.net library compatible with .Net Standard 2.0 for sending and receiving messages using Fiks IO.
Fiks IO is a messaging system for the public sector in Norway. About Fiks IO (Norwegian)
Install KS.Fiks.IO.Client nuget package in your .net project.
To be able to use Fiks IO you have to have an active Fiks IO account with an associated integration. This can be setup for you organization at FIKS-Konfigurasjon (prod) or FIKS-Konfigurasjon (test).
var client = new FiksIOClient(configuration); // See setup of configuration below
meldingRequest = new MeldingRequest(
avsenderKontoId: senderId, // Sender id as Guid
mottakerKontoId: receiverId, // Receiver id as Guid
meldingType: messageType); // Message type as string
// Sending a file
await client.Send(meldingRequest, "c:\path\someFile.pdf");
// Sending a string
await client.Send(meldingRequest, "String to send", "string.txt");
// Sending a stream
await client.Send(meldingRequest, someStream, "stream.jpg");
// Sending message without payload
await client.Send(meldingRequest);
var client = new FiksIOClient(configuration); // See setup of configuration below
var onReceived = new EventHandler<MottattMeldingArgs>((sender, fileArgs) =>
if(fileArgs.Melding.HasPayload) { // Verify that message has payload
fileArgs.SvarSender.Ack() // Ack message if write succeeded to remove it from the queue
var client = new FiksIOClient(configuration); // See setup of configuration below
var onReceived = new EventHandler<MottattMeldingArgs>((sender, fileArgs) =>
if(fileArgs.Melding.HasPayload) { // Verify that message has payload
using (var archiveAsStream = fileArgs.Melding.DecryptedStream)
// Process the stream
fileArgs.SvarSender.Ack() // Ack message if handling of stream succeeded to remove it from the queue
You can reply directly to a message using the ReplySender.
var client = new FiksIOClient(configuration); // See setup of configuration below
var onReceived = new EventHandler<MottattMeldingArgs>((sender, fileArgs) =>
// Process the message
await fileArgs.SvarSender.Svar(/* message type */, /* message as string, path or stream */);
fileArgs.SvarSender.Ack() // Ack message to remove it from the queue
Using lookup, you can find which Fiks IO account to send a message to, given organization number, message type and access level needed to read the message.
var client = new FiksIOClient(configuration); // See setup of configuration below
var request = new LookupRequest(
identifikator: "ORG_NO.987654321",
meldingsprotokoll: "no.ks.test.fagsystem.v1",
sikkerhetsniva: 4);
var receiverKontoId = await client.Lookup(request);
Two convenience functions are provided for generating default configurations for prod and test,
and CreateMaskinportenTestConfig
. Only the required configuration parameters must be provided,
the rest will be set to default values for the given environment.
// Prod config
var config = FiksIOConfiguration.CreateProdConfiguration(
integrasjonId: integrationId,
integrasjonPassord: integrationPassord,
kontoId: kontoId,
privatNokkel: privatNokkel,
issuer: issuer, //klientid for maskinporten
certificate: certificat
// Test config
var config = FiksIOConfiguration.CreateTestConfiguration(
integrasjonId: integrationId,
integrasjonPassord: integrationPassord,
kontoId: kontoId,
privatNokkel: privatNokkel,
issuer: issuer, //klientid for maskinporten
certificate: certificat
If necessary, all parameters of configuration can be set in detail.
// Fiks IO account configuration
var kontoConfig = new KontoConfiguration(
kontoId: /* Fiks IO accountId as Guid */,
privatNokkel: /* Private key, paired with the public key supplied to Fiks IO account */);
// Id and password for integration associated to the Fiks IO account.
var integrasjonConfig = new IntegrasjonConfiguration(
integrasjonId: /* Integration id as Guid */,
integrasjonPassord: /* Integration password */);
// ID-porten machine to machine configuration
var maskinportenConfig = new MaskinportenClientConfiguration(
audience: @"https://oidc-ver2.difi.no/idporten-oidc-provider/", // ID-porten audience path
tokenEndpoint: @"https://oidc-ver2.difi.no/idporten-oidc-provider/token", // ID-porten token path
issuer: @"oidc_ks_test", //klientid for maskinporten
numberOfSecondsLeftBeforeExpire: 10, // The token will be refreshed 10 seconds before it expires
certificate: /* virksomhetssertifikat as a X509Certificate2 */);
// Optional: Use custom api host (i.e. for connecting to test api)
var apiConfig = new ApiConfiguration(
scheme: "https",
host: "api.fiks.test.ks.no",
port: 443);
// Optional: Use custom amqp host (i.e. for connection to test queue)
var amqp = new AmqpConfiguration(
host: "io.fiks.test.ks.no",
port: 5671);
// Combine all configurations
var configuration = new FiksIOConfiguration(kontoConfig, integrationConfig, maskinportenConfig, apiConfig, amqpConfig);
By default when sending a message, the public key of the receiver will be fetched using the Catalog Api. If you instead need to provide the public key by some other means, you can implement the IPublicKeyProvider interface, and inject it when creating your client like this:
var client = new FiksIOClient(configuration, myPublicKeyProvider);