FRC Team 4450 2019 Robot Control program.
This is the 2019 competition robot control program created by the Olympia Robotics Federation (FRC Team 4450). Operates the robot "TBA" for FRC game "DESTINATION DEEP SPACE".
- Follow the instructions here to setup the JDK, Visual Studio Code, the FRC plugins and tools. Do not install the C++ portion. You do not need the FRC Update Suite to compile code.
- Clone this repository to local folder.
- Open that folder in Visual Studio Code.
- Build the project using the WPILib command from the WPILib commands list.
- download the RobotLib.json file from the RobotLib Github repo and drop it into the vendordeps folder inside the project folder. Build the project.
Version 19.1
- Major updates for compatibility with all the changes made by FIRST in 2019 Kickoff release.
- Switch from Eclipse to VSCode IDE.
S. Flo, R.Corn January 7, 2019
Version 19.0
- Cloned from Robot11. 2018 specific code removed, cleaned up to be baseline for 2019 season.
R. Corn December 18, 2018