This is a patch release for compatibility with silex.sile v0.4.
- Do not load the resilient base class for feature detection (#108)
This is kind of a workaround for the general breaking issue (#107), but with markdown.sile 1.5.2 and silex.sile 0.4.1, only the minimal features from sile·x are now loaded (BCP47 support and AST utilities), without enforcing the other "possibly breaking" features here.
It should make this module play a bit better with non-resilient classes.
This being said, SILE 0.14.16 still has a multiple package instantiation issue which was avoided by sile·x... So your mileage may vary. The labelrefs package dependency, in particular, is suspected to behave poorly when loaded multiple times in some scenarios.
Using the resilient.sile module is strongly recommended, and the only officially supported workflow.
If you meet issues with other workflows, there's no guarantee they'll be addressed, unless you propose clean PRs.