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INSTALL {#install}

##GENERAL Starting from the version 3.0 Shogun uses CMake to facilitate the building process. When using command line on Linux- and Unix-based systems with the make being available the building steps are:

  1. go to the shogun repository root
  2. do mkdir build
  3. do cmake [options] .. (or ccmake .. if available). It is very recommended to use any of CMake GUIs (such as ccmake) if you feel unsure about possible parameters and configurations.
  4. do make (and sudo make install if needed)

In case you want to generate some IDE project (e.g. Eclipse CDT4 project) use the -G generator-name key. You may obtain possible generators with the cmake --help command. For example to generate Eclipse CDT4 project for Shogun use the cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles".

Sometimes you would need to clean up your build (e.g. in case of some major changes). The easiest way to do that is straightforward: just remove the build directory you created before.

If you prefer to not run the make install command, you should instead include the shogun library in your path:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:path_to_shogun/src/shogun/

Often you are just interested in one language and we always recommend to use the more powerful modular interfaces.


To enable Multiple Kernel Learning with CPLEX(tm) just make sure cplex can be found in the PATH. If it is not found shogun will resort to GLPK (if found) for 1-norm MKL, p-norm MKL with p>1 will work nonetheless.

##MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO BUILD SHOGUN FROM SOURCE CODES You need at least 1 Gigabytes free disk space and 4 Gigabytes RAM to build Shogun from source codes.

The compiler will use a lot of RAM and your computer will be slow if you do not have enough RAM for the compiler.


The standard linux utils like bash, grep, test, sed, cut, awk, ldd, uname gcc g++ and cat, python (debian package: python2.7) are required for the cmake to work.

To compile the R interface you need to have the R developer files (debian package r-base-dev) installed.

To compile the octave interface you need to have the octave developer files (debian package liboctave-dev) installed.

To compile the java interface you need to have the java developer files (debian package openjdk-6-jdk or openjdk-7-jdk) and jblas (debian package jblas) installed.

To compile the python interface you need to have the python developer files installed (debian packages python2.7-dev or python3.X-dev) and numpy version 1.x installed (debian package python-numpy) installed.

Optionally you will need atlas, lapack and eigen3 (debian packages lapack3-dev, atlas3-headers atlas3-base-dev, libeigen3-dev) installed. Note that atlas/lapack is only supported under linux and osx (high performance computing should be done under linux only anyway). In case atlas/lapack is unavailable, don't worry most of shogun will work without, though slightly slower versions are used. For standard 1-norm multiple kernel learning (MKL) the GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK) version at least 4.29 or CPLEX is required. If you want to build the html documentation or python online help you will need doxygen version 1.6.0 or higher.

For the interfaces to compile you will need swig.


###object oriented python/swig interface:

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DPythonModular=ON ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

to test if it is working try

$ export PYTHONPATH=SHOGUN_INSTALL_DIR/lib/pythonX.Y/dist-packages/
$ python examples/undocumented/python_modular/graphical/

###object oriented octave/swig interface: do all of the above you did for octave but now in addition install the swig package and configure+compile shogun with:

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DOctaveModular=ON ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

to test if it is working try octave examples/documented/octave_modular/libsvm.m

###object oriented r/swig interface: note that this interface is pre-alpha quality

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DRModular=ON ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

to test if it is working try R examples/documented/r_modular/all_classifier.R

###object oriented java/swig interface:

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DJavaModular=ON ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

to test if it is working try

$ export CLASSPATH=/usr/share/java/jblas.jar:SHOGUNDIR/src/java_modular/shogun.jar:.
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=SHOGUNDIR/src/shogun:SHOGUNDIR/src/java_modular
$ javac ../examples/udocumented/java_modular/
$ java classifier_libsvm_minimal_modular



$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DCmdLineStatic=ON ..
$ make

a shogun executable can be found in interfaces/cmdline_static

In order to test the shogun standalone binary, you can run the following commands from the project root directory:

$ cd examples/documented/cmdline_static
$ ../../../src/interfaces/cmdline_static/shogun

###octave To compile the octave interface you need to have the octave developer files (debian package liboctave-dev).

then do a

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DOctaveStatic=ON ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

a sg.oct file should be created. as a test start octave in the examples/documented/octave_static/ directory and type


###matlab To compile the matlab interface you need to have matlab installed in the path (i.e., typing matlab in the shell should start matlab).

then do a

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DMatlabStatic=ON ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

a sg.mexglx (or sg.mexa64 or sg.mexmac etc file should be created in src/interfaces/matlab_static/). As a test start matlab in the examples/documented/matlab_static directory and type


For permanent use you could add the following line to your matlab/startup.m


###R To compile the R interface you need to have the R developer files (debian package r-base-dev) installed.

then do the usual

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DRStatic=ON ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

###python To compile the python interface you need to have numpy version 1.x installed (debian package python-numpy) and optionally for plotting python-matplotlib installed.

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DPythonStatic=ON ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

A file should be created in the src/interfaces/python_static directory: To test whether it is working change to examples/documented/python_static/graphical and run:

$ PYTHONPATH=path_to_shogun/src/interfaces/python_static/ python

###eierlegendewollmichsau (elwms) interface This is a .so file that works with R,python,matlab,octave all in one. To compile you should have at least python and some other interface enabled:

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DElwmsStatic=ON ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

$ cd src/interfaces/elwms_static
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/octave/lib:/path/to/matlab/libs octave

All examples from examples/documented/{r_static,python_static,matlab_static,octave_static}/* should work plus the ones in examples/documented/elwms_static/ (that allows lang -> python subcommands).

##PROBLEMS In case header files or libraries are not at standard locations one needs to manually adjust the libray/include paths. This can be done with -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=/my/include/path (for includes) and -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=/my/library/path. A good reference for that is .

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