This project showcases a modern landing page for Aceternity UI, utilizing a 3D book metaphor to present information. Each page of the book highlights companies that are successfully using the Aceternity UI library.
Key Features:
- Interactive 3D Book: A visually engaging 3D book model that users can interact with.
- Company Showcases: Each page of the book features a dedicated section to showcase companies utilizing Aceternity UI.
- React Framework: Built with React for efficient component-based development and a dynamic user interface.
- Three.js Library: Leverages the power of Three.js for 3D graphics rendering and scene management.
Technologies Used:
- React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Three.js: JavaScript library for creating and displaying 3D computer graphics.
- Clone the repository:
git clone <repository_url>
cd <project_directory>
npm install
npm start