Popular baby names data provided by Social Security Administration (SSA) of United States
For each year of birth YYYY after 1879, we created a comma-delimited file called yobYYYY.txt. Each record in the individual annual files has the format "name,sex,number," where name is 2 to 15 characters, sex is M (male) or F (female) and "number" is the number of occurrences of the name. Each file is sorted first on sex and then on number of occurrences in descending order
visualize the number of male and female babies born in a particular year with the help of pandas.DataFrame.plot, then Analyse baby names by sorting out all birth counts.
analyse baby names by sorting out top 100 birth counts and group them by names to find out popular baby names
boy_name = top_100_names[top_100_names.Sex=='M'] girl_name = top_100_names[top_100_names.Sex=='F']
total_birth = top_100_names.pivot_table('Sex', index='Year', columns='Name', aggfunc= 'sum') boy_name.head()