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ResInsight 2017.05

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@JacobStoren JacobStoren released this 31 May 08:46

ResInsight 2017.05 is a major release with several new features.

Main Features

  • Embedded Flow Diagnostics including
    • New cell properties ( Time Of Flight, Tracer Cell Fraction, Max Fraction Tracer, Injector Producer Communication)
    • Well Allocation and Flow Plots
    • Well Communication Lines
    • Flow Characteristics Plots ( Flow Capacity vs Storage Capacity, Lorenz Coefficient, Sweep Efficiency )
    • Show Contributing Wells - Command used to set up a 3D View to show which regions and wells that contribute to a well
  • Improved Simulation Wells Support
    • Center to center pipe mode
    • Option to show spheres at center of each connection cell
    • Improved user interface and visibility control
    • Improved well color assignment
  • Advanced Snapshot Export
    Automatically generate and save snapshots for:
    - Selected Eclipse properties
    - Each layer in a range
    - Selected time step range
    - Selected cases
  • Grid property time history curves in Summary plots
  • Show and export plot data as ascii-text

Other Improvements

  • Collapsible group boxes in the property panel
  • Scroll bar for improved flexibility and reduced screen area requirements
  • Improved user interface panels, including Preferences
  • Linking of legends and cursor position between views
  • Zoom using the mouse wheel in Summary Plots
  • Plot simulation well production rates command
  • Well Log Extraction curves from simulation wells
  • Change Data Source command on well log extraction curves
  • Support for Geomechanical time-relative results in well log extraction curves
  • Apply as Cell Result command on property filters
  • Reload Case command
  • Message Panel

