classifies words tokens into following action categories:
Starting, Mixing, Heating, Cooling, Purification, Shaping, Reaction, Miscellaneous, NotOperation
extracts firing temperatures, times, and environment through dependency tree parsing
git clone https://github.com/CederGroupHub/synthesis-action-retriever.git
cd synthesis-action-retriever
python setup.py install
from synthesis_action_retriever import SynthActionRetriever
w2v_model = 'path-to-folder/models/your_word2vec_model'
classifier_model = 'path-to-folder/models/your_trained_classification_model'
spacy_model = 'path-to-folder/models/your_spacy_model'
SAR = SynthActionExtractor(w2v_model, classifier_model, spacy_model)
finds actions tokens and classifies them :param sentence: list of sentence tokens :returns: list of actionss tuples (token_id, actionn_type) found in the sentence
finds tokens corresponding to time values :param sentence tokens: list of sentence tokens :returns: token_id, value, unit of time
finds tokens corresponding to temperature values :param sentence tokens: list of sentence tokens :returns: token_id, value, unit of temperature
get_environment_toks(sentence_tokens, materials):
finds tokens corresponding to environment values :param sentence tokens: list of sentence tokens :param materials: list of materials in sentence :returns: token_id, value, unit of environment
build_graph(sentence_tokens, action_tags, materials):
builds synthesis workflow provided sentence tokens, action tags and materials list (optionally) :param sentence_tokens: list of strings :param action_tags: list of strings of same length as sentence_tokens :param materials: (optional) list of {"text": material, "tok_ids": list of tok ids in sentence} :return: list of dict
import os
import json
from pprint import pprint
from synthesis_action_retriever.synthesis_action_retriever import SynthActionRetriever
from synthesis_action_retriever.build_graph import GraphBuilder
from synthesis_action_retriever.utils import make_spacy_tokens
dir_path = "path-to-models"
w2v_model = "path-to-w2v_model"
ext_model = "path-to-ext_model"
sar = SynthActionRetriever(
embedding_model=os.path.join(dir_path, w2v_model),
extractor_model=os.path.join(dir_path, ext_model)
gb = GraphBuilder()
with open('./data/example_sentences.json', 'r') as fp:
examples = json.load(fp)
graph = []
for sent in examples:
spacy_tokens = make_spacy_tokens(sent["sentence"])
actions = sar.get_action_labels(spacy_tokens)
graph.append(gb.build_graph(spacy_tokens, actions, sent["materials"]))
refined_graph = gb.refine_graph(graph, examples)
If you find the codes and data useful, please cite our paper:
author ="Wang, Zheren and Cruse, Kevin and Fei, Yuxing and Chia, Ann and Zeng, Yan and Huo, Haoyan and He, Tanjin and Deng, Bowen and Kononova, Olga and Ceder, Gerbrand",
title ="ULSA: unified language of synthesis actions for the representation of inorganic synthesis protocols",
journal ="Digital Discovery",
year ="2022",
pages ="-",
publisher ="RSC",
doi ="10.1039/D1DD00034A",