Show help.
-c, --command <command> Command that can be used for reload application to apply new certificates.
$ ./ --mode standalone -d
$ ./ -m weboot -r /var/www/html --domain-name