Tags: NoobDevTv/VaVare
Release 0.16.0 (Testura#62) * Added support for xml documentation to class, constructot, fields and properties. * Added support for single line comments to statements.
Added constructor initializer and xml documentation for arguments (Te… …stura#58) Fix Testura#57 Fix Testura#55
Added support for get and set modifiers and added the protected modif… …ier. (Testura#54)
Release 0.11.0 (Testura#37) * Added interface builder * Changed method builder so it add a semicolon if you set body to null
0.10.0 (Testura#35) * Added DateTimeOffset to type generator * Created multiple new modifiers * Added support for field initialization
Release 0.9.0 (Testura#33) * Fixed nullable datetime and timespan * Updated nugets
0.8,0 (Testura#24) * Added support modifiers on parameters * Fixed exception message in ValueArgument * Fixed so the attributes property in Field have a Set * Fixed and updated the documentation for the whole project.