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A readme vault containing governance related information

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The Garden of Ninit: Collective Knowledge Vault

🌱 Welcome to Our Digital Ecosystem 🌱

This repository is the living, breathing knowledge garden of Ninit - a decentralized collective cultivating transformative research, governance mechanisms, and systemic innovation.

🔑 What You'll Find Here:

  • Comprehensive research on governance models
  • Experimental frameworks and design principles
  • Collaborative notes and emerging ideas
  • Documentation for our core projects
  • Pathways to collective understanding

🌿 Our Ethos:

Ninit is not just a project, but a living organism of collective intelligence. This garden is where seeds of radical imagination take root, where knowledge grows wild and free.

🌳 Navigation:

  • Explore our folders with curiosity
  • Contribute with respect and creativity
  • Understand that every note is a potential revolution

🍃 Collaborative Principles:

  • Radical openness
  • Decentralized knowledge creation
  • Continuous learning and evolution

Cultivating futures, one commit at a time.


A readme vault containing governance related information






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