These is the notes for the mashcourse for SQL:
LC 1484: string_agg() string_agg() within group (order by ..)
LC 176: ifnull(expression, alt-value)
LC 585: group by will only return one row for each group. If there are multiple rows, the first will be selected.
row_number() rank() dense_rank() ntile()
LC 511: dense_rank()
LC 626: mod(id, 2) != 0 row_number() over(order by id2) as id coalesce(s1.student, s2.student, ...) # return the first non-null value.
LC 180: lead(scaler-expression, [offset], [default]) lag()
sum(la diff) over (order by id) accumulate the sum of value with a given order.
LC 1951: rank() over(order by count(*) desc)
LC 1204: sum() over(order by weight)
LC 1321: cast() over () convert value to specified datatype
LC 1867: max() over()
aggregate function: count()
LC 615: date-format(date, '%Y-%m') DATE("2017-06-15 09:34:21")
LC 1709: date_diff() lead()/lag() coalesce()
LC 1384: convert(c.report_year, char) datediff() concat_ws('-', year, '01-01') # Add strings together. Use '.' to separate the concatenated string values
LC 1174: rank() over(partition by customer_id order by order_date)