Outil | Version |
C++ | 17 |
SFML | 2.5 |
TGUI | 0.9 |
OS | Linux or Windows with MingW / Visual Studio |
The released executable is in the bin/
Of course a compiler (gcc or clang), and a bash support.
Install dependencies (must be sudo) :
The libs/
folder is only for Windows's users.
/ | / |
Version | 2019 |
Mode | Debug or Release |
Platform | x64 |
The Win32 platform is not supported, because we loaded TGUI from sources with platform target x64 only.
To have execution trace in the console, you must run as Debug.
Libraries are provided directly in the repository, and the solution has already been setup. It means that you can directly launch the solution.
The project worked with MingW until we added TGUI library (loaded from sources).
Now we have setup the project so it works on Visual Studio 2019.
A branch named "portable" is running without TGUI. If you want to run the project with MingW, you should take a look.
Required setup :
- MingW - with GCC and Make :
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_65-make mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
, - A symlink of the mingw-make :
mklink /d C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin\\mingw32-make.exe C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin\\make
, - The
folder in the PATH environment variables.
On Git Bash, you can now execute the code like a Unix environment do from CLI.
Run.sh manual :
# give rights to execute the script manager
chmod 755 ./run.sh
# help
./run.sh -h
# to build then run in dev mode (default)
# to build then run with verbose
./run.sh -v
# to rebuild the entire solution then run
./run.sh -v -f
# to build without run
./run.sh -v --no-run
# to build then run in release mode
./run.sh -v -r
# to build then run in debug mode. Starts the debugger.
./run.sh -v -d
The run script compiles and runs if it succeed. It places the PWD in the bin/
folder on the program execution, it's why resources are inside.
The command to compile/run the application:
./run.sh -v res/config.ini data/data30.csv
The project accepts both .txt and .csv files.
For csv file it ignores the first line, considering it as the header of the table. Each values are separated by semicolon ;
For txt files, it reads from the first line and each values are separated by spaces.
One line = one antenna. antennaName;lambertX;lambertY;radiusInMeters
On Visual Studio Code :
- Press F5, or launch the debugguer.
It will run custom task, executing the run script with a default file.
- Dorian Thivolle
- Yanis Guezi
- Amir Sali
- Farouk Brahimi