Complete List of Enhancement-Issues Closed Since v2016.11

#536 Well path: Adjust pipe thickness in GM views to be more like the one in Eclipse Views
#552 Linked Views: View cursor position in all windows
#559 Linked Views: Linking legend definitions
#644 Preferences: Use tabs to make it more readable
#872 Summary: Export Summary Plot to Ascii Table
#989 Preferences: New Tab "Eclipse" as number two
#1028 Flow: Create Flow Diag Solution object with a minimal setup
#1029 Flow: Add Flow Diag Result type to Eclipse Result Definition with some minimal variable support
#1032 Well log plot: Possibilities for selecting same well path for all curves and tracks
#1046 Flow: Make ordinary property filters work
#1047 Flow: Make category property filters (Tracer with max cell fraction)
#1048 Flow : Add derived results
#1049 Flow: Improve performance by reusing eclipse data
#1052 Flow: Info Box : Update according to flow diag results.
#1054 Flow: Result Info: Enable picking information from flow diag results
#1056 Flow: Cell Edge any property support for flow diag results
#1058 Flow : Convert Time of Flight to days as default
#1099 Flow : Only make Flow Solution and results available when relevant
#1102 Flow Result Definition: Make it easier to select all Injectors/all producers
#1105 Flow Plot: "Flow Diagnostics plots" object
#1106 Flow Plots: Create settings object for Well Allocation Plot window
#1107 Flow Plots: Create well allocation plot window with management
#1108 Flow Plots: Create settings object for "Well Allocation Factors" pie chart
#1109 Flow Plots: Create settings object for "Allocation by Connection" chart
#1110 Flow Plots: Calculate data for "Well Allocation Factors" pie chart
#1111 Flow Plots: Command to update main Well Alloc plot with content from new well
#1114 Flow : Well communication lines
#1116 Flow Plots: Create "Well Allocation Factors" Pie Chart
#1118 Flow Plots: Branch aware "Allocation by Connection" calculation
#1119 Flow Plots: Branch aware "Allocation by Connection" Chart
#1120 Well Alloc Plots: TVD based "Allocation by Connection" Chart
#1122 Flow : Progress bar
#1125 Flow: Info Box/Legend: Limit tracer name list
#1164 Add feature "Add Stored Well Allocation Plot"
#1165 Show titles in well allocation plot
#1166 Well Alloc Plot: The reservoir part of the flow must be included
#1168 Well Alloc plot: Show correct unit/ magnitude on Depth axis.
#1169 Well Alloc plot: Show flow rate unit on X-axis
#1171 Well Alloc Plots: PL (Pseudo length) based flow accumulation plots
#1172 Well Alloc Plots: Combine tracers that contributes little into an "Others" group
#1173 Well Alloc Plots: Legend must be a separate entity.
#1174 Flow: Context Command on Simulation Well : Show Contributing Wells
#1176 Well Alloc Plot: Show well Injector/Producer status
#1178 Flow: Tracer with max fraction must use well colors when sensible
#1179 Flow: Well Colors should possibly use "Cathegory" color table
#1181 Well Alloc Plot: Label the tracks with "Branch"
#1182 Well Alloc Plot: Add dummy point in the top of first branch to better show the resulting flow/allocation
#1183 Property Filter: Context command : Apply As Cell Result
#1185 Summary Curve: Context command on Simulation Well: "Plot Production Rates"
#1190 Disable copy/paste delete of objects related to well allocation plots
#1195 Show progress monitor when an octave script is executed
#1203 Well Alloc Plots: Handle opposite inflow flux in wells.
#1205 Well Alloc plots: Add a "None" option to flow diag solution pull down.
#1207 Flow Plots: Icons for the different items
#1209 Well Alloc Plots: Option to show none-accumulated flow
#1210 Well Alloc Plot: Use Flow Diag results if possible when creating a plot
#1211 Well Aloc Plots: Disable tracer allocation on wells with inconsistent flow
#1212 Well Alloc Plots: Allign the use of gradients
#1216 Well Alloc plot: Sort the tracers according to contribution.
#1221 WLP: Tag and untag relative curve values NeedsInput
#1222 Flow: Improve tracer/well legend and color assignment
#1223 Well Colors: Disable results lightning should have effect on the well pipes as well.
#1226 Summary Plot: Result tooltip text should show the complete timestep text
#1227 Well Alloc plots: Command to delete stored plots
#1264 Flow: Add "Show Well Allocation Plot" command to Project tree context menu
#1279 Flow: Use connections with inconsistent flow as tracer labeled -Xf
#1285 Well Alloc Plot: Change names for flow type
#1286 Well Alloc Plots: Add some negative depth values to TVD and Pseudo Length plots
#1288 Flow: Improve "Show Contributing Wells" command
#1289 Well Alloc Plot: Rename command to "Plot Well Allocation"
#1291 Well Alloc Plot: Handle MSW dummy branches in In Flow Rate mode
#1293 Plots : Context Command to show the plot data as ascii in a separate window in an Excel friendly way.
#1294 Well Alloc Plot: Export well log part to ascii
#1298 Flow : Include wells with "closed" state in the calculations consistently
#1306 Summary Plot Collection : Add feature "Delete Sub Items"
#1319 Make sure clipboard text from plot data widget can be pasted into columns in Excel
#1321 Flow: Flow Capasity plot, Lorenz Coeff, Sweep Eff. ...
#1322 Summary: Add curve type that can show 3D grid data time history
#1323 Summary: Command to show Time History for selected cells
#1325 Well Connection Lines: Always show all lines into/from a visble cell
#1327 Flow: Add a filter field to the Result Definition that filters "By Selection" tracers available in the list
#1331 Flow: Use "-XF" as cross flow ending on tracers
#1335 Well Communication Lines: Show cross flow contributions also
#1336 Summary: Support export of Time History curve data
#1337 Use collapsible group boxes instead of the Qt default
#1359 Flow: Property filter : Sort tracers in category selection list by alphabet
#1360 Well Alloc plots: Description should follow the flow type setting
#1365 AppFwk : Allow list widgets to fill available height
#1366 Summary: Wheel zoom to point
#1373 Well Alloc Plots: Export total allocation in % by right click on the Pie Chart
#1381 Well Alloc Plots: Show flow split in phase fractions when no flow diag solution is selected.
#1382 Flow: Remove the "Flow Diagnostics Solution" items from the Gui
#1383 User Documentation for Release 2017.05
#1399 Property Panel QA. Go through the Gui and do QA on names and grouping
#1401 If project is modified, ask user to save before closing application
#1404 Well Alloc plots: Select corresponding object when clicked
#1406 Automatically show process monitor when executing script
#1414 Preferences: Reorder tabs and improve use of upper case
#1427 WLP: Enable extraction curves on Simulation Wells
#1432 Reload Case Command
#1435 Summary: Curve Filter and Curve adjustments
#1436 Snapshots: Change name of the configurable snapshot command
#1437 Documentation : Add search to
#1453 Documentation: Spell Check
#1457 Documentation: Align usage of mark down
#1458 Documentation: Review of text quality
#1459 Documentation: Reduce size or visual impact of bold text
#1460 Add shortcuts for Save, Save As, Exit and Open
#1477 Documentation : Include reference to Ubuntu install
#1478 Documentation : Update Lorentz plot snapshot
#1482 Well Alloc Plots: Use oil equivalents for gas when showing phase split (Well Flow)
#1483 Flow Characteristics Plot: Avoid cells with pore volume fraction above threshold
#1525 3D view context menu: "Plot Production Rates" default curves
#1535 Flow Characteristics Plot: Run solver for current timestep if results not present

Fixed Bugs Since v2016.11

#117 riGetActiveCellCenters gives negative depth values
#165 riGetTimeStepDays() bug when no restart data for time 0
#171 Scan for FAULTS in INCLUDE-files on Windows
#800 Legend -inf to inf in linked view
#895 WLP: Well log extraction curves are not loaded when opening project files II
#961 Paste of Eclipse case is not available
#1001 Summary: case list not updated when model reloaded
#1006 Summary: Not show lines in Curve Legend for un-named lines
#1010 Grid Case Group: In-active File/Import/Create Grid Case Group
#1011 Statistics: Assertion failed when deleting Source cases
#1012 Summary : Pressing enter after rename causes object to be toggled
#1026 Faults: Shift indexes for"Export Faults ..."
#1030 Summary: Create plot on import not able to turn off
#1031 Linked views : Camera issue between Eclipse and GeoMech case using parallel projection
#1033 Summary : Make sure case curve colors are the same when reimporting the cases
#1051 Statistics cases: Remove fields that is not supposed to be visible
#1073 Summary: Changing line colors when selecting cases in "Curve Filter"
#1096 riTRANXYZ of NNC's not shown on faults from ResInsight150+
#1191 Info Box: Crash when using static cell result with dynamic filter and current time step
#1228 Do not bundle Qt libraries on Linux
#1229 Handle reading of invalid summary file
#1296 Multiselect in property panel lists using ctrl-click is vulnerable to mouse drag
#1353 Info box: Zeros Statistics for PORV with "Visible cells" Cell Range
#1354 Info box: Statistics for PORV for active cells only
#1355 Info Box: Crash when using dynamic cell result having results only for initial time step
#1362 ResInsight doesn't fully load when OPM-FLOW timesteps are <0.00001
#1369 Summary : Summary case from grid case is invalid after grid case is closed
#1379 Snapshot to File: File dialog behaves strange on KDE
#1390 New computed statistics view added to result case not derived statistics
#1394 Statistics view not deleted when last source case is deleted
#1407 Statistics Case: Formation Names and flipX/Y does not work, and are placed strangely
#1418 Cell Results panel Geo Mech: Relative Results Options are not hidden when selecting Formation Names
#1420 Linked Views: Toggling Cell Results when using Formation Names as colors gives wrong colors in Dependent view.
#1444 Summary Cases: Summary case filenames are not reallocated when when opening project

Relevant System Update issues

#1228 Do not bundle Qt libraries on Linux
#1371 Remove OPM parser from the build system and repository
#1384 Create new Regression tests, and general testing
#1389 Update opm-flow-diag to latest
#1396 Update Ert to latest version including support for Intersect
#1398 Include subset of Boost (similar to method used in NRLib)
#1456 Documentation : Update in repository root
#1522 Update license information