Welcome to Project Gem...
Project Gem interactivity relies on the user identifying clear and intuitive visuals that convey the critical points of learning reading and writing in a way that is exciting and easy to understand.
Project Gem makes use of auditory cues and signals like audio playback to help the users gain understanding of phonics by listening and repeating what they hear.
- Teaching content and reinforcing what has been learned through interactive gameplay will allow users to better learn a broad collection of educational basics with gamified elements that unfold progressively to better teach the English language as well as math and simple geometry.
- Whether it is introduced to the user as an early start or as an aid to help students who need extra help, Project Gem offers resources that are easy to access to aid in improvement at various levels of understanding.
- Engaging and exciting, the gameplay mechanics allow a progression from what has been learned in the game to better help users make sense of what they learn every day.
- We hope that through helping children learn, we can open pathways in their futures that may not have been otherwise available to them. We believe mastery in early stages sets a strong foundation for future success in all realms of learning.
- The evolution of the challenges users face in game ensures a manageable yet challenging experience to put users in the best positions to internalize educational content and to want to become engaged.
These directions will help you get a copy of the project up and running on your computer for development and testing purposes.
You would need to download the following:
Java - http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
Android Studio - https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html
The following step by step procedures will help you set up your development enviornment
First..... install Oracle Java JDK on Ubuntu Linux
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
After that
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default
Second..... install Android Studio
sudo unzip android-studio-ide-141.2178183-linux.zip -d /opt
To launch Android Studio, navigate to the /opt/android-studio/bin directory in a terminal and execute ./studio.sh.
The information above came from the following page: https://askubuntu.com/questions/634082/how-to-install-android-studio-on-ubuntu
First..... install Oracle Java JDK on Mac The link below will guide you in installing Java onto your Mac system: https://java.com/en/download/help/mac_install.xml
Second..... install Android Studio
The link below will guide you in installing Android Studio onto your Mac:
To deploy the project follow the steps below:
1. Start Android Studio
2. From the Android Studio menu click
open an existing Android Studio Project
3. Go into the Project Gem project folder and click Ok.
4. Then click Ok again if the Sync Android SDKs pop up pops up
5. Then press build
6. Then Finally Run
You should be able to clone the project's Git repository and open it in Android Studio. Components of the project was developed on Ubuntu 16.04, Windows, and MacOS.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
Omnipotence, LLC - Initial Team (Contributors)
Malcome Fein - Project Manager/Programmer Initial work
Khuram Chaudhry - Technical Lead/ Head Engineer
Project Gem is released under the GNU GPLv3 license. See LICENSE for details.
We need your help! We want to make this game better then it already is! Share this with your friends and family and lets change the way people thinks for learning!
We are not done yet we want to make this game great if you want to help make it possible contribute!!!