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Frequently asked questions

Danni Larsen edited this page Nov 6, 2018 · 7 revisions

Q: What to do when i get an error, on some random node module, when i run npm install?

A: Delete your node_modules folder completely by running rm -rf node_modules in bash or terminal. Then try the npm install again.

Q: My terminal wants me to run rebuild node-sass, how can I stop that?

A: In Visual Studio, go to Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > External Web Tools. Then move $(PATH) up so it's the 2nd value. See more here

Q: How do i fix npm ERR! Cannot read property '0' of undefined error in my console?

A: In order to fix this, you need to update your NPM version, like the following:**

npm install [email protected] -g
npm cache clean --force
npm install

Q: How to fix 'variable is undefined and used without a fallback'?

A: If you get a ⚠ variable '--some-variable' is undefined and used without a fallback [postcss-custom-properties]-error, you need to have a selector inside your media-query. You can see an example here.

Q: Why does Vue.js not work in fractal?

A: If your having problems rendering your Vue data in fractal, check if you have escaped your vue properties with a backslash:

DO: \{{ item.title }}

DON'T: {{ item.title }}

Q: Why does Netlify miss some of my files?

A: If you for instance are missing your stylesheet on netlify deploys, try resetting the Netlify cache, like shown below:

Reset Netlify cache