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Tab Groups

William Wood edited this page Aug 2, 2019 · 1 revision

Tab Groups

As well as the large side-bar type Tabs element, JISA allows you to create a more traditional tab-pane type Container element called a TabGroup.


  1. Creating a TabGroup
  2. Tab Sides
  3. Selected Tab

Creating a TabGroup

To create a TabGroup, just like any other Element, you need only instantiate a TabGroup object and provide it with a title:

TabGroup tabGroup = new TabGroup("My Tab Group");

You can then add elements to it using the add(...) or addAll(...) methods as you would any other container. The title of each element is used as the title for the tab itself.


TabGroup tabGroup = new TabGroup("Results");
Plot     plot     = new Plot("Plot", "X", "Y");
Table    table    = new Table("Table");

tabGroup.addAll(plot, table);


val tabGroup = TabGroup("Results")
val plot     = Plot("Plot", "X", "Y")
val table    = Table("Table")

tabGroup.addAll(plot, table)


tabGroup = TabGroup("Results")
plot     = Plot("Plot", "X", "Y")
table    = Table("Table")

tabGroup.addAll([plot, table])

The result of this is the following. Clicking on each tab will change the contents underneath to be that of its respective element.

Alternatively, like with Grid and Tabs, you can add elements in the constructor like so:


TabGroup tabGroup = new TabGroup("Results", plot, table);


val tabGroup = TabGroup("Results", plot, table)


tabGroup = TabGroup("Results", [plot, table])

Tab Sides

Similar to how you can specify the side the legend appears on in a Plot, you can specify which side the tabs are shown on (ie TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM or LEFT) using the setTabsPosition(...) method like so:


Selected Tab

You can programmatically set or check which tab is selected using the select(...), getSelectedIndex() and getSelectedElement() methods.

If you have the Element object itself that you wish to be selected, you can simply pass it to the select(...) method like so:

Plot     plot     = new Plot("Plot", "X", "Y");
Table    table    = new Table("Table");
TabGroup tabGroup = new TabGroup("Results", plot, table);;

Alternatively, you can specify its index (starting at zero). In this case, we want the Table to be selected which is the second element, hence index 1:;

To check which is selected, you can either request the Element object that is currently selected or its index:

Element selected = tabGroup.getSelectedElement();
int     index    = tabGroup.getSelectedIndex();

For instance, to check if the Table element is currently selected:

if (tabGroup.getSelectedElement() == table) {
  // Table is selected
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