An xsd/wsdl => rust code generator written in rust. The main target is for generation of the ONVIF Specifications but should work for other SOAP/XSDL/WSDL needs.
This is still a work in progress. So please feel free to open issues and submit PRs. Please be sure to read and follow our Code of Conduct.
A following mapping used to represent built-in XSD types as rust types:
XSD | rust |
hexBinary | String |
base64Binary | String |
boolean | bool |
integer | Integer (1) |
nonNegativeInteger | NonNegativeInteger (1) |
positiveInteger | PositiveInteger (1) |
nonPositiveInteger | NonPositiveInteger (1) |
negativeInteger | NegativeInteger (1) |
long | i64 |
int | i32 |
short | i16 |
byte | i8 |
unsignedLong | u64 |
unsignedInt | u32 |
unsignedShort | u16 |
unsignedByte | u8 |
decimal | Decimal (2) |
double | f64 |
float | f64 |
date | Date (3) |
time | Time (3) |
dateTime | DateTime (3) |
dateTimeStamp | DateTimeStamp (3) |
duration | Duration (4) |
gDay | GDay (5) |
gMonth | GMonth (5) |
gMonthDay | GMonthDay (5) |
gYear | GYear (5) |
gYearMonth | GYearMonth (5) |
string | String |
normalizedString | String |
token | String |
language | String |
Name | String |
NCName | String |
ENTITY | String |
ID | String |
IDREF | String |
NMTOKEN | String |
anyURI | String |
QName | String |
NOTATION | String |
ENTITIES | Vec<String> |
IDREFS | Vec<String> |
NMTOKENS | Vec<String> |
(1) we are using our own big integer types, that wrap num_bigint::BigInt
and num_bigint::BigUint
and provide XML (de)serialization with yaserde
. You can find Integer
, NonNegativeInteger
, NonPositiveInteger
and NegativeInteger
in the corresponding files within
(2) we are using our own type Decimal
, which wraps bigdecimal::BigDecimal
and provides
XML (de)serialization with yaserde
. You can find Decimal
in xsd-types/src/types/
(3) we are using our own time types, that wrap types from chrono
crate and provide
XML (de)serialization with yaserde
. You can find Date
, Time
, DateTime
and DateTimeStamp
in the corresponding files within xsd-types/src/types/
. Since chrono
has it flaws and does not
follow ISO 8601 strictly, we use self-implemented parsing and might replace chrono
in the future.
Feel free to suggest an appropriate crate for time handling.
(4) we are using our own type Duration
, since there is no known implementation
in rust that supports proper month/years holding and literal representation. You can find
in xsd-types/src/types/
(5) we are using our own gregorian calendar types, that provide XML (de)serialization with yaserde
following ISO 8601 strictly. You can find gDay
, gMonth
, gMonthDay
, gYear
and gYearMonth
in the corresponding files within xsd-types/src/types/
There are cases when schema allows extensions for the certain type.
<xs:complexType name="MyType">
<xs:element name="Parameters" type="xs:string" />
<xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>
In such cases we don't know in advance what fields must be present in Rust struct so we don't add them to output:
#[derive(Default, Clone, PartialEq, Debug, YaSerialize, YaDeserialize)]
#[yaserde(prefix = "tns", namespaces = {"tns" = ""})]
pub struct MyType {
#[yaserde(prefix = "tns", rename = "Parameters")]
pub parameters: String,
In this unlucky situation to support extensions user can either:
- modify the generated code and add extension fields manually
- modify source XSD and add extension elements there
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.