This is the code of the open-source Eclipse Mylyn connector fur Tuleap.
It allows you to manage your Tuleap artifacts (Tasks, Bugs, User Stories, etc.) directly from within eclipse.
Release 2.1.0 brings support of agile features, thus allowing the management of:
- Release or Sprint planning
- Cardwalls
- Burn-down charts
The branch master contains the code of the non-agile connector. The branch agile contains the code of the agile connector, which includes every non-agile features but adds support for plannings, cardwalls and burn-down charts. Branch agile depends on another code base, the Agile Planner, which is also available on github at
- Want to know more about Tuleap?
- Grab the Agile Planner at
- Eclipse:
- Eclipse Mylyn: