# The oaeproject website
This repository contains all the logic that is driving the OAE project's website.
All content is statically generated through Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages. This means that there's no external webserver required to host anything.
Install the jekyll and jekyll-feed gems (gem install jekyll; gem install jekyll-feed
) and run jekyll serve
from the root directory of this repository. This will fire up a local HTTP server and serve the website at http://localhost:4000. Every time you edit a page or blogpost, jekyll will regenerate the appropriate files.
Commit the changes you'd like to make to the master branch, push them to the origin (oaeproject/oaeproject.github.io) repository and GitHub will automatically deploy a new version for you. Depending on the load on their servers, this could take up to a minute.
All blogposts are stored under the _posts
directory. Simply add a new file (ensure its name follows the YYY-MM-DD-simple-title.markdown format) that has the following information in it:
layout: post
title: "<Your title goes here>"
date: <Date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format>
author: <The plain text author>
author_image: <A URL to an author image, check out /assets/img/authors. It defaults to nicolaas>
banner: <a URL to a banner image>
<your intro message goes here>
<the rest of the blogpost goes here>