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OgreTransporter edited this page Sep 11, 2018 · 1 revision

Coding guide lines for working on TeXnicCenter


Before implementing a feature or fixing a bug, please visit and subscribe yourself to that bug or feature request. Otherwise, another developer may work on it in the same time.

  • Make sure that you are 'git pull' before starting your work.
  • Make sure that you are 'git pull' before committing your work.
  • Make sure that you have compiled without errors and warnings before committing your work.


String literals have to be enclosed by the _T-macro, e.g. _T("String"), to make sure that the Unicode version of TeXnicCenter compiles correctly. When declaring variables use the TCHAR-typedefs, such as LPTSTR, LPCTSTR instead of char* and const char* and TCHAR instead of char.


Always use inline funtions and const/enum instead of #defines. Constants can be declared as follows:

  const double PI = 3.14159265358979;
  const int ArraySize = 1024;
  LPCTSTR const FileName = _T("temp.out");

Mostly Private: Encapsulation

Implementation details should always be hidden using the private/protected access modifier. Prefer private to protected. When defining object properties, provide a public Get and/or Set method instead of making the data member public. This makes your and our life easier to debug the application.

Global Variables

Don't use global variables, use the Singleton pattern instead. Refer to for detailed description. See also TeXnicCenter/configuration.h for a possible implementation.

Indent Style

TeXnicCenter uses two different styles of indent: ANSI and K&R. See for explanations.

The first rule is to not change the format of the source code. Changes to the source code should be related to the content, not the format. This allows easier diffs and merges.

The second rule is to stick to the indent style that is dominating in the source file. In other words, the creator of a file dictates the indent style for that file. And this shall not be changed nor mixed with other styles.

If format changes become necessary for some reason, such changes shall be committed separately to the repository. Do not mix format changes with content changes. This hinders diffs and merges.

The majority of files uses ANSI style. If you create a new file and prefer ANSI or are in doubt what style to use, then use ANSI. If you create a new file and prefer K&R, then use that.

Tabs and Spaces

We use tabs for indentation and a tab width of 4. Do not convert tabs to spaces.

Hungarian Notation

We do not use Hungarian notation (anymore). See for explanations.

You may notice that Hungarian notation is used very often in the source code of TXC. This is not encouraged anymore. However, we do not change the code just for that reason.

In particular, new classes get a name without the preceding 'C'.


It is desired to use CamelCase for variables, classes, and file names. See for explanations.

In particular, start the word with a capital letter if you use CamelCase for that word, i.e., not camelCase.

Structured Programming

Follow the structured programming paradigm when possible. This means that especially goto is not allowed at all. Not following this paradigm results in spaghetti code which is hard to understand and debug. Other statements such as break, continue, or multiple return's in a single function are allowed but should be used with care.


Use the const keyword for data and class members as much as possible, especially for Get-methods or the like. See for further explanation.

Single line 'for' and 'if' statements

If the body of a for or if statement consists of a single line only, it is desired to write it with braces. If you omit the braces, please insert an empty line after the statement.

if (foo)
    bar() //Correct.

if (foo)
    bar() //Not desired. Use only with care. Insert empty line after statement.

It is also not desired to write it into a single line:

if (foo) bar() //Not desired. Use only with care. Insert empty line after statement.


TeXnicCenter uses the Scintilla source code editing component by Neil Hodgson and Scintilla MFC wrapper classes by PJ Naughter.


Scintalla's original TeX lexer (LexTeX.cxx) has been modified to allow richer syntax highlighting and a BibTeX lexer (LexBibTeX.cxx) has been added.

In order to be able to use a custom cursor for incremental search the command SCI_SHOWCURSOR(bool) has been introduced which suppresses cursor changes.

The changes that have been made can be reviewed by comparing revisions 912 and 916 of the following files:

Scintilla/include/Scintilla.h Scintilla/src/Editor.cxx Scintilla/src/Editor.h

Scintilla MFC wrapper classes

The member function void CScintillaCtrl::ShowCursor(bool show, bool direct) has been added to wrap the previously mentioned message.

static CScintillaFindReplaceDlg* CScintillaFindReplaceDlg::GetFindReplaceDlg() has been added to TeXnicCenter/ScintillaDocView.cpp which returns _scintillaEditState.pFindReplaceDlg.

To the same file #include "FontOccManager.h" has been added.

CScintillaFindReplaceDlg::Create has been modified to use a dialog template from the memory by adding the FR_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE flag to m_fr.Flags and using the DialogTemplate class. This change allows to replace dialog's resource font by the default OS font especially useful for Windows Vista users.

CScintillaView::OnReplaceAll has been modified to use targets instead of selections to suppress unwanted display updates, see Scintilla documentation. This function calls another new function

  virtual void CScintillaView::GetReplaceAllTarget(long& s, long& e).

To review these changes compare revisions 913 and 921 of the following files:

TeXnicCenter/ScintillaDocView.cpp TeXnicCenter/ScintillaDocView.h

and also revisions 913 and 916 of

TeXnicCenter/ScintillaCtrl.cpp TeXnicCenter/ScintillaCtrl.h

Updating third-party libraries

Every library update has to be committed into the vendor branch which is then merged with the default or the stable branch